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Vocabulary Words for Digital Cameras By Ms. Gallagher.

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2 Vocabulary Words for Digital Cameras By Ms. Gallagher

3 Digital Camera Noun a camera that encodes an image digitally and store it for later reproduction I want to learn how to take good photos with a digital camera.

4 Resolution Noun the degree of sharpness of a computer-generated image as measured by the number of dots per linear inch in a hard-copy printout or the number of pixels across and down on a display screen. The larger the resolution of a camera, the better quality the photo will be.

5 Pixel Noun the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot); "the greater the number of pixels per inch the greater the resolution" A good quality camera should have about 7 million pixels per photo.

6 Lens noun a piece of glass etc curved on one or both sides and used in spectacles, microscopes, or cameras

7 LCD Noun liquid-crystal display: a method of displaying readings continuously, as on digital watches, portable computers, and calculators Many digital cameras have a range of 2 to 3 inch lcds which make it easier for you to see your photos.

8 Battery Noun A device containing an electric cell or a series of electric cells storing energy that can be converted into electrical power (usually in the form of direct current). Common household batteries, such as those used in a flashlight, are usually made of dry cells (the chemicals producing the current are made into a paste). Different cameras use different types of batteries and it is important to know what kind your camera uses.

9 Zoom Verb phrase bring (a subject, scene, etc.) into closeup by using a zoom lens: to zoom in for a look at the injured man; to zoom in on a candidate at a political convention. panel zoomed in on the subject of abortion. When you zoom in on your subject, you can get a close-up photo.

10 Tripod noun 1.a stool, table, pedestal, etc., with three legs. 2.a three-legged stand or support, as for a camera or telescope. Use a tripod to take a picture so you do not move the camera and get blurry photos.

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