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The scholar’s _______ was ruined when he was caught cheating. a) quickenedquickened b) illegallyillegally c) migrantmigrant d) reputationreputation.

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3 The scholar’s _______ was ruined when he was caught cheating. a) quickenedquickened b) illegallyillegally c) migrantmigrant d) reputationreputation

4 reputation – noun – the public’s opinion or reception of something or someone


6 The teacher got very angry when someone ____ the answers during the test. a) uttereduttered b) quickenedquickened c) wrathwrath d) mistreatedmistreated

7 uttered – verb – to express aloud

8 Sally _____ her pace so she wouldn’t miss her bus. a) mistreatedmistreated b) rupturedruptured c) quickenedquickened d) illegallyillegally

9 quickened – verb – to move more rapidly

10 The ______ workers return every April. a) illegallyillegally b) migrantmigrant c) uttereduttered d) mistreatedmistreated

11 migrant – adjective – moving from one region to another in search of work

12 The veterinarian said the dog we found had been ____ by its owner. a) wrathwrath b) mistreatedmistreated c) reputationreputation d) quickenedquickened

13 mistreated – verb – to be treated badly

14 The football player tried extra hard in the game to avoid the _____of his coach. a) migrant b) wrathwrath c) mistreatedmistreated d) reputationreputation

15 wrath – noun – extreme or violent anger

16 The police officer wrote tickets for all the cars that were parked _____. a) reputationreputation b) uttereduttered c) illegallyillegally d) rupturedruptured

17 illegally – adverb – acting in an unlawful manner

18 The pipe ____ in the basement and caused a flood that ruined the carpet. a) rupturedruptured b) mistreatedmistreated c) migrantmigrant d) illegally) illegally

19 ruptured – verb – to break open or apart

20 Susan Ging Lent Production

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