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Advanced NIMAC 2.0 for AUs: The Watchlist, Contact Information, and User Information Features

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced NIMAC 2.0 for AUs: The Watchlist, Contact Information, and User Information Features"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced NIMAC 2.0 for AUs: The Watchlist, Contact Information, and User Information Features

2 In this PowerPoint, we will cover: Working with the Watchlist Getting help with pre-NIMAS files and accessible formats Accessing contact information for publishers and AMPs Setting up, editing, and deleting Sub Users Changing your password or security question

3 NIMAC Login Screen:



6 1. The Watchlist The Watchlist allows you to be notified when files you expect to be submitted to NIMAC are certified and available for download. You add the ISBN for the item to the list. When that ISBN is certified, you will automatically receive an email from the system alerting you that it is available for download or assignment to an AMP.

7 What the Watchlist is not… Adding a title to the Watchlist is not a mechanism for requesting that a publisher submit a file to the NIMAC. Per IDEA 2004, the print book purchase agreement or contract is the only mechanism for requiring a publisher to produce NIMAS. The NIMAS effective date was July 19, 2006. Books purchased before that date are unlikely to be found in the NIMAC.

8 Obtaining pre-NIMAS files Many older books may already be available in accessible formats. Be sure to check the Louis Database of Accessible Materials, as well as Bookshare, to see if the title you need is already available in a student-ready format: Louis: Bookshare:

9 Obtaining pre-NIMAS files Many of the publisher contacts who are responsible for fielding requests for digital files for braille production also handle other disability requests for older materials. A list of braille contacts can be found at the APH web site:

10 Obtaining pre-NIMAS files If the publisher you need is not on that list, try using the Contact Information tab in the AU portal to locate the publishers web site. From there, look for the Rights & Permissions contact, or Disability Requests contact. Or, you can email the publisher contact in the NIMAC Contact Information to ask where to direct your request.

11 Watchlist For more recently purchased textbooks, workbooks and other core materials that you do expect to be submitted to the NIMAC, the Watchlist keeps you from having to search the system multiple times as you wait for the file to be added. Just search once, and if the file is not there, you can add it to your Watchlist and automatically be notified when its ready!

12 Adding Files to the Watchlist To add a book to the Watchlist, click Manage Watchlist. Then click Add a Watchlist Item. Enter the ISBN for the student book. You can use either the 10-digit or 13-digit ISBN. Then click OK.




16 Adding to the Watchlist Be sure the 13-digit or 10-digit ISBN you are using is for the student edition. Do not use ISBNs for the teachers edition. The system will give you an error if your number is not 13 or 10 digits. However, it wont know if youve typed a wrong number, so be careful to proofread the number. If you do make a typo, you can always delete the entry and start over.


18 Watchlist Display Once you submit the ISBN, the Watchlist will show you the entry. Each entry shows the ISBN that you entered. If the file is already in process at the NIMAC, it will also show any other ISBNs for that same file set, and the Identifier for the file set. To the right of the display, you will see a Status for the file.


20 Watchlist Status The status of the file may be: – Not Submitted to NIMAC Files that the NIMAC has not yet received – In Review Process Files that have passed validation, are uploaded to the system, and are in the NIMAC file review process – Awaiting Corrections Files that have been rejected for certification due to errors and must be resubmitted by the publisher

21 Automatic Email Once the file has been certified, you will receive an email from the system letting you know that it is available. Note: Be sure that is added to your address book so that notifications are not filtered as spam by your email If you return to your Watchlist after that point, you will also see that the status of the item has changed to Certified.



24 Certified files The system will prevent you from adding a Certified file to your Watchlist. Any file that shows Certified in your Watchlist was certified after it was added. Should you inadvertently attempt to add a Certified file, the system will advise you that the file is already available.


26 Deleting Watchlist Items Once you have downloaded or assigned a certified file on your Watchlist, just delete it from the list. The system will ask you to confirm the deletion. Then the screen will refresh showing the remaining entries.




30 Watchlist Status If you have an immediate need for a file that the NIMAC has receivedor even one we have not yet receiveddont hesitate to contact us. We are happy to try to expedite the certification, if possible, for files that are in the system. In many cases, we can contact the publisher to find out the ETA for files still in NIMAS conversion and not yet submitted to us.

31 2. Contact Information The Contact Information tab allows you to access the contact information for any AMP or publisher who has an account with the NIMAC.




35 Accessible Media Producers All registered AMPs are shown on the page. Just scroll down to see more listings. The default display is alphabetical by agency name. However, just click on any column heading to sort by another column.


37 Accessible Media Producers Contacts More detailed agency information can also be found, including available formats, by clicking on the organization name. Please note that the listings are provided as a convenience to NIMAC users. They are not an endorsement by the NIMAC. Contact the AMP directly for questions regarding prices, turnaround time, quality, etc.





42 Send an Email Just click on the contact name in the display to send an email to the contact.



45 Publisher Contacts The Publisher Contacts list works the same way the AMP list does, with the same information, sorting options, and live link capabilities.




49 Publisher Contacts The Publisher Contacts list includes all publishers who have registered with the NIMAC to submit files. If you are seeking materials published by a company not found on the list, it could mean either that the imprint is owned by a larger corporation, or that we have not received files from that company. Feel free to contact us for more assistance.




53 Publisher Contacts Important caveat: The contacts provided by publishers to the NIMAC are administrative NIMAC account holders at each company. In the larger companies, these individuals may or may not be directly involved in NIMAS conversion. If you dont already know the person you are contacting, we recommend that you contact us first, at least for the larger companies.

54 Technical Contacts If we are aware of a better NIMAS contact than the administrative account holder, we can direct you to that person. Our system vendor is currently working on adding a technical contact field into the publisher information so that publishers can add a specific NIMAS contact to their listing, if they choose.

55 Copy us: If you are emailing a publisher, either to inquire about a file that we do not have, or to provide feedback regarding some type of conversion issue with a file, please copy us. If we know of an immediate need for a file, we can try to expedite the certification. If a file has a problem, we want to know about that, too.

56 3. User Information The User Information tab has menu options that allow you to Manage Sub Users or Manage Your Account.


58 What is a Sub User? This feature allows you to provide access to others for your accountfor example, during the busy season or when you are on vacationwithout having to give out your own login ID and password information. You can establish up to 2 active sub users at a time. Sub user accounts expire automatically after 3 months.

59 Sub Users and DRM Files downloaded by a Sub User are fingerprinted and watermarked as downloaded from the NIMAC by the account. For your protection, we recommend that you keep a Limitation of Use Agreement signed by your Sub User on file at your organization. However, it is not necessary to mail the LUA to the NIMAC.


61 Add Sub User Clicking this link will bring up a short web form. Enter the name and email address of the sub user. Next, choose a login ID for the person and a password. Then select the Rights for the account.


63 Choosing Rights for Sub Users Rights which may be given to sub-user accounts are: – Assign Titles (to Accessible Media Producers) – Download Titles – Manage Users – Manage Watchlist – Search NIMAC – View Reports (not yet implemented)

64 Choosing Rights for Sub Users Sub Users are likely to need Rights to Search, Download Titles, and Manage the Watchlist. Sub Users usually will not need the Right to Manage Users. Note: If you give a Sub User this Right, it means they can manage the sub users in your AU account. (There is no way to create a sub user to a sub user.) To select Rights, hold down the Control key and click the Rights you want.


66 Final Steps Description is an optional free text field where you can put any note or reminder you might find useful, such as the date you set up the account. Once you submit the form, the system will confirm that the sub user has been added. The sub user will receive their login ID and password information in two separate emails.




70 View Sub Users To Edit or Delete an existing sub user, just choose the View Sub Users option from the Manage Sub Users menu. If a sub user loses their password, you can also reset it by editing the account information.




74 Resetting a Sub User Password When you open an existing sub user in Edit, you will note that the Password information will not display. To reset the password, just enter a new password into both boxes and click Submit. The system will confirm the change, but the sub user will not receive an automated email. Be sure to let the user know what the new password is.



77 Editing Rights or Deleting Sub User You can also use the Edit option to change the rights of an existing Sub User. Just use the Control key and mouse to select the Rights and Submit your changes. To delete, just click the Delete link. The system will ask you to confirm the deletion.







84 Manage Your Account You can also change your own password, or edit your email address or security question. Just make any needed changes and click Update. Note: If you need to make changes to your general agency information or contact information, please contact the NIMAC for assistance.




88 Security Question Be sure to you choose a question and an answer you can remember. If you ever forget your password, just click the Forgot your password? link on the login screen. Enter the requested information and the system will email you your password.




92 Final Note on AU Accounts AU accounts are not transferable, so if you will no longer be serving as an AU for any reason, just let us know. We can work with your State Coordinator to get a new AU designated and activated as quickly as possible. Feel free to contact the NIMAC if you have any questions.

93 Congratulations! You have completed this training! You now know how to: – Add and Delete items in the Watchlist – Seek assistance for pre-NIMAS file sets – Access contact information for publishers and AMPs – Add, Edit or Delete Sub User accounts – Change your password or security question

94 For More Information: The Support Tab Just click on the Support tab in the AU portal to locate and download NIMAC 2.0 AU training docs. Documents can be downloaded in either PowerPoint or PDF format.



97 For more help… Should you ever encounter a technical problem or error while working in the system, please direct those support requests to OverDrive: All other questions can be directed to NIMAC: 877-526-4622

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