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National Instructional Materials Access Center Overview Julia Myers 04/30/07.

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1 National Instructional Materials Access Center Overview Julia Myers 04/30/07

2 NIMAC and APH The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) of 2004 requires states to address the critical difficulty in obtaining accessible textbooks for students with disabilities by adopting a new file format, the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS). This same legislation offers a means to assist states in this responsibility by establishing a national repository to collect and store these files and make them available to states. This repository is the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC), and it is being established at the American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. (APH) with support from the U.S. Department of Education. The legislation directs the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education to establish the center at APH.

3 NIMAC The National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) serves as a national repository for NIMAS files and as a conduit through which NIMAS files are made available only to authorized users so that these files may be converted into fully accessible textbooks and instructional materials for students with qualifying disabilities.

4 NIMAS File Set The NIMAS file set consists of an XML file of the text of the book, a folder containing all content images, an OPF file, and a PDF of the title and copyright/ISBN pages of the book. These files are "raw" source files that require conversion processes and technology in order to create the specialized format--the finished braille, audio, large print or digital text format needed by the student.

5 NIMAC Basic Concept The NIMAC is a central repository that contains NIMAS file sets. It has an automated system for allowing publishers to submit NIMAS file sets. The NIMAS files are checked to confirm that they are NIMAS format, and the files sets are cataloged into a web-based database. ANYONE may search the database. Those who have been authorized for access to download file sets are issued user identifications and passwords. These authorized users will be able to search the NIMAC database AND download directly the file(s) they need.

6 How Are Files Distributed by the NIMAC? After cataloging and acceptance, the NIMAS file sets are available for downloading by authorized users via an online, searchable database. To ensure copyright protection and that files are used only to produce accessible textbooks for students with disabilities as defined in IDEA, access to files from the NIMAC are restricted to authorized users who have agreed to and signed the NIMAC Limitation of Use Agreement. The Limitation of Use Agreement is also included as a click through agreement that must be accepted before NIMAS file sets are downloaded.

7 What Happens When NIMAS File Sets Are Downloaded? The authorized user may convert files to fully accessible textbooks in specialized formats or may deliver the files to outside vendors or contractors to convert them on their behalf. Registered accessible media producers, as agents of the AU, may download and convert file sets assigned to them within NIMAC by authorized users.

8 What about Copyright? SEA names limited number of authorized users. SEA opts in via coordination agreement limiting use of files. Access to the file sets in the NIMAC repository is given only to authorized users who have agreed to the NIMAC Limitation of Use Agreement.

9 Copyright Continued Files are digitally fingerprinted and watermarked before downloading, identifying who and when the file set was downloaded. File sets include publisher, copyright, and rights information. System captures and stores data on which account downloaded which NIMAS file sets. The data will be accessible via reports for review by publishers.

10 How Do Publishers Work with NIMAC? Publisher is required to provide files through contract with a coordinating agency, a state or local educational agency. Publisher receives error report if file is rejected and may resubmit it when corrected. Publisher receives certificate when valid file is accepted via NIMAC. Publisher may use certificate to verify that files have been submitted to NIMAC, if necessary. NIMAC will accept files from publisher even without a contract, at publisher discretion.

11 Publishers: Registering 1. Register super user account by emailing all requested information to: 2. Log on with user ID and password that will be provided to you via email by NIMAC. 3. Change the password under Manage User Information. 4. Set up additional accounts as desired under the Manage User Accounts tab! 5. Download validation tool by going to Support tab on top menu bar after logging in to NIMAC. 6. Use Manage Inventory to upload files.

12 Frequently Asked Questions Q. What is a "super user" account? A. This is an account that has the most extensive rights. It includes the ability not only to upload files, create reports, manage content, etc, but it also includes the right to establish accounts for others. Q. How many "super user" accounts may a publisher have? A. Because this account has the highest authority level, the number should be limited. However, each publisher needs to determine whether one "super user" account for the entire company is sufficient or if one is needed for each division or imprint as well. Q. How do conversion houses/vendors gain access to upload files? A. The holder of the "super user" account may establish an account to allow the vendor to upload files. This vendor or conversion house would hold more limited rights, as established by the "super user."

13 Detailed Information for Publishers on Working with NIMAC Publishers: Metadata Update & Working in the Publisher Portal NIMAC Metadata Information Sample OPF Publisher Registration FAQ

14 Publishers and NIMAC: How Have We Been Working Together? Conference calls Web casts Advance feedback on OPFs Tips to make acceptance of file sets faster AAP and AEP on NIMAC Advisory Council Confer with individual publishers and conversion houses

15 How do states work with the NIMAC? To coordinate with the national repository, states will: Officially choose to act as a coordinating agency with the NIMAC. Include language in contracts with publishers directing them to send NIMAS files of elementary and secondary textbooks and related core print instructional materials to the NIMAC. Identify authorized users who may obtain files directly from the NIMAC. Arrange to have the files converted to accessible textbooks by using their own resources or contracting with others. Be encouraged to share information about the availability of the textbooks in accessible format through APHs Louis Database of Accessible Materials for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired (, in order to avoid duplication of effort.

16 CASTs NIMAS Development and Technical Assistance Centers The NIMAS Development Center will improve the original standard by identifying new research and technological advances relevant to the standard. The Center will also explore existing and new distribution models for the provision of accessible materials to students with disabilities. The NIMAS Technical Assistance Center will work with key stakeholders such as states, school boards, and publishers to raise awareness of the benefits of accessible materials. It will also advise stakeholders on the efficient production and distribution of NIMAS- compliant materials.

17 NIMAS/CAST Quick Links NIMAS/NIMAC in IDEA NIMAS Technical Specification NIMAS Resources NIMAS NIMAC State Contacts

18 Statistics as of April 30, 2007 Accepted file sets: 840 Publishers: 23 States Coordinating: 37 Authorized Users: 37 AMPs: 36

19 How to Reach Us 502-899-2230 1-877-526-4622 (1-877-52-NIMAC)

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