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©2011 IBM Corporation Accessibility at IBM: An integrated, holistic approach IBM’s Accessibility Transformation Initiative.

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1 ©2011 IBM Corporation Accessibility at IBM: An integrated, holistic approach IBM’s Accessibility Transformation Initiative

2 ©2006 IBM Corporation 2 Corporate standards drive accessibility into fabric of IBM  Enforces top-down accessibility standard Directs IBM to design accessibility into products and services Integrates accessibility into IBM development process Provides accessibility checklists to enforce best practices / compliance  Evolves to support recognized regulations and legislation Supports country specific, region specific and worldwide -IBM Web standards correlate to both US Section 508 and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Monitors pending legislation worldwide Company-wide corporate instruction: CI 162 "Accessibility – which started out as a philanthropic effort – has now evolved to a business transformation effort for IBM and our clients.“- Sam Palmisano IBM chief addresses accessibility at annual stockholder’s meeting

3 ©2006 IBM Corporation 3 IBM Governance Model for Accessibility IBM Global Account (IGA) Service Delivery CIO (IT Governance) Human Resources (Policy) Accessibility Center (Rules/SME) Product Teams Government Portfolio: 5,000 Applications 15,000 Tools 2,000,000 Web Pages 20,000,000 Intranet Pages Accessibility Governance & Policy Makers at IBM

4 ©2006 IBM Corporation 4 Established to help ensure IBM product accessibility  Directs worldwide accessibility enablement of all IBM mainstream products All IBM operating organizations and subsidiaries will design features, functions and controls into IBM products that make them accessible to people who have disabilities  Applies to: Hardware products, options and systems Software products and applications Services Internet systems and Web sites Output of tool and code generators Product documentation IBM internal Web sites, tools and applications  Enforcement Verification is integrated into IBM development processes and included in corporate audits Corporate Instruction 162

5 ©2006 IBM Corporation 5 A proactive hub to accessibility resources and information  Drives company-wide product compliance Manages databases, monitors and reports on company-wide compliance progress  Provides technical consultations to development teams Conducts education and workshops Provides comprehensive, validated testing approach  Conducts deviation reviews with product teams Requires senior management approval for products not meeting full accessibility  Provides support for client product accessibility requests Acts as conduit between clients & IBM sales/development teams for client engagements Produces product accessibility templates for Section 508, W3C WCAG standards Accessibility Project Office

6 ©2006 IBM Corporation 6 How IBM weaves accessibility into the fabric of IBM  IBM uses a unified product and service development process across its business units  Development processes were updated to include requirements for accessibility  Processes also apply to internal tools, applications, intranet and Internet Web sites Accessibility driven into IBM development processes Internal IT development (Business Transformation Management System (BTMS)) Internal IT development (Business Transformation Management System (BTMS)) Product development (Integrated Product Development (IPD) process) Product development (Integrated Product Development (IPD) process) Services development (Integrated Services Development (ISD) process and Global Method) Services development (Integrated Services Development (ISD) process and Global Method) CI 162 – Accessibility of Information Technology for People with Disabilities

7 ©2006 IBM Corporation 7 Concept Accessibility Planning Deviation/Risk Acceptance Process CI 162 Checklist Assessment Address Non- compliances No Plan Checkpoint Exit Plan Accessibility Planning Deviation/Risk Acceptance Process CI 162 Checklist Assessment Address Non- compliances No Plan Checkpoint Exit Availability Accessibility Planning Deviation/Risk Acceptance Process CI 162 Checklist Assessment No Plan Checkpoint Exit IPD Accessibility Integration CI-162 is integrated into Corporate IPD process and Business Unit customized variants

8 ©2006 IBM Corporation 8 IBM developers rely on AC technical education Accessibility Center University Introductory Web Lectures (Launched April 2003) General Accessibility Strategy Overview Accessibility for IBM Sales and Marketing EMEA Introductory Web Lecture Understanding Accessibility Upcoming Web lectures (June 2003) Web Accessibility Techniques (Intermediate) Partnership Development and Alliances AP Introductory Web Lecture Accessibility Center Database Project Overview & Demonstration Technical Education under development Web Developer Roadmap Accessibility Testing Roadmap Java Developer Roadmap Lotus Notes Application Developer Roadmap Information Developer Roadmap Software Developer Roadmap Hardware Developers Roadmap

9 ©2006 IBM Corporation 9 IBM tools manage the accessibility integration process Management infrastructure Accessibility Center Web Accessibility Discussion Database Bid Support & Tracking Database Executive Reporting Product Accessibility Database Central repository for development teams that automates accessibility checklist completion, deviation approvals and creation of Section 508 templates Central database for IBM sales teams and clients to request product accessibility information, and track products requested and impact to sales Searchable repository of accessibility intellectual capital that allows development teams to discuss, share and gain information quickly Web site library that provides test tools, downloads, worldwide standards, news, marketing tools and best practices for developers and testers Quarterly executive report that shows product compliance progress, strategic top-tier products and potential accessibility impact to sales

10 ©2006 IBM Corporation 10 Tools facilitate efficiency and allow for strategic planning Accessibility Project Office IBM senior executives Accessibility tools facilitate process IBM development teams Compliance checking time reduced significantly Deviations processed quicker Bid response time improved 50% IBM sales teams Automated support request allows quicker response Sales reps know which compliant products to propose Faster response to customers Proactively monitor compliance progress Modify product strategy based on trend analysis Proactively monitor deviation trends Quick product compliance info to customers 70% time savings in generation of bid trend and product compliance reports Reduction of work effort redundancy Accessibility Center Web Accessibility Discussion Database Bid Support & Tracking Database Executive Reporting Product Accessibility Database

11 ©2006 IBM Corporation 11 IBM Rational Policy Tester Overview  What it is: Policy Tester is a powerful, automated, Web Compliance scanning solution that simplifies and dramatically decreases the time it takes to audit websites based on: -Regulatory requirements -Client policies -Industry best practices  What it does: Policy Tester scans Web content and evaluates it against a set of standards – either client policies or existing settings – to determine if sites adhere to regulations such as ADA Section 508, HIPAA, COPPA, and Safe Harbor  Benefits: Policy Tester enables organizations to: Avoid lost business when customers find out that their data is not collected securely Reduce risk of litigation for Online Privacy incidents Ensure that Web sites are accessible Maintain the image and reputation of the brand Realize ongoing operational cost reduction through automation of manual processes Reduce risk across the online channel

12 ©2006 IBM Corporation 12 Product Overview  Web portal style interface and browser plug-ins  Enterprise-class architecture designed to scale assessments  Central repository, which enables creating an inventory of your Web properties  User roles and access permissions  High-level dashboards displaying status and compliance risk

13 ©2006 IBM Corporation 13 Policy Tester Editions  Achieve compliance with regulatory and internal standards  Obtain assessments and establish governance during application development and content creation to mitigate risk and reduce cost Web Accessibility  WCAG  Section 508  AccessiWeb Web Privacy  Data collection practices  PII collection  3 rd party linking  GLBA, COPPA, HIPPA Web Content Quality  Broken links, spelling errors  Metadata  Content inventory

14 ©2006 IBM Corporation 14 We appreciate your feedback. Please fill out the survey form in order to improve this educational event.

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