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Internet Business Models and Setting Up a Website.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Business Models and Setting Up a Website."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Business Models and Setting Up a Website

2 Business Models Advertising Only (Single Rev. Stream) Advertising/ Subscription Hybrid (Dual Rev. Stream) Subscription Only (Single Rev. Stream) Transaction (Single Rev. Stream) TV Radio Google Outdoor Cable HBO Newsletters Movies Content access is free Content access cost is low Content access cost is higher DVDs Music Content ownership cost is highest Content creation, distribution, and advertising-delivery business Content creation, distribution, access, and advertising-delivery business Content creation, distribution, and access business Content creation, distribution, and retail business Newspapers Magazines

3 Internet Business Models Ad supported – Google, Yahoo, Gawker Hybrid – Cable TV, NY Times, Pandora Subscription – HBO, Economist Commerce – eBay, Amazon

4 Types of Business Models B2B – Business to business: GE, Cisco B2C – Business to consumers: Apple C2C – Consumer to consumer: Craigs List

5 Types of Websites/Apps Content publishers – NY Times, ESPN Content aggregators – Google News Social networks (communities) – Facebook Facilitators – Craigs List Peer-to-Peer – Wikipedia Gaming – Candy Crunch Financial Services – E-Trade Travel – Expedia Health – WebMD Education – Coursera, Code Academy

6 Online Advertising Models CPM – Cost-per-thousand (M) impressions – Unlike TV, no start or end date, branding Guaranteed and Programmatic CPC – Cost-per-click – Auction – AdWords Modified Dutch auction Programmatic also CPA – Cost-per-acquisition or per action Rev Share (typically a hybrid model) Sponsorship

7 Online Pricing Model Go to and open Daily Comedy Sponsorship Costs spreadsheet for an example of an ad pricing model.

8 IAB Standard Ad Units * * d_unit/displayrisingstars d_unit/displayrisingstars * * Check out the latest, because changes occur weekly.

9 Setting Up a Website Get a domain name – Buy it (register it) and close mutations (.net,.tv,.us, etc.) on or or negotiate with squatter ( Serving the domain name and site – Web hosting company – where you registered it or third party such as Microsoft or Linux server software (some hosting services give you a choice – Linux is less expensive. MySql and Fetch or other interfaces as needed (need some way to FTP files to and edit site) E-mail addresses Transfer domain name to server

10 Design a Site Online platform – Proprietary platform – Server company design software, i.e. SquareSpace Original design 1. HTML, CSS – Do it yourself 2. Word Press, e.g. 3. Drupal (PHP, open source)

11 Setting Up a Website Design – Dont Make Me Think by Steve Krug – Banner sizes – Navigation – Contact Us – Terms of Service – Privacy Policy – Registration, if needed – Subscribe (RSS), if needed – Video (expensive to serve) – Community (social networking) – Facebook, Google+ Sign In – FB, Twitter, Reddit, etc. links – HTML – CSS – Java – Adobe Acrobat – Video player – Browser compatibility

12 Setting Up a Website Platform/Architecture – Proprietary (Movable Type, InGage e.g.) vs. open source (Drupal, e.g.) – Get an expert webmaster – Ad serving – Video serving (Brightcove, e.g.) – Commerce – secure payment, Verisign, PayPal, or outsource it.

13 Setting Up a Website Marketing (the key to success) – Social Media -- Create buzz (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn) – Publicity (PR firm) – Advertising (reciprocal deals, Google Search, programmatic) – Viral marketing (not as effective as advertising)

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