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Our Community By Ms. Bednark and Ms. Morden’s Second Graders Roosevelt Elementary December 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Community By Ms. Bednark and Ms. Morden’s Second Graders Roosevelt Elementary December 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Community By Ms. Bednark and Ms. Morden’s Second Graders Roosevelt Elementary December 2002

2 I like the video store because if we didn ’ t have movie stores we wouldn ’ t get new movies. Robbie

3 Firefighters help people in fires. It can be in cars. Fires can be in house to. I hope it doesn’t happen to you. Jessica

4 Astronauts help us keep the sun warm or hot and they keep the earth healthy. Joseph

5 Me and my brother and my dad like to build houses together. My dad’s company is called Rock N’ Roof. Jack

6 Farmers plant crops. Farmers have chickens, pigs, cats, cows, ducks and dogs. They have to get up early to get their work done. They work hard to get their work done. Kristal

7 Nurses work in the hospital. They help people when they are sick and when they are hurt and they work in the doctors office and they help other nurses. Destiny

8 A teacher helps kids learn math and spelling. If you didn’t have a teacher you wouldn’t know anything. Kylie

9 Army men help and protect the country. They have to be ready for battle. Army men do lots of things they have to do, like drive a battle tank. Johnathan

10 I see lots of animals in the world. Anthony

11 My mom works at Great Lakes Reporting. She answers phones. Paige

12 This is my uncle Darrel. He is a construction worker. He is working on the Road. Alex

13 This is our school, Roosevelt. It is a fun school. I do not know if you like it, but I do. Inside we have a gold slip store. We have prizes in the goldslip store. I have got a lot of stuff from the goldslip store. Aireeonna

14 Police officers are important in our community because they protect us a lot. Jason

15 This is a nurse. In the community there are nurses that help people that are sick. They help the doctors get the equipment. Alina

16 This is a veterinarian’s office! A veterinarian is someone who takes care of animals. I like veterinarians because I like animals! Kristin

17 My community worker is a Fisherman that is in a tournament. Because they catch fish for stores. And they ship them frozen. Brian

18 I like fireplaces because they keep people warm in the winter. They also look pretty. My dad is a brick layer. He builds fireplaces. I get to go to work with him! Brittany

19 My community worker owns a drug store that sells medicine and helps people. Cheyanne

20 A carpenter is important because carpenters build houses. And houses help keep us safe and warm. Delaney

21 Factories are really important to our community because we need transportation. Cars are good in case you’re going out of town. Lorenzo

22 My community person is a bunch of kids. Kids are important because if we didn’t have kids we wouldn’t have adults. Nick

23 The zoo keeper helps the animals. Every one likes the zoo keeper. Vincent

24 The End

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