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A universal effective and efficient process ↓ Recognise the skills and experience of candidates gained on the job ↓ In a group setting ↓ gain a qualification.

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Presentation on theme: "A universal effective and efficient process ↓ Recognise the skills and experience of candidates gained on the job ↓ In a group setting ↓ gain a qualification."— Presentation transcript:

1 A universal effective and efficient process ↓ Recognise the skills and experience of candidates gained on the job ↓ In a group setting ↓ gain a qualification


3 Worksite visit Work Samples Third party report Evidence presentation

4  Group Assessment is usually done in a large group setting (classroom) and captures learning that has been recently acquired  Group Recognition (GR) is an assessment platform which uses a number of methods to capture the existing knowledge and skills of candidates

5  We are a range of Recognition products that breathe innovation and enjoyment into RPL  We are Recognition products that use at- hand tools and evidence  We are totally efficient in time and resource  We are simple and seamless, you have end- to-end support and service from the Group Recognition team

6  Evidence Presentation Forum ( EPF)  Worksite Visit Event (WVE)  The Collaborative Discussion (TCD)  Directed Activities (DA)  Directed Conversation (DC) Group Recognition

7  Group Recognition works with candidates who have existing skills developed ‘on the job’ and are working in job roles that reflect the qualification they are seeking  E.g. Senior hairdresser who has been successful gaining a Manager position...or the Senior Hairdresser who regularly relieves the Manager (formally or informally) would be able to give evidence in a Group Recognition setting to gain...


9  Consultation and Customisation of GR Process  Trained Assessors  Assessment Validation  Cost Effective and Time Efficient  Supportive of all stakeholders  Marketing Tools  Eligibility Checklists  Candidate Guides  Assessor Guides  Assessment Record Templates

10 Visit: Email: Or Thank you so much for this invitation OR complete the Contact Details sheet circulated, and the GR team will contact you.

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