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1 Staff Overview 2003-04 Departing Staff: Rick Nickelchok – Executive Director New Staff: Joanne Thomson – Executive Director Roger Archambault – Technical.

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1 1 Staff Overview 2003-04 Departing Staff: Rick Nickelchok – Executive Director New Staff: Joanne Thomson – Executive Director Roger Archambault – Technical Director Richard Boruta – National Team Head Coach Jean Paquet – Valcartier Assistant Coach (part time/shared position)

2 2 BIATHLON CANADA COMBINING CROSS-COUTRY SKIING AND RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP ALLIE LE SKI DE FOND ET L’ADRESSE AU TIR Web Site Sport Canada advised that our web site was not up to standards in regards to official languages (our funding was withheld until we were able to bring it up to standards) The website was not functional and did not have sufficient information for the members This priority project was completed with a complete overhaul of the site. We are now compliant with Sport Canada guidelines The site is up but needs some areas to be developed and further translation

3 3 BIATHLON CANADA COMBINING CROSS-COUTRY SKIING AND RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP ALLIE LE SKI DE FOND ET L’ADRESSE AU TIR Media 15-17 press releases for the entire year (large cost for minimal return) Good early year coverage on some web sites Some coverage in local newspapers Lots of media coverage in Quebec for JP’s medal (newspaper, radio) 2 photo shoots – semi-successful

4 4 BIATHLON CANADA COMBINING CROSS-COUTRY SKIING AND RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP ALLIE LE SKI DE FOND ET L’ADRESSE AU TIR Membership: Structure and Process At the 2003 Board Meeting, the Board directed the Executive and Staff to implement a database software system for membership records. Due to staff changes this was no implemented.

5 5 2003-04 Membership Summary Division# ind. members NT41 YT36 BC111 AB308 SK124 MB80 ON109 QC364 NB205 NL39 Total Divisional Membership (less NL) = 1417 Total National Cadet Membership = 2470 TOTAL BIATHLON CANADA MEMBERSHIP= 3887

6 6 BIATHLON CANADA COMBINING CROSS-COUTRY SKIING AND RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP ALLIE LE SKI DE FOND ET L’ADRESSE AU TIR Marketing and Fundraising: DONATION PROGRAMS 1.Trafalgar Trading Donation Program contract First closing was March 23; we received $1,173,000 in donations. We retain 1% ($11,730). The remainder is reinvested by the program for future interest earnings. 2.Still receiving donations through the condominium donation programs through Canadian Athletic Advisors. Revenues have started to decline. Cautious budget estimates will be used. 3.Remember we are a not-for-profit organization and can issue income tax receipts for donations. The membership should be reminded to encourage direct donations to Biathlon Canada’s programs.

7 7 Sponsors: Renewed Atomic Madshus Rossignol Swix Fischer Paris Gloves Alpina Adidas

8 8 BIATHLON CANADA COMBINING CROSS-COUTRY SKIING AND RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP ALLIE LE SKI DE FOND ET L’ADRESSE AU TIR Started negotiations with: Polar Electro HR monitors KARBON clothing KAMA Headwear and Casual Wear Lazergraphics SkiGo Wax Exel Poles

9 9 FY 2003-04 Financial Performance DescriptionBudgetActual Revenues$739,520$781,597 Expenditures$789,002$834,391 Operating Deficit ($49,482)($52,794)* Board Authorized Transfer $60,000$52,794

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