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The First Thailand-Pacific Island Countries Forum 9 August 2014 FAO/PIF/THAILAND South-South and Triangular Cooperation Vili A Fuavao Deputy Regional Representative.

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Presentation on theme: "The First Thailand-Pacific Island Countries Forum 9 August 2014 FAO/PIF/THAILAND South-South and Triangular Cooperation Vili A Fuavao Deputy Regional Representative."— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Thailand-Pacific Island Countries Forum 9 August 2014 FAO/PIF/THAILAND South-South and Triangular Cooperation Vili A Fuavao Deputy Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

2 FAO – South-South and Triangular Cooperation FAO’s Corporate SSC Strategy aims to facilitate SSC development solutions to achieve food security, poverty reduction and sustainable agriculture. FAO is working to: diversify the range of SSC modalities, provide practical guidance and support to ensure the quality of the knowledge sharing connect South-South solution providers with seekers, enhance two- way learning among a wide range of southern actors facilitate upstream policy support, policy dialogue mobilize broader partnerships and resources, and raise the visibility of the value of SSC

3 Country Programming Framework Pacific Countries, 2013-2017 Priority Areas Priority Area 1: Policy and Strategic Planning Priority Area 2: Food and Nutrition Security Priority Area 3: Value/Supply Chain Efficiency and Market Linkages Priority Area 4: Environmental Management and Resilience

4 Strengths and Best Practices of Thailand’s Agriculture Sector include:  Agriculture product processing, post-harvest processing and marketing Rice production mechanization both in the field and in processing Water efficiency technology from simple low-head pumps and irrigation systems to hydroponics Tropical fruit production and handling technology Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and organic certification OTOP model, Ecotourism  Soil Improvement Soil and fertilizer analysis Soil survey and mapping, data processing with GIS Soil conservation techniques

5 Strengths and Best Practices of Thailand’s Agriculture Sector include:  Prevention and control of transboundary and emerging infectious zoonotic diseases Capacity building of veterinary epidemiology: Regional Field Epidemiology Training Program for Veterinarian (FETPV) Capacity building of veterinary laboratory services: Laboratory experts and several trainings related to laboratory testing hosted by the National Institute of Animal Health (NIAH), in collaborating with FAO. Veterinary and agricultural Education: Scholarships provided for post-graduate degrees, not only for the veterinary professional but also other agricultural fields

6 FAO and TICA FAO and TICA are developing the partnership under the framework of South-South Cooperation (SSC) in the Pacific island countries. SSC between Thailand and recipient countries: Dispatch Thai expertise to recipient countries Host a training (short, medium, long term) for officers from recipient countries in Thailand Potential areas for FAO and TICA to work together: 1)FAO Support to the Zero Hunger Challenge in Asia and the Pacific 2)Regional Rice Initiative - Phase II 3)Developing local value chains for food security and nutrition in PIF 4)Blue-growth - sustainable aquaculture development and intensification as the means to meet the opportunities of the blue economy to 2030

7 Thank you very much For more information, please visit

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