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Delivering as One at the Regional and Subregional Levels in Support of the AU and its NEPAD Programme Report to the 11th Session of the Regional Coordination.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering as One at the Regional and Subregional Levels in Support of the AU and its NEPAD Programme Report to the 11th Session of the Regional Coordination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering as One at the Regional and Subregional Levels in Support of the AU and its NEPAD Programme Report to the 11th Session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) RCM-Africa Secretariat 14-15 November 2010

2 Outline Introduction Achievements of RCM-Africa Secretariat Implementation of recommendations of the 10 th and previous RCM-Africa sessions Challenges and opportunities Recommendations

3 Introduction RCM-Africa recorded significant achievements in the review period (Nov 2009 – Oct 2010) AU, NPCA, and RECs now part and parcel of the RCM – that initially started as a UN affair Joint UN-AU RCM-Africa Secretariat established Joint Secretariat has dedicated staff from AUC and ECA Joint Secretariat is providing more strategic coordination and support to RCM-Africa NEPAD Coordination Unit established within AUC to further strengthen coordination processes

4 Summary of Achievements of RCM-Africa Inter and intra-Cluster coordination Strengthened through more robust consultations Increased and more strategic support Provided to RCM structures and processes Enhanced Communication and Advocacy Capacity of African countries and institutions to implement NEPAD programmes/projects Enhanced Revamped momentum in implementation of TYCBP-AU through comprehensive independent review

5 Inter and intra-Cluster coordination strengthened  RCM-Africa Secretariat organised a consultation meeting of Clusters/sub- Cluster Coordinators and co-Coordinators  As follow-up, Secretariat provided all Clusters and sub-Clusters with templates for standardised reporting  Secretariat also requested Clusters to develop guidelines for mainstreaming crosscutting issues into their work: as a result, some guidelines have been produced

6 Increased and more strategic support Provided to RCM  More substantive contributions to Cluster and sub-Cluster meetings  Substantive support to implementation of Cluster activities (e.g. Advocacy and Communication Cluster)  Stimulating action within Clusters: making proactive interventions and involving Cluster Coordinators in work of Secretariat

7 Enhanced Communication and Advocacy  Increased use of electronic and other media  Annual report of UN system-wide support to AU & its NEPAD programme prepared; presented at high- level meetings (e.g. Conference of Ministers)  Contribution to reports by SG to General Assembly  Preparation and distribution of promotional material: NEPAD Today (over 3000 subscribers); Directory of RCM-Africa members

8 Capacity of African countries & institutions to implement NEPAD programmes/projects enhanced  Workshop organised in collaboration with AUC and NPCA  Participants equipped with tools for project appraisal, management, and M&E  Secretariat called upon to organise similar workshops on topic critical to implementation of NEPAD programmes/projects

9 Revamped momentum in implementation of TYCBP-AU through review  ECA in collaboration with UNLO, DPA and AUC prepared terms of reference  Secretariat provided substantial technical contribution and significant financial and logistical support to the process  Senior Consultant undertook review (wide-spread consultations held with stakeholders)  Secretariat organised EGM to validate the report  Final report and key recommendations of the EGM will be tabled for endorsement at this meeting  Many Clusters and stakeholders also supported the process

10 Implementation of recommendations of the 10 th and previous RCM sessions AU leadership and ownership of RCM- Africa strengthened through establishment of the joint Secretariat More strategic support and coordination to the RCM being provided by Secretariat Review of TYCBP-AU undertaken SRCM established in Central Africa, coordinated by ECA SRO-CA

11 Implementation of recommendations of the 10 th and previous RCM sessions (con’t) Task Force coordinated by SRO-EA created to operationalise SRCM for Eastern and Southern Africa: operational modalities already proposed Coordination meeting of Clusters/sub- Clusters Coordinators and co- Coordinators organised Guidelines for standardised reporting prepared and provided to Clusters and sub-Clusters Business Plans developed or being developed by some Clusters

12 Implementation of recommendations of the 10 th and previous RCM sessions (con’t) Implementation of the following recommendations are ongoing:  Joint planning and programming of activities  Improved inter-Cluster coordination, and information sharing within and across Clusters  Mainstreaming of crosscutting issues in Cluster activities

13 Challenges Securing adequate human and financial resources for more effective coordination and support to Clusters and sub-Clusters Developing common work plans with financing, and M&E components, with specified timelines Upscaling communication and marketing activities relating to RCM-Africa in particular and TYCBP-AU in general, both internally among stakeholders and externally among African countries

14 Opportunities The establishment of NEPAD Coordination Unit within AUC could further improve coordination processes Existing AUC Strategic Plan and formulation of NPCA’ s Strategic Direction and Business Plan will assist in aligning UN system support with AUC and NPCA priorities Multi-year programes between ECA SROs and RECs could assist joint programming at the level of SRCMs

15 Conclusions & Lessons Learned More robust consultations are needed to strengthen intra-Cluster coordination AU leadership and ownership are critical for effective UN system support to AU and its NEPAD Programme Effective communication is required to boost UN system support to AU agenda Proactive interventions by the Secretariat are required to stimulate action by Clusters and sub-Clusters

16 Issues for Consideration The Secretariat should coordinate efforts to develop a comprehensive work plan in the context of the TYCPB-AU, aligned to the priorities of AUC, NPCA and RECs Clusters should complete their Business Plans reflecting AU/NEPAD priorities and aligned with the comprehensive work plan for the TYCBP-AU Clusters should speed up the process of embedding agreed-upon crosscutting issues in their work plans. The Secretariat should support establishment of a Task Force to facilitate the process The Secretariat should encourage RECs to designate focal points for cluster and the SRCM to ensure effective participation

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