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Working together, supporting all ASHRAE Research Sustainability! Healthy living! Saving money! Comfort!

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Presentation on theme: "Working together, supporting all ASHRAE Research Sustainability! Healthy living! Saving money! Comfort!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working together, supporting all ASHRAE Research Sustainability! Healthy living! Saving money! Comfort!

2 ASHRAE Research Taking place in every Region and 10 Countries. Put to use in 11 Advance Energy Design Guides, 130 Standards, & 100s of Publications! Copyright 2010

3 Research Dollars by Region Total in Active Research Projects: $14,295,900 Copyright 20103 Wow!

4 Curious about the research projects in your area? or Contact RP Staff at Copyright 20104

5 5 Updated thermal comfort standards for modern clothing trends, humidity control in various climates Research & You Improved energy performance for all housing types; feedback to occupants on performance & country specific models to improve building High IAQ Standards, improved standards for hospital & infectious disease filtration Reduced energy consumption for HVAC&R, water heaters & lighting, study of alternative energy sources and its efficiency Impacting not only your profession but your life Sustainability Health Comfort Financial Savings

6 Copyright 20106 All Research projects are overseen by Technical Committees, made up of members like you! Join a TC and get involved: Your Chapter’s Program or CTTC Chairs are good resources for current and upcoming projects, new publications & programs! Contact Headquarters Staff! RP Staff: Research Staff: How to find out more

7 100% of all Research donations go to Research … not overhead, staffing, supplies, support – Just Research! 7Copyright 2010 Want to help immediately? Contribute to the RP Campaign!

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