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Graphics Graphics Korea University 1 Chapter 6 Special Effects 강 신 진강 신 진 2002.04.24.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphics Graphics Korea University 1 Chapter 6 Special Effects 강 신 진강 신 진 2002.04.24."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphics Graphics Lab @ Korea University 1 Chapter 6 Special Effects 강 신 진강 신 진 2002.04.24

2 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 2 What? What is Special Effects? Relative term in computer graphics New way of performing old algorithms 온라인 게임 - 뮤

3 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 3 Index Image-Based Rendering Lens Flare and Bloom Billboarding Full-Screen Billboarding Particle System Fixed-View Effects Motion Blur Depth of Field Reflections Planar Reflections Glossy Effects Reflections from Curved Reflectors

4 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 4 Polygon-Based Rendering Use polygon to portray image Can represent the object in any view Image-Based Rendering Use images to portray image Can gain speed advantage Image-Based Rendering

5 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 5 Image-Based Rendering - Sprite What is Sprite? An Image that moves around on the screen Simplest image-base rendering primitive Implementation An image texture on a polygon with the use of alpha channel + = 배경화면 스프라이트결과화면

6 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 6 Image-Based Rendering - Sprite Example Matrox Graphics Power of 3D Demo

7 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 7 Image-Based Rendering - Sprite Example Matrox Graphics Power of 3D Demo

8 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 8 Image-Based Rendering – QuickTime VR QuickTime VR Use a 360` panoramic image surrounds the viewer as a cylindrical image Optimized for cylindrical environment mapping

9 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 9 Image-Based Rendering Limitation When to Warp and When to Regenerate? Microsoft Chicken Crossing

10 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 10 Index Image-Based Rendering Lens Flare and Bloom Billboarding Full-Screen Billboarding Particle System Fixed-View Effects Motion Blur Depth of Field Reflections Planar Reflections Glossy Effects Reflections from Curved Reflectors

11 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 11 Lens Flare and Bloom Sample nVIDIA Effect Browser

12 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 12 Lens Flare and Bloom Lens Flare Phenomenon caused by the lens of the eye or camera when directed at bright light Consist of Halo and Ciliary Corona Bloom Phenomenon caused by scattering in the lens and other part of the eye Halo Ciliary Corona Bloom

13 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 13 Lens Flare and Bloom Sample nVIDIA Effect Browser

14 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 14 Billboarding Orienting the polygon based on the view direction Billboard The polygon which is oriented Direct3D Billboarding Tree

15 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 15 Billboarding – Screen-Aligned Screen-Aligned Billboarding Billboard face the screen Billboard normal is negation of the view direction Rotate n to align with –V dir, the rotate u’ to align with V up u’ V up V dir n

16 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 16 World-Aligned Billboarding Billboard face the screen but aligns with the world’s up-vector W up Billboarding – World-Aligned t up W up V dir r n

17 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 17 Axial-Aligned Billboarding Billboard rotate around fixed world-space axis and align with viewer as possible within range Billboarding – Axial-Aligned t dir W up V dir s

18 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 18 Full-Screen Billboarding A Screen-align billboard that covers the entire view Can change the look of an environment id Software Quake III

19 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 19 Index Image-Based Rendering Lens Flare and Bloom Billboarding Full-Screen Billboarding Particle System Fixed-View Effects Motion Blur Depth of Field Reflections Planar Reflections Glossy Effects Reflections from Curved Reflectors

20 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 20 Particle Systems Particle System A set of separate small objects that are set into motion using some algorithm Creating, moving, changing, and deleting particles nVIDIA Particle Demo

21 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 21 Fixed-View Effects Fixed-View The view is fixed to one location and orientation Using depth information from a real scene to be seen more realistic Static image can be made to look more realistic 3D 수족관 화면 보호기

22 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 22 Index Image-Based Rendering Lens Flare and Bloom Billboarding Full-Screen Billboarding Particle System Fixed-View Effects Motion Blur Depth of Field Reflections Planar Reflections Glossy Effects Reflections from Curved Reflectors

23 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 23 Motion Blur Blurring Can add the feeling of motion Average a series of images using accumulation buffer Motion Blur created by accumulation buffer

24 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 24 Index Image-Based Rendering Lens Flare and Bloom Billboarding Full-Screen Billboarding Particle System Fixed-View Effects Motion Blur Depth of Field Reflections Planar Reflections Glossy Effects Reflections from Curved Reflectors

25 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 25 Depth of Field Objects which is out of focus are blurry nVIDIA Depth of Field

26 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 26 Index Image-Based Rendering Lens Flare and Bloom Billboarding Full-Screen Billboarding Particle System Fixed-View Effects Motion Blur Depth of Field Reflections Planar Reflections Glossy Effects Reflections from Curved Reflectors

27 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 27 Reflections Reflection and Shadows Generated by lighting equation Can increase realism Used by viewer as a cues to determine spatial relationships between objects

28 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 28 Reflections Reflector and Reflected Geometry Reflector: a reflecting surface Reflected Geometry: Geometry reflected in the reflector Ray Tracing Solution in which the reflection ray is emitted from a reflector and recursively traced Computationally intensive for real-time system Need real-time solution

29 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 29 Reflections – Planar Reflections Planar Reflection Reflection off a flat surface - Mirror reflection Execute more rapidly than general reflection Follows the law of reflection  Can be Implemented by Copy & Transforming

30 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 30 Reflections – Planar Reflections Reflection Matrix F = R (n, (0,1,0))T(-p) M = F -1 S(1,-1,1) F

31 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 31 Reflections – Planar Reflections Reflectivity factor Applied by changing transparency

32 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 32 Reflections – Planar Reflections Stencil Buffer Support selective Planar Reflections

33 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 33 Reflections – Planar Reflections Problem Area Culling  Turn off face culling or front face culling Clipping  Clipping Plane Another Technique Reflection image can be treated as a texture

34 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 34 Glossy Effects Object face to black as the distance from the reflector increase Distance calculation is needed

35 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 35 Reflections from Curved Reflector Traditional Solution Ray-Tracing Not good for real-time system Selective Trace Ray Trace rays only from the reflector’s vertices into environment Significantly reduce computation time but still suffer from Gouraud-Shading artifacts

36 CGVR Graphics Lab @ Korea University 36 Question Image-Based Rendering Lens Flare and Bloom Billboarding Full-Screen Billboarding Particle System Fixed-View Effects Motion Blur Depth of Field Reflections Planar Reflections Glossy Effects Reflections from Curved Reflectors Matrox Graphics Power of 3D Demo

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