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The Powhatan Empire: The people of the Eastern Woodland By: Breckyn Taylor A4.

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1 The Powhatan Empire: The people of the Eastern Woodland By: Breckyn Taylor A4

2 The Empire The Empire consisted of Weetamoo, Massasoit, Wampanoag, Squanto, Mohican, Iroquois, Cherokee, and probably many more. They Empire was located around and near Virginia. It consisted about 14,000 to 21,000 Powhatan people living in the region. The confederacy was very powerful and very complex. They had a unique culture that the colonists would never get to comprehend.

3 The Social Class First, came the chief who was like a president to the Natives. The men could run for office, but the women were the only ones who could vote them in office or out. Next, came the chief’s children who basically had no power they were just like the popular children who could do any thing they wanted. Then, were the nobility who were the wealth people of the natives. Lastly, were they commoners who worked and lived regular lives unless the ran for the position of more power. COMMONERS CHIEF NOBILITY CHIEF’S CHILDREN

4 Homes The most popular homes were a Wigwams and the Longhouse. Both of these homes held many families that shared portions of the house. The Wigwams were structures weaved from bark, leafs, twigs, skins, and other natural things you would find in the forest. The Longhouse was a house made of branches and bark weaved together to make a rectangular shaped dome.

5 Men The men were in charge of most things outside the homes. They made bows, arrows, stone knives, and war clubs. They also could be voted for Chief. And they were the warriors that protected the city. The men wore breach skin cloths with leather pant legs tied on if the weather was cool. This is what a Powhatan warrior would have looked like.

6 Women The women’s jobs were tending the gardens, taking care of the children, and voting. They owned the homes and up kept it. They wore a dresses made of animal skins, beads/jewelry, and/or just a animal skin coat. They also, would decorate their hair with small hides, beads, and/or feathers. This is what a Powhatan women might have looked like.

7 Food The Powhatans were hunters and gather’s. they had gardens and harvest there food. They would also go on hunting trips that could go from an hour to a couple of days. They planted corn, beans, squash, and tobacco. They mainly hunted for deer.

8 Pocahontas Pocahontas was known for her help with Jamestowne. She was Chief Powhatan’s daughter. She taught the settlers how to survive and about the place they chose to settle in. She ended up marrying John Rolfe, a Jamestowne colonist, and she didn’t have any romance with John Smith they were just friends. There was also a story stating that she saved Captain John Smith (may or may not be true). She lived to be 21 and was 11 when she met John Smith.

9 Chief Powhatan He was the chief of the Powhatan people (hence his last name Powahatan). He leaded and guided them. While he was Chief he lived to see the settlers, but in the end died from them. When the settlers came King Hennery crowned him making him a royal subject and all of his people too. This made Powhatan angry. So, as a punishment he cut of trade with the settlers for some time (and the settlers almost starved to death).

10 Jamestowne The Powhatan people were critical to Jamestowne's survival. They taught them many things like how to grow corn, how to hunt, and how to use a bow. The Powhatans also, gained things from the settlers like copper, glass beads, hatchets, metal, and domesticated animals which they had not seen before.

11 Resources Sites of some of the pictures Sites for info. Sites for info. And I used my History Semester 1 Text Book and Blood on the River for additional info.

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