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June 19, 2014 AIAA DETC Meeting Aviation Forum Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA.

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Presentation on theme: "June 19, 2014 AIAA DETC Meeting Aviation Forum Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 19, 2014 AIAA DETC Meeting Aviation Forum Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA

2 2 Welcome to DETC's 2nd Meeting of 2014 Introductions Select a secretary to handle the minutes

3 3 Agenda Welcome SciTech 2014 minutes approval Future Meeting Plans Organization Chart Treasurer’s Report Paper Sessions Liaison Reports TAC Report Publications DETC Design Guide Participation Model Design Engineering Award DBF Report Subcommittee Reports

4 4 DETC Minutes SciTech 2014 New process for approving minutes  Draft minutes published and placed on website within 30 days  Members review and provide corrections/updates  Reminder and draft minutes distributed with next meeting agenda and notice  Review and recommend for approval or update/corrections at next meeting SCiTech minutes  Draft minutes posted/sent out Recommend approval

5 SciTech Minutes Separate file 5

6 DETC Meeting Schedule 2014 2nd Meeting AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2014 Location: Atlanta, GA Date: 16 - 20 June 2014 2015 1st Meeting AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Expostion (SciTech) 2015 Location: Orlando, FL Date: 5 - 9 January 2015 2015 2nd Meeting AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2015 Location: Dallas, TX Date: 22 - 26 June 2015

7 DETC Organization Chart Design Engineering Technical Committee Sid Rowe – Chair Chuck Hall – Vice-Chair Bob Dauwalter – Treasurer Jerry Brown – Chair Emeritus Jon Cutshall - Webmaster Publications Russ Althof Awards Jerry Brown Conference Planning ???? – Aviation Russ Althof – Sci Tech Design Guide S/C Russ Althof – Chair Garfield Creary – V/C Design Process S/C Dave Staggers – Chair TBD – V/C Bob Dauwalter Vladimir Balabanov Garfield Creary Jon Cutshall Clark Briggs John DiNonno Jerry Brown Dave Staggers Jian Wang Clif Davies Nans Kunz Chuck Hall Steering Committee New Members: Farooq Akram Frank Dervault Membership TBD Education S/C Jon Cutshall – Chair Jian Wang – V/C Johann Schrell Chuck Hall Gary Honea Franz-Josef Kahlen Lisa Saam Clark Briggs Computer Aided Enterprise Systems S/C Mike Bailey- Chair TBD- Vice-chair Clark Briggs Garth Mattson Phillip Pacini

8 8 Treasurer’s Report Bob Dauwalter Account total: $8,666.86

9 TC Funds Request for expense reimbursement  Russ Althof - Mailing Books for DBF Best Paper  Russ & Jerry – other similar expenses 9

10 10 Paper Sessions Aviation 2014 – Five papers presented. SciTech 2015 – 19 Abstracts

11 11 SciTech 2015 Paper Sessions 19 abstracts submitted in four sub-topics  Education  Process  Design – Innovative & Creative Designs  Design – Model Based Design Reviewers assigned – all reviews must be complete by Jul 1  Will coordinate via email and telecon, if necessary, to make final selections Session assignments due in Aug

12 SciTech 2015 Paper Sessions - cont Worked with AIAA to establish a session with late entries for the World Conservation UAV Challenge (wcUAVc)  Their CDR papers are due Jun 30  Agreed to give them two weeks to submit their top papers to the DETC  One week for DETC review and acceptance The final manuscripts are due after their flights and final report, so can get the entire project in the presentations and papers 12

13 13 Liaison Assignments & Discussion MDO TC/ASME- Vladimir Balabanov Design, Build, & Fly Contest- Dave Staggers Congressional Visit Day- Garfield Creary Academic Affairs Committee- Chuck Hall Sci Tech Next Forum - Russ Althof Structures TC- Jon Cutshall A/C Des TC / CADWG- Jerry Brown Systems Engineering- Jian Wang

14 14 TAC Meeting Report (April) SciTech Paper Stats – During the last TAC Exec meeting someone asked for the paper stats of past years. Results are attached. SciTech numbers show we are staying around the same as in the past. SDM 2012 was held in Hawaii with limited space and great demand which resulted in high submission/rejection rates. The combined numbers for ASM, SDM and GNC do not reflect SciTech numbers. SDM and GNC did not have a full year between conferences

15 15 DETC Newsletter SciTech and Aviation publications  SciTech (inputs due 12/15/2014) –Cover Aviation results and DBF plans  Aviation (inputs due 5/31/2015 ?) –Cover SciTech results, DBF results, and Design Award Winner Need volunteer(s) to help with newsletter Need inputs from S/C’s, SDM, DBF, Membership, etc

16 16 DETC Year End Article Due in September Topics for this year?

17 17 Design Guide Sub-committee 6 th Edition published in late 2012  Sales to date are 189 Design Guide App released in May 2013  2,855 downloads (primarily students who get the premium version for free)  75 sales of Premium Edition Target date for 7 th Ed in 2017  Actual date pending sales vs quantity on hand

18 Design Guide App IOS only version at this time (iPad and iPhone) Free version with minimal information (marketing only) Premium version available  $19.95 – 75 sold to date  Basically an e-book type format with all material having (affordable) digital permissions from sources  AIAA treats e-book sales the same as hard copy with respect to royalties!! 18

19 Design Guide App - cont Future Updates  iOS version update  Android version  Possible Microsoft version  Possible interactive version – formulas, table look-up, etc 19

20 7 th Edition 2017 target date Three areas identified for updates:  Ch 8 – Electrical Design (no updates for the 6 th ed)  Sources and references –Some are very outdated and need more recent versions as the reference –Some have been identified by AIAA Pubs as having very high permissions fees, especially for the App  Figures –Only new figures and figures requiring metrification were updated 20

21 7 th Edition Updates Do not have to wait for the release of the 7 th edition to publish updates!  Any updated material, references, figures can be pushed to the App  Provides incentive to make continuous updates  Should consider a regular schedule for an update (like twice a year – new figures, references, etc) 21

22 Pocket Guide Considering low cost pocket guide version  Similar to free version App  For advertising and marketing purposes  Possible TAC funding to publish  Need cost estimate from AIAA Pubs  Draft provided by AIAA Pubs 22

23 23 Participation Model The participation model was accepted for implementation in 2009  If a member does not meet the requirements in a calendar year, he/she will be on probation the following year and must meet requirements that year or may be dismissed from the TC  Since new members are not officially members of the TC until May 1, the participation requirements do not apply until the beginning of the following year

24 24 TC Participation in Two or Three Forums Is anyone attending the Space Forum this year that could report back on technical content?

25 25 Awards Design Engineering Award Nominations  Was awarded at SciTech to Michael Benjamin/GE  We have a goal to get 6 quality nominations for the next award  Additional comments: –The award recipient cannot have been a member of the TC for at least two years –We need to NOT rely on AIAA only to advertise and solicit nominations for this award –Create and post flyers at all conferences –Send solicitation letter to engineering management of major aerospace firms for nominations  What are the dates we are focusing toward?

26 26 Design, Build, Fly 18 th year of the competition 2014 Fly-off held in Wichita, KS and hosted by Cessna Aircraft in April 100 entries, 80 report submittals (eligible for fly- off), 71 teams in attendance (19 international), 49 with a successful flight attempt

27 2013 DBF Results 1 st Place – University of Southern California 2 nd Place – University of California - Irvine 3 rd Place – San Jose State University 27

28 2013 DBF Best Paper Award Cal Poly – SLO – score: 98.7/100 28

29 29 Subcommittee Reports Design Guide Design Process Education Computer Aided Engineering Systems  What do we want to do for these reports for Aviation? –Include subcommittee report for the period between SciTech and Aviation? –Leave S/C reports out of the minutes?

30 30 Adjourn See you in Orlando in January!!!

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