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NMED 1000 Is the Medium the Message?. NMED 1000 Marshall McLuhan –Marshall McLuhan was born in 1911 to Elsie, a traveling elocutionist, and Herbert, a.

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Presentation on theme: "NMED 1000 Is the Medium the Message?. NMED 1000 Marshall McLuhan –Marshall McLuhan was born in 1911 to Elsie, a traveling elocutionist, and Herbert, a."— Presentation transcript:

1 NMED 1000 Is the Medium the Message?

2 NMED 1000 Marshall McLuhan –Marshall McLuhan was born in 1911 to Elsie, a traveling elocutionist, and Herbert, a salesman, and raised in Winnipeg.

3 NMED 1000 At the University in Manitoba, he was considered chatty and conservative; deeply religious, yet always ready to debate fundamental notions like evolution and creationism to the ground.

4 NMED 1000 McLuhan is the theorist who coined the term “global village” and the phrase “the medium is the message”. When he studied at Cambridge University he would later claim that James Joyce was the first to catalogue the effects of electric technology in his revolutionary novel Finnegan’s Wake. ce1/ ce1/

5 NMED 1000 In 1964 McLuhan catapulted to fame when he published, Understanding Media, a book that revolutionized viewing media as environments, rather than objects.

6 NMED 1000 McLuhan is noted to have said: –"My kind of study of communication is a study of transformations...of how people are transformed by the media they use." Marshall_On_Speaking-Freely_4_JAN_1971.mp3

7 NMED 1000 Participation for Next Class: Marshall_On_Speaking-Freely_4_JAN_1971.mp3

8 NMED 1000 Lab Assignment In preparation for your critical reviews, read and take notes on the articles handed out today. Write down one idea presented in each article that caught your interest or attention to share and discuss in class.

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