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Chapter 13 EDTA Titrations EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic acid.

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1 Chapter 13 EDTA Titrations EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic acid

2 Gramicidin A antibiotic ion channel

3 Industry : Fe, Cu, Ti, Ag,  Biosystem : transport, storage, catalyst … (1) General Properties ( Sc → Cu ) a) Great similarities within a period as well as a group ∵ d subshells incomplerely filled.  distinctive coloring  formation of paramagnetic compounds  catalytic behavior  tendency to form complex ions. b) difference : m.p : W / Hg Hard / soft : Fe, Ti / Cu, Au, Ag Reactivity & oxides : Cu / Fe ; Fe 2 O 3 / CrO 3 The Transition Metals

4 (2) Electron configurations : 4s before 3d (3) Oxidation states most common : +2, +3( +2 ~ +7 ) more than one oxidation states (4) Reduction Potentials ─────→ period reducing ability ↓ ( Zn, Cr ) ∵ Z eff ↑  r ↓ ; IE ↑


6 Coordination Compounds └→colored & paramagnetic (often) consists of a complex ion (1)Coordination compounds are neutral species in which a small number of molecules or ions surround a central metal atom or ion. ex. [Co(NH 3 ) 5 Cl]Cl 2 complex ion : [Co(NH 3 ) 5 Cl] 2+

7 Coordination Compounds coordinate covalent bond Complex ion = metal cation + ligands e acceptor e donor center (one) surrounding (  2 ) transion metal Lewis acid Lewis base [ Co(NH 3 ) 5 Cl ]Cl 2 H 2 O, NH 3, :Cl -.. ionic force counter ions central metal ligands complex ion

8 20.3 Coordination Compounds (2) Coordination number :Coordination number The # of donor atoms surrounding the central metal The most common : 4 or 6 (3) Ligands : A neutral molecule or ion having a line pair that can be used to from a bond to a metal ion. monodentate : H 2 O, NH 3 bidentate : en, ox polydentate : EDTAEDTA  Chelating agents

9 13-1 Metal-Chelate Complexes EDTA forms strong 1:1 complexes with most metal ions As a metal-binding agent: p.265 for examples


11 Bonding in complex ions : The Localized Electron Model depend on coordination number Isomerism Coordinati on # Structure 2Linear (sp) 4tetrahedral (sp 3 ) or square planar ( dsp 2 ) 6Octahedral ( d 2 sp 3 )

12 [Cr(NH 3 ) 5 SO 4 ]Br [Cr(NH 3 ) 5 Br]SO 4 Fig20Fig20.10Fig20Fig20-11&12Fig20-16Fig20-16&17

13 Fig 20-10

14 Fig 20-11

15 Fig 20-12


17 Fig 20-16

18 Fig 20-17

19 The Crystal Field Model (1)Explains the bonding in complex ions soleoy in terms of electrostatic forces. (2)Two types of electrostatic forces : attraction : ( M + ) & ( ligand ion - or ligand : ) repulsion : ( ligand : ) & ( metal e in d orbitals ) (3)Consider : octahedral complexes ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ● 

20 The Crystal Field Model


22 Co 3 +, Fe 2 +, Fe 3 + e g ─ ─ ELarge  e g ─ ─ E Small  t 2 g — ─ ─ t 2 g — ─ ─ Strong field (Low spin)Weak field (High spin) (a)(b) CN - > NO 2 - > en> NH 3 > H 2 O> OH - > F - > Cl - > Br - > I - Spectrochemical series ─→ weak field ligands     

23 The Crystal Field Model Spectrochemical series : a list of ligands arranged in order of their abilities to split the d orbital energies CO > CN - > en > NH 3 > H 2 O > F - > OH - > Cl - > Br - > I - strong-field ligandsweak-field ligands Magnetic properties paramagnetic dimagnetic High spin  more paramagnetic

24 Color : arise when complexes absorb light in some portion of the visible spectrum. ex.[Cu(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ → blue  = E = h ex. [Ti(H 2 O) 6 ] 3+ max absorption at 498 nm[Ti(H 2 O) 6 ] 3 The Crystal Field Model



27 The complex ion Ti(H 2 O) 6 3+


29 The Crystal Field Model



32 Lewis acid: Lewis base:

33 Coordination Compounds └→colored & paramagnetic (often) consists of a complex ion Coordination compounds are neutral species in which a small number of molecules or ions surround a central metal atom or ion. ex. [Co(NH 3 ) 5 Cl]Cl 2 complex ion : [Co(NH 3 ) 5 Cl] 2+

34 Coordination Compounds (2) Coordination number: The # of donor atoms surrounding the central metal The most common : 4 or 6 (3) Ligands : A neutral molecule or ion having a line pair that can be used to from a bond to a metal ion. monodentate : H 2 O, NH 3 multidentate :EDTA  Chelating agents



37 Metal-ATP complex

38 Useful chelating agents

39 Box 13-1 Chelation Therapy & Thalassemia A successful drug for iron excretion

40 13-2 EDTA ( ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, a hexadentate) (1)The most widely used chelating agent in titration (2)Forms strong 1:1 complexes regardless of the charge on the cation

41 Complexes: Formation Constant (K f ) stepwise formation constants (K i )


43 (1)Multidentate chelating agents form stronger complexes (K f ) with metal ions than bidentate or monodentate ligands. (2)Neutral EDTA is a tetrabasic acid (3)Metal-EDTA complex is unstable at both low pH & high pH. At low pH –H + & M n+ At high pH –OH - & EDTA For EDTA

44 –Pb 2+ as example:  At pH 10, tartrate is present to prevent Pb(OH) 2  Pb-tartrate complex must be less stable than Pb-EDTA (4) Auxiliary complexing agents: prevent metal ions from precipitating.

45 13-3 Metal Ion Indicators Metal ion indicator: a compound whose color changes when it binds to a metal ion. For an useful indicator, it must bind metal less strongly than EDTA does.  the indicator must release its metal to EDTA Example: MgIn + EDTA  MgEDTA + In Indicator is pH dependent. If metal block the indicator, use back titration.


47 Demonstration 13-1 Metal Ion Indicator Color Changes P.294

48 COLOR PLATE 8 Titration of Mg 2+ by EDTA, Using Eriochrome Black T Indicator (a) Before (left), near (center), and after (right) equivalence point. (b) Same titration with methyl red added as inert dye to alter colors. Demonstration 13-1 Metal Ion Indicator Color Changes

49 13-4 EDTA Titration Techniques are useful for the determination of [metal] Direct titration –Titrate with EDTA –Buffered to an appropriate pH –Color distinct indicator –Auxiliary complexing agent Back titration –Excess EDTA, & titrate with metal ion –For analyte  ppt in the absence of EDTA : –Ex: (Al 3+ -EDTA) at pH 7, indicator Calmagite) back titration with Zn 2+  react slowly with EDTA  block the indicator

50 Displacement titration –No satisfactory indicator  Ex1: Hg 2+ + MgY 2-  HgY 2- + Mg 2+ K f HgY 2- > MgY 2-  Ex2: 2Ag + + Ni(CN) 4 2-  2Ag(CN) 2 + Ni 2+, Ni 2+ is titrated with EDTA Indirect titration  Determine [Anion] that precipitate metal ions: CO 3 2-, CrO 4 2- S 2- SO 4 2-  Ex: SO 4 2- + Ba 2+  BaSO 4 (s) at pH 1 filter BaSO 4 (s) and boil with excess EDTA at pH 10  Ba(EDTA) 2- and excess EDTA is back titration with Mg 2+ Masking  Masking prevents one element from interfering in the analysis of another element. Ex: Al 3+ + Mg 2+ + F -  AlF 6 3+ + Mg 2+ then only Mg 2+ can be react with EDTA  masking Al 3+ with F -  Masking agent: CN -, F - (using with pH control to avoid HCN & HF)

51 In general, the metal-indicator complex should be 10 to 100 times less stable than the metal- titrant complex Expt: The formation constants of the EDTA complexes of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ are too close to differentiate between them in an EDTA titration, so they will titrate together. Ca 2+ can actually be titrated in the presence of Mg 2+ by raising the pH to 12 with strong alkali; Mg(OH) 2 precipitates and does not titrate.

52 13-5 The pH-dependent Metal-EDTA Equilibrium Since the anion Y 4- is the ligand species in complex formation, the complexation equilibria are affected markedly by the pH Fraction Composition of EDTA Solutions

53 Species EDTA as a function of pH

54 Conditional Formation Constant Most of the EDTA is not Y 4- below pH=pK 6 =10.37. The species HY 3-, H 2 Y 2-, and so on, predominate at lower pH. It is convenient to express the fraction of free EDTA in the form Y 4- P.300

55 The number K t f =α Y 4-,K f is called the conditional formation constant or the effective formation constant. P.300 (1)We can use K’ f to calculate the equilibrium concentrations of the different species at a given pH. (2)K f : HgY -2 > PbY -2 > CaY -2 ; K f 不受 pH 值之影響, K f ’ 則受 pH 值之影響,上述三者在 pH 值≦ 9.0 時, K f ’ 開始變小,也就是 EDTA 的滴定需在 (pH > 9.0) 之鹼性溶液中進行

56 Example at p. 277 pH affects the titration of Ca 2+ with EDTA  K, f is smaller at lower pH.

57 13-6 EDTA Titration Curves The end point break depends upon 1)[M n+ ] 2)[L 1 ] 3)[pH]  selectivity 4)K f The smaller K f, the more alkaline the solution must be to obtain a k’ f of 10 6.

58 The titration rxn: M n+ + EDTA  MY n-4 K’ f =  4 K f Three regions : (1)Before equivalence point : excess M n+ (2)At equivalence point [M n+ ]= [EDTA] (3)After equivalence point : excess EDTA Example at p.302

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