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NEPA Public Review and EPA’s Mandate from Section 309 CAA

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1 NEPA Public Review and EPA’s Mandate from Section 309 CAA
Chapter 2 Module 4 HO #s 5 & 9

2 Module Objective LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The student will acquire a basic understanding of the NEPA reviews and how they fit within the ongoing civil works review processes.

3 Scientific Integrity Reviews target many things: Technical Adequacy should not be one of them. To avoid such occurrence you should: Ensure Professional Integrity of Analysis Identify & Certify Methodologies used and include descriptions in document appendices Reference Scientific Sources Use Best Science Promote Cooperating Agencies (40 CFR § )

4 Important EPA Review Concerns
Water Quality Air Quality Ground Water/sole source aquifers Wetlands Hazardous waste issues Environmental Justice Cumulative Impacts

5 Circulation & Public Review
Regulatory Basis 40 CFR ”obtain comments of agencies having jurisdiction by law.” 40 CFR Ch V. NEPA Implementation Procedures FR Vol. 49. No. 247, Friday Dec 21, 1984 Appendix III; Federal & State Agency Offices for Receiving and Commenting on Other Agencies Environmental Documents. 40 CFR “duty to comment.” FR vol. 53, Feb 3, 1988, Environmental Quality; Procedures for Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 33 CFR parts 230 and 325 also known as NEPA Implementation Procedures; Appendices I, II, & III (49 FR 49750, Dec 21, 1984) Agencies having Jurisdiction by law. Organized by 1. Pollution 2. Energy 3. Land Use DOD-Army Wetlands DOI-FWS Endangered Species 4. Natural Resources Management These are old addresses and may have changed. I know the Corps address has changed. A url for this document is in Handout #9.

6 Circulation & Requirements for Public Review
Federal Register /Vol. 76, No. 10 /Friday, January 14, 2011 Amended EIS Filing System An EIS must be filed with the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC. EPA then places a Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. An EA can also be circulated. However, a NOA for an EAs is not published in the Federal Register ! Any person, organization or agency requesting a copy can review the document. EAs are not filed with EPA!!!! District Commanders do file permit action NEPA documents. HQUSACE assists Districts filing NEPA documents going to Congress for authorization. Division Commanders file all other FEIS documents. Generally you should verify the filing of the FEIS because it can vary with the intent of the report it accompanies.

7 Public Review Time Frames
Publication of NOA starts review times 45 days for the DEIS. 30 days for the FEIS. Minimum of 90 days from DEIS NOA to signing a ROD. EAs typically have a 30 day public review period until FONSI is signed (see ER for specifics regarding civil works planning documents) 30 Day State & Agency Review* *This is an Agency imposed review not NEPA 90 days for total process Concurrent review can occur if the DEIS can be circulated in 45 days then the FEIS can be reviewed within the 90 day period. 45 day review for Supplemental DEIS. Internal reviews (Departmental State and Agency Reviews) may run concurrently with the 30 day FEIS review. This review is separate with-in the Corps’ existing procedures.

8 NEPA/COE Process Flow Chart
Federal Action Issue NOI & Conduct Scoping Issue DEIS Issue FEIS 45 days 30 days * S&A Review yes Sign. Env Effects? yes Sign. Env Effects? no yes Issue ROD Need Env Review? unknown Significance is related to many things. Controversy is applicable if impact being considered is significance. Otherwise doesn’t call for an EIS. Issue Draft FONSI Prepare EA no 30 DAYS CATEX Implement Action

9 The EPA Review Process Section 309 of the Clean Air Act, “the Administrator of EPA shall review and comment in writing” on the draft EIS. Does not apply to EAs! EPA provides a rating of the project’s impacts and an evaluation of the adequacy of the analysis. 33,600 EISs were reviewed from Policy & Procedures for Review of Federal Actions (USEPA 10/3/84): Office of External Affairs, Office of Federal Activities, Washington, DC.

10 History of Section 309 CAA 1970 Publication of EPA’s review of the NEPA document for the proposed Supersonic Transport Aircraft (SST) was being held by DOT. DOT believed NEPA had no explicit public disclosure requirements. Senator Edmund Muskie sponsored Section 309 requiring public release of NEPA comments.

11 Rating System Lack of objections LO Environmental concerns EC
EO EU* 1 2 3* Lack of objections Environmental concerns Environmental objections Environmentally unsatisfactory Adequate Insufficient information Inadequate LO — Lack of Objection EPA has no objections to the proposed action as described in the draft impact statement, or suggests only minor changes. ER — Environmental Reservations EPA has reservations concerning the environmental effects of the proposed action, and suggests further study of alternative actions, or modification of the proposal. EU — Environmentally Unsatisfactory EPA believes that the proposal's potential for harming the environment cannot be prevented by environmental safeguards. Therefore, EPA recommends that the acting agency consider alternative actions, or take no action at all.58 Similarly, the comments on the adequacy of the impact statement fall into three categories: Category I — Adequate The draft impact statement adequately sets forth the environmental impact of the proposal and the alternatives reasonably available to the proposal. Category II — Insufficient Information The draft impact statement does not contain sufficient information for EPA to fully assess the environmental impact of the proposal. EPA, however, makes a preliminary determination of the proposal's environmental impact, and requests the acting agency to provide additional information. Category III — Inadequate The draft impact statement does not adequately assess the proposals environmental impact or the reasonably available alternative courses of action. EPA requests that the impact statement by substantially revised to provide additional information and analysis.59 If a draft statement is placed in category 3, no rating will be made on the environmental impact of the proposed project because there is insufficient information on which to base such a rating. EPA headquarters retains responsibility for commenting on legislation and regulations. Commenting on other agency action, however, remains almost entirely with the ten EPA regional offices. Only when a proposal's subject matter involves more than one region, a high degree of national controversy, or an area of policy not previously considered by the agency, will central headquarters handle commenting procedures.60 If a regional office classifies a proposal "EU" or "3", EPA headquarters screens the classification to make sure that EPA is not condemning agency action without strong supporting evidence. If draft impact statements are placed in categories ER, EU, 2, or 3, the EPA directive requires that the proposal be reviewed again at the final impact statement stage to make sure that its comments at the draft stage were assimilated and to resolve whatever shortcomings the project may still have.61 Comments at the final stage are directed solely at the project's environmental acceptability, and are not concerned with the sufficiency of information [3 ELR 50080] in the statement itself.62 Although comments on final statements are made in paragraph form and are not categorized, they correspond to categories "EU" and "ER" of "LO" at the draft stage. If EPA finds the proposals as described in the final statement to be substantively acceptable with only minor changes, the preparation of a formal comment for transmittal to the proposing agency and publication in the Federal Register is left entirely to the discretion of the EPA reviewer. This is arguably permissible because § 309(b) expressly requires only that EPA publish comments on "unsatisfactory" proposals, and says nothing with regard to publication of comments on "satisfactory" proposals. Nevertheless, the EPA reviewer is encouraged to prepare written comments whenever the originating agency has made significant modifications or improvement in the proposed action to comply with EPA's suggestions at the draft statement level. When formal comments are not prepared, the EPA § 309 review process requires that the reviewer file a memorandum at the Office of Federal Activities in EPA recording his decision and underlying rationale for approving the proposal.63 If the reviewer has environmental reservations about a proposal at the final statement stage he must prepare a comment for publication in the Federal Register summaries and transmittal to the proposing agency. The EPA Deputy Dadministrator then notifies CEQ by memorandum of its summary comments. The memorandum merely reiterates the summary comment, makes no mention of § 309(b) of the Clean Air Act, and does not constitute a formal § 309 referral to CEQ.64 If the reviewer determines that the proposal as set forth in the final statement is environmentally unsatisfactory, the reviewer's determination will be screened by the EPA Administrator. If the Administrator agrees that the proposal is unsatisfactory, he will refer the matter to CEQ under § 309(b), and a summary comment will be published in the Federal Register. Ratings are combined, for example: EC-2. *Adverse Ratings require HQ Approval 11

12 EPA’s EIS Rating System
Project LO- No identified potential impacts requiring substantive changes to proposal. EC- Impacts identified that must be avoided. Corrective measures may require project changes. EU- Significant adverse impacts identified that are unsatisfactory from public health or policy standpoint. If not corrected in the FEIS, the proposal will be recommended for referral to CEQ.

13 EPA EIS’s Rating System (cont)
Document 1 – Adequate. Good to go! 2 –Insufficient Information. More information is needed or review has identified other alternatives within scope of DEIS. The additional information or analysis should be included in the FEIS. 3 – Inadequate. Seriously lacking in information or analysis to address potentially significant environmental impacts. Other alternatives outside spectrum of EIS needed. The draft EIS does not meet NEPA and/or Section 309 requirements. Potential Referral if not corrected and reissued as a DEIS.

14 Incomplete or Unavailable Information
Relevant to Study Reasonable Foreseeable Significant Adverse Impacts Essential to a Reasoned Choice Among Alternatives (40 CFR § )

15 Incomplete or Unavailable Information
IF: Cost is exorbitant Means are not known THEN: Follow 4 step process: State information is not available State why it is relevant Summarize existing credible information Make your best estimate of impacts (40 CFR § ) (Only amendment to Guidelines)

16 Consultation follow-up of DEIS Ratings
Category Lead Agency Pre-notification Post-Draft EIS Follow-up LO EC-1, EC-2 EO-1, EO-2 None Phone Call Meeting EO-3, EU-1 EU-2, EU-3 Consultation is maintained to anticipate and make early preparation for those final EISs which may be so unresponsive to EPA’s concerns that a recommendation for referral of the final EIS to CEQ will be occur. Project Impacts Quality of Analysis LO: Lack Objections “A” grade EC: Environmental Concerns EO: Environmental Objections EU: Environmentally Unsatisfactory

17 EIS Ratings All Agencies Draft EISs 0.7%EU

18 Referral of an EIS Occurs when interagency disagreement over issues of unsatisfactory environmental effects or analysis. Issues are not resolved with the lead agency. The disagreement is referred to CEQ. : Total 27 referrals, 9 of which were COE 34,152 EIS filed since 2008 EPA can refer as can any other agency if they feel adequacy of EIS warrants it and issues cannot be resolved with action agency. WHO IS CEQ? Average 2/year except during the late 80’s when BRAC was active and then the number rose to 7 or 8. Referrals can be made to CEQ in one of two ways. First, under 1504 of the CEQ regulations, any federal agency or department may refer a proposed major federal action to CEQ within twenty-five days after a final EIS has been made available to the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”), to commenting agencies, and to the public. 40 C.F.R A second referral route is provided by 309 of the Clean Air Act. 42 U.S.C Under 309, the EPA administrator may refer to the CEQ any proposed major federal action which he or she deems to be environmentally unsatisfactory.

19 Then What!

20 CEQ Response Determines if submitted information supports a request for referral. Historically, referrals discouraged if the referring agency has authority to address the environmentally unsatisfactory issue. Publishes its findings, including a finding that the referral is not supported by submitted information. Submits its recommendation to the Agency or the President for action. CEQ is the arbitrator between agencies!

21 How to Avoid Referral Good Scoping effort to identify issues.
Take advantage of cooperating agency’s expertise. Use sound scientific analyses and avoid taking positions not supported by sound science Maintain good coordination with other interested Federal agencies. Be sure to include the public in the process. Avoid politically inspired positions not supported by good science.

22 Why Avoid Referral Saves time & money! Affects agency credibility!

23 COE Document Review District Quality Control (DQC)
Managed and conducted in home District by staff not directly involved with the study. Focus is on meeting objectives of the PMP Agency Technical Review (ATR) Conducted by USACE outside of home District; for Planning products, managed by PCX Focus on Planning criteria, principles, laws etc DQC and ATR results are included in the Draft EIS and are subject to Public/Agency Reviews Promote Quality Decision Documents Support Chief of Engineer Decision Process.

24 COE Document Review (cont)
Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) Conducted by an outside eligible organization (OEO) - IRS 501(c)(3). Legislative basis in WRDA & Information Quality Act 2001 (OMB directed to issue guidelines) Implemented by EC Applies to Feasibility and other Reports requiring Congressional Authorization and CAP 205 &103 projects & those w/EISs or other triggers.

25 Other Concurrent Civil Works Review Requirements
Independent External Peer Review ( cont) Focus on Scientific Information/technical issues associated with planning for civil works projects No Policy or agency authority review Results are posted on district website for public review Policy and Legal Compliance Reviews Focus on a legally defensible document Safety Assurance Review

26 COE Document Review (cont)
EC Civil Works Review Board March 2005 Replaces old Board of River & Harbors Establishes the readiness of Chief’s Report for State and Agency Review Supported by IEPR, DQC & ATR Chair Deputy Commanding General for Civil Works: 1. Director Civil Works Civil Works CoP 3. One RIT (not from MSC) Other CoPs 5. IEPR Representative PCX Representative

27 Old NEPA and the COE Review Process
F Rpt CWRB S&A Review Chief’s Rpt 905(b) PMP RP FSCA FSM AFB DFRpt ASA OMB Civil Works Process Steps 4-12 NOA 45 D NOA 30F NEPA NOI Scoping DQC ATR Circular EC addresses OMB peer review requirements under the "Information Quality Act" and the Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review by the Office of Management and Budget (referred to as the "OMB Peer Review Bulletin"). It also provides guidance for the implementation of both Sections 2034 and 2035 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2007 (Public Law (P.L.) ). Note as presented the slide illustrates an iterative process of review not unlike the planning process. LCR is not included in the EC FYI. I noted that 209 has different info on ATR from what was in EC (ITR)(replaced with ATR). The recent guidance in 209 does not require ATR for the FSM and AFB, although 410 did require ITR at the FSM and AFB. Both require ATR/ITR for the draft and final. Appendix G still indicates that technical products submitted for the FSM should have been subjected to ATR/ITR although the concerns may not have been resolved yet. So this is confusing. I look at ATR/ITR as verifying that technical reviewers have concluded the data and analyses are correct. ATR/ITR is also supposed to address policy compliance. So when we look at products we should be verifying policy compliance and assume technical work has been checked. However, we sometimes see stuff coming in that looks like it hasn't been through DQC or ATR before getting to HQ. So I believe DQC should be done for anything leaving the district and would encourage verifying technical correctness and policy compliance at each FSM and AFB milestone even if ATR is not done. IEPR Web Page LCR RIT/OWPR PCR Stars mark the review milestone determined by Review Plan

28 HQUSACE Smart Planning Process

29 NEPA/COE Review & Smart Planning Process
905(b) PMP RP FSCA Congressional Committees ASA OMB Chief’s Rpt Milestone Scoping Charrette NEPA NOI NOA 45 D NOA 30 D These milestones mark key decisions along the path to an effective and efficient study. With engagement of the Vertical Team and key HQUSACE Senior Leaders at the milestones, the PDT is assured that decisions made will not be revisited without good reason. Alternatives Milestone – The Vertical Team and Project Delivery Team agree on the final array of alternatives and the criteria that will be used to evaluate and compare the alternatives to select the agency recommended plan. In addition, there is Vertical Team agreement that the objectives of the study are consistent with Corps authorities and priorities. Tentatively Selected Plan Milestone – The Vertical Team and Project Delivery Team agree on the plan that will be published as the Tentatively Selected Plan for public review. Concurrent to public review, technical, policy, and legal reviews will occur. Agency Decision Milestone – The Project Delivery Team and Vertical Team bring forward the TSP to Senior Leadership, including the Deputy Commanding General of Civil and Emergency Operations (DCG-CEO) for confirmation. With confirmation, this plan becomes the agency recommended plan that will be the focus of increased engineering and cost design / detail sufficient to complete the feasibility study report. Final Report Milestone – The DCG-CEO approves the final report for state and agency review, convening the Civil Works Review Board at his discretion. Chief’s Report Milestone – The Chief’s Report is developed for signature. VT IPRs DQ/ATR/ IEPR/OWPR LCR DCG-CEO/ OWPR ( ASA by invitation) Stars mark the milestones at:

30 ER 200-2-2 EIS Time line NOI 28 Propose action TIME Variable Scoping
30-90 days Prepare DEIS days HQUSACE/MSC/RIT Policy Review 30-60 DAYS Filing of DEIS for concurrent HQ/Public Review 45 days Incorporate Comments days Washington Level Review 30-60 DAYS FEIS filed for concurrent S& A Public Review 30 days Respond to Cmts 30 days Chief’s Rpt to ASA ASA Review & Coordination with OMB 30-60 days ROD Signed Send Rpt to Congress Wait for WRDA 28

31 AR EIS Time Line 29

32 Take Away Points Public Review is a required part of the process.
EPA’s review authority derives from the CAA. Not based on the NEPA Not part of CAA regulatory role Good Science forms the basis for an LO rating! Scoping helps identify relevant issues! CEQ is the ultimate arbitrator Agency review processes augment NEPA ! NEPA is a procedural legislation. Follow the Process!

33 Practitioners Guide to NEPA
“The NEPA Book: A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Comply with the National Environmental Policy Act" Ronald E. Bass, Albert I. Herson, Kenneth M. Bogan 2001 (Second Edition) Solano Press, 475 pages $65.00 There also a lot of other reference out there to help with NEPA documents. The NEPA Book is one of the many popular references.

34 NEPA Certification Program
Duke Environmental Leadership Program NEPA Certificate (Signed by Chair, CEQ) Representative Courses Implementation of the NEPA Preparing & Documenting Environmental Impact Analysis Accounting for Cumulative Effects in the NEPA Process Scoping, Public Involvement and Environmental Justice Socioeconomic Impact Analysis Under NEPA The Law & NEPA

35 NEPA Certification Program
Utah State University National Environmental Policy Act Graduate Certificate Program Representative Courses (12 hrs. Required) How to Manage the NEPA Process and Write Effective NEPA Documents (2 hrs) Clear Writing for NEPA Specialists (2 hrs) Reviewing NEPA Documents (2 hrs) NEPA Cumulative Impacts (1 hr) Socioeconomic Impact Analysis (1hr) NEPA & Climate Change (1hr)

36 NEPA Certification Program
Duke Environmental Leadership Program NEPA Certificate Utah State University National Environmental Policy Act Graduate Certificate Program. The Shipley Group

37 NEPA Review Check List See Reference Files on Class Disk

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