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Sub-objective (i): ”Analyse the link between community conservation and poverty in each case”

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Presentation on theme: "Sub-objective (i): ”Analyse the link between community conservation and poverty in each case”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub-objective (i): ”Analyse the link between community conservation and poverty in each case”

2 Questions, questions... 1.Compared to what? What are the alternatives or counterfactuals? What was the situation before community conservation? 2.How to define and measure poverty? Effect of conservation may depend on such a definition... 3.Focus on local effects only?

3 Potential benefits of community conservation: 1.Greater overall benefits of current extraction and environmental services 2.Greater long-term sustainability of extractive activities 3.Increased local equality in terms of benefits from extraction and environmental services

4 Contributing factors: 1.Job creation, business opportunities, multiplier effects 2.Fewer/less volatile resource conflicts 3.Reduced leakage of benefits

5 Approach: Effects related to overall benefits, sustainability, and local equality examined (in part) through livelihoods surveys Contributing factors examined through more targeted studies of job creation, conflicts, and leakage

6 Livlihood surveys: 1.Baseline: standard household suveys of income sources and various forms of capital (dependence, diversification, and distribution) 2.Particular focus (detailed examination) of resources targeted for conservation 3.Design surveys so that proximity to resource becomes a key factor 4.Incorporate conflict issues in surveys 5.”Change” variables (before/after) feasible in some cases? 6.Distributional issues a key concern in data analysis

7 Job creation/business opportunities/multipliers: 1.Targeted surveys of contractors and small business enterprises 2.Resource extraction, processing, tourism, etc 3.Map local business relations 4.Determine: extent to which conserved resource accounts for turnover/profits; seasonal and full-time positions; demand for local inputs (multipliers)

8 The park Public contractors -Electricity -Water -Waste -Phone/Internet -Construction/maintenance -Security Private contractors (tourism) -Hotels/lodges/restaurants -Safari/guiding outfits -Hunting operators -Entertainment Private contractors (services) -Construction/maintenance -Garages -Security -Waste Periphery (inputs) -Farmers -Pastoralists -Petrol stations -Garages Periphery (tourism) -Hotels/lodges/restaurants -Shop owners -Makers of artifacts -Taxi/bus operators A (tentative) example from PAPIA...

9 Conflicts: 1.Include questions about conflict experience in livelihoods surveys 2.Develop a typology of conflicts, based on causes 3.In-depth qualitative examination of selected conflicts; focus on causes, strategies, adaptations, interventions, resolution

10 Another (tentative) example from PAPIA...

11 local national international Leakage...

12 Leakage (continued): Focus on proxies (in tandem with job creation surveys): 1.Who is/are the owner(s) of the business? 2.Where is the owner of the business from? 3.Where does the owner of the business live? 4.Where is the headquarters of the business? 5.Is the business a part of a national or international syndicate? 6.What is the size of the business now compared to the size two years ago and five years ago? 7.What percentage of last year’s profits were (a) reinvested locally, (b) reinvested nationally, (c) reinvested internationally? 8.What percentage of last year’s profits were saved (a) in a local bank, (b) in a national bank, (c) in an international bank?

13 Beyond the individual case: grounds for comparison... Contextual factors Policy variables Management choices Peformance=>

14 Contextual factors: Nature of resource Infrastructure Proximity to markets Policy factors: Management system Laws/rules that apply Financial & other support Management choices: Decision making structure Degree of formalisation Negotiability of agreements Revenue sharing mechanisms Incentive structures Primary indicators: Povery levels Sustainability (?) Equality (wealth, power) Vulnerability (div., dep.) Secondary indicators: Job creation, multipliers Conflict levels Leakage Local participation =>

15 Major challenges: 1.Develop a feasible set of management variables that permits comparison across cases 2.Find enough field time to cover the necessary surveys and performance variables in all separate cases

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