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Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Ross University Bernard Grevemeyer.

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Presentation on theme: "Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Ross University Bernard Grevemeyer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Ross University Bernard Grevemeyer

2 Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals 8 th edition (2011) Used by international institutions OLD (1996) New


4 Applicability Vertebrate animal (wildlife, aquatic species) Research, testing, or teaching Goals Promote humane care “Three Rs” Replacement, Refinement, Reduction

5 Animal Care and Use Program “The Program” Policies Procedures Standards Organizational structure Staffing Facilities Practices for animal use throughout the institution

6 Program Management “US federal law creates a statutory basis for the institutional official (IO), the attending veterinarian (AV), and the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC).” IO AV IACUC The Program

7 Institutional Official Dean Watson Bears the ultimate responsibility for the Program Responsible for resource planning Alignment of Program goals with institution’s mission

8 Attending Veterinarian Dr.Amy Beierschmitt Responsible for health and well-being of animals Attend IACUC meetings (member if IACUC) Post approval monitoring Semi-annual inspections Final decision on euthanasia of on campus animals Reports to the institutional official (IO)

9 IACUC Oversight and evaluation of the program Protocol review and approval Inspection of animal facilities Oversight and evaluation of training program of personnel using animals Postapproval Monitoring Reports to the IO

10 IACUC Dr. Lizarraga (Vice-Chair) Dr. Beierschmitt (AV) Dr. Goodwin (Advisor) Dr. Loftis Dr. Lanning Dr. Dascanio Dr. Grigg Dr. Soto Hazarie Ramoutar Marchia Boon (Public member)

11 IACUC administrator Stephanie Trout (540) 231-2166 (USA)

12 IACUC administrator Help with existing or starting IACUC protocol Review IACUC protocols Assist IO, AV, and IACUC on compliance Update IACUC policies, guidelines, and SOP’s Assist with inspections, meetings

13 IACUC Protocol Valid for 3 years

14 IACUC Protocol Everyone who uses animals should be familiar with the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory animals

15 IACUC Protocol Principle investigator (PI) or Course coordinator (instructor) should have current IACUC protocol Submission deadline 15 th of month Revisions by 25 th of month Committee meeting first week of next month

16 Postapproval Monitoring (PAM) Continuing protocol review Inspections (facilities) Observation of procedures

17 Continuing Education of IACUC members “It is the institution’s responsibility to ensure that IACUC members are provided with training opportunities to understand their work and role.” IACUC 101 Series Webinars etc.


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