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IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Contributing to the sustainable recovery of the Chernobyl affected areas S. Fesenko NAAL, IAEA.

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Presentation on theme: "IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Contributing to the sustainable recovery of the Chernobyl affected areas S. Fesenko NAAL, IAEA."— Presentation transcript:

1 IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Contributing to the sustainable recovery of the Chernobyl affected areas S. Fesenko NAAL, IAEA

2 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 2 Programmatic Elements of Subprogramme on the Environmental issues (2008-2009) Assessment in support of sustainable management of the terrestrial environment RadioecologyEcotoxicologyRemediation

3 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 3 Background Following the accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, a lot of different countermeasures were implemented. Recommendations on the application of agricultural countermeasures were published by the IAEAas "Guidelines for agricultural countermeasures following an accidental release of radionuclides" (1994). ____________________________________________________ Since then, new information on behaviour of radionuclides and effectiveness of remedial actions has been obtained and reviewed by several projects including the Chernobyl Forum (2006). A new approach was developed to derive remediation strategies for and this approach was successfully implemented in the affected countries. These facts show a need in updating of the approach for remediation planning and justification.

4 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 4 Major Chernobyl related deliverables – Remediation Recommendations on remedial options: data, new technologies, new approaches to remediation planning Contribution to the development of the Decision Support System for remediation planning (ReSCA) Training in application of modern analytical techniques and QA in monitoring in areas affected by the Chernobyl accident Training in application of the Environmental DCCs Support of the Chernobyl related TC projects

5 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 5 Recommendations on remedial actions Chernobyl Forum: contributions to the Remediation Chapter Agricultural countermeasures: reviews Remediation book IAEA working materials in collaboration with TC (EU-1) Methodology for “remediation tools” Suggestions on ecologically sound technologies

6 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 6 Agricultural countermeasures: reviews

7 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 7 Remediation book

8 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 8 Remediation book

9 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 9 The IAEA working materials in collaboration with TC (EU-1) Cover technical aspects of the IAEA recommendations on remediation of the Chernobyl affected areas Provide site-specific data Provide justifications for national authorities Manuals for the Decision Support Tools

10 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 10 ReSCA software tool o The tool provides robust and practicable remediation strategies based on both radiological criteria and acceptability of the remedial options. o The tool is based on the approach harmonised across three affected countries. o The tool is flexible enough to be integrated to the national systems of the remediation planning. o The tool is based on the recent ICRP recommendations and the dose to “Representative person” is in a focus of the optimisation process for remediation.

11 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 11 Remediation tool: Main menu Two language interface Simplicity in a use Possibility of use both site-specific and general information Opportunity to provide flexible decisions based on both radiological criteria and acceptability of remedial options. Diversity of output results: from individual fields to all affected areas

12 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 12 ReSCA software tool Infrastructures Updates Trainings Fellowships

13 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 13 ReSCA software tool: Examples Total averted collective dose (person-Sv) as function of funds invested in remediation in three countries after realization of social (solid line) and radiological (dashed line) strategies

14 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 14 ReSCA software tool: Examples Variations in the number of settlements where annual effective dose exceeds 1 mSv with funds allocated for remediation in 2010.

15 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 15 Map of affected settlements according to the annual dose as calculated with the ReSCA Map of affected settlements according to the annual dose as calculated with the ReSCA

16 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 16 Continuation of the Remediation Strategy project in 2010-2016 (In close cooperation with planned TC activities) Support in sustainable development of the areas affected by the Chernobyl accident Recommendations on use of modern ecologically sound remedial technologies Technical support to long-term remediation planning Continuation of training of the staff involved in radiation monitoring and remediation of the affected areas Technical support for the development and updating tools for optimising management in areas with high contamination levels

17 IAEA TM ENVORONET, November 2009 17 Thank you for your attention!

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