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Our aims: to recognize and to understand the new words

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Presentation on theme: "Our aims: to recognize and to understand the new words"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Geographical position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2 Our aims: to recognize and to understand the new words
to read about Great Britain to learn to find the necessary information from the text (listening comprehension) to ask and answer about the geographical position of the UK

3 Geography Quiz What island is the biggest in the world? Australia
2. What river is the longest in the world? 3. What ocean is the biggest? 4. What lake is the deepest in the world? 5. What is the highest mountain in the world? Australia The Nile The Pacific Ocean Baikal Everest

4 Find the hidden word: Dfehclimateuokhislandkitcewstraitjhrdmildvtokgoccupybgemseparatenhufdgjhjkmtyedcompassfhsurroundvtrektobesituatedtyiireytucontinentjjkodexctobewashedrtuytuy Dfehclimateuokhislandkitcewstraitjhrdmildvtokgoccupybgemseparatenhufdgjhjkmtyedcompassfhsurroundvtrektobesituatedtyiireytucontinentjjkodexctobewashedrtuytuy

5 Group 1 Match English word with its Ukrainian translation:
a climate Острів a compass Протока a continent м’який an island Займати a strait омивати a zero Оточувати mild Клімат to occupy Компас to separate Розташовуватися to surround відокремлювати to be situated континент to be washed нуль Keys: 1g) 2h) 3k) 4a) 5b) 6l) 7c) 8d) 9j) 10f) 11i) 12e)

6 Group 2 Match the word with its definition:
Climate a) the official line that separates two countries; Continent b) one of the people who live in a particular place; Island c) a large mass of land surrounded by sea; Straight d) the typical weather conditions in a particular area; Border e) a narrow passage of water between two areas of land, usually connecting two seas Territory f) a particular part of a country, town etc; Population g) the number of people living in a particular area, country; Inhabitant h) a piece of land completely surrounded by water; Area i) the land of a particular type or the land that is owned or controlled by a particular state Keys: 1 d) 2c) 3 h) 4e) 5 a) 6 i) 7g) 8 b) 9 f)

7 Point Information Complete the table: Official name: Parts of the UK:
Washed by: Mountains: Rivers: Climate: Capital:

8 Put down these geographical names on the maps:
Northern Ireland London England the Thames River Scotland Ben Nevis Wales Loch Lomond the North Sea the Gulf Stream the English Channel

9 Listen to the text, fill in the gabs:
1. The UK is situated on the northwest coast of Europe. 2. The UK lies on the British Isles, the two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland. 3. The area of the UK is 244, 000 square kilometers. 4. English is the official language, but it is not the only language. 5. The highest mountain Ben Nevis in Scotland. 6. The Severn is the longest river; the Thames is the most important one. 7. The population in London is over seven million people.

10 Watch to the video film, decide if the sentences are true or false:
1. Most of the British population lives in England. 2. Queen`s image is represented on the British money. 3. Tourist can come and see the Queen`s house at the Downing Street easily. 4. In university cities most people prefer to travel on foot. 5. Liverpool is the capital of Scotland. 6. Most on the British population works in the farmlands. 7. No one can tell for sure what the Stonehenge really is. 8. You can get through the Channel to the nearer countries. T T F F F F T T

11 All pupils – learn the new words Group 1 – dialogues about the UK
Homework All pupils – learn the new words Group 1 – dialogues about the UK Group 2 – oral stories about the UK (according the table)


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