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Planning for Study Abroad. Context “The strategic aim is to achieve an increase in the proportion of home students with some international experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for Study Abroad. Context “The strategic aim is to achieve an increase in the proportion of home students with some international experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for Study Abroad

2 Context “The strategic aim is to achieve an increase in the proportion of home students with some international experience to around 20% in 2020” UUK IU, UK Strategy on Outward Student Mobility Proposal November 2012

3 Ranked value of technical and soft skills tested (globally) ‘Culture at Work, the value of intercultural skills in the workplace’, British Council Demonstrates respect for others Works effectively in diverse teams Adapts easily to different cultural contexts Adjusts communication to suit different cultural contexts Understands different cultural contexts and viewpoints Tolerates ambiguity Qualifications related to job Time management Analytical thinking Understanding the marketplace Entrepreneurship IT skills

4 Application

5 Challenges Perception of cost Language requirements STEM Erasmus+ crystal ball Influencers The customer vs the student

6 Opportunities Employability Motivator for higher grade tariff Summer Schools

7 Costs Visas Insurance Start-up costs Travel and leisure

8 Resources thirdyearabroad.c om abroad/erasmus (Erasmus+ Study Abroad)

9 Any questions? 01392 723841

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