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What were some ways Peter and Paul were compared by Luke in Acts? PaulPeter.

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2 What were some ways Peter and Paul were compared by Luke in Acts? PaulPeter

3 What were some ways Peter and Paul were compared by Luke in Acts? RefPeterRefPaul 3:1-11Healed a lame man from birth14:8-18Healed a lame man from birth 5:11 Fear came to the church and all around after Ananias and Saphira 19:17 Fear came on all after the sons of Sceva (Jesus I know, Paul I recognize) 5:15-16Shadow healed people19:11-12Handkerchief healed people 5:17 Success caused Jews Jealousy 13:45Success caused Jews Jealousy 8:9-24Dealt with Simon a sorcerer13:6-11Dealt with Bar-Jesus a sorcerer 8:14-17 Laying on of hands and they received the Holy Spirit 19:6 Paul lays hands on the 12 disciples of John and they received the Holy Spirit 9:36-41Raised Dorcas to life20:9-2Raised Eutychus to life

4 The Journey

5 Achia

6 12 Disciples (Acts 19:1-10) What do the questions Paul asks tell us about what he was thinking?

7 Sons of Sceva (Acts 19:11-20)

8 Ephesus Riot (Acts 19:21-41) What was the original cause of the riot? What were the ‘dangers’ raised?

9 Essential Riot Extolling the name of Jesus

10 For Next Week The Essential Goodbyes Read Acts Chapter 20:1- 21:16

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