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In a nutshell!

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1 In a nutshell!

2  While on Safari in the wild jungles of Africa, Professor Claudia woke one morning and felt something in the pocket of her pajamas. It had a head and a tail, but no legs. When Claudia got up she could feel it move inside of her pocket. However, Claudia showed little concern and went about her morning activities. Why wasn't she concerned?

3  What is incomplete dominance?  What is genotype?  What is heterozygous?  What is phenotype?

4 A cross between a blue blahblah bird & a white blahblah bird produces offspring that are silver. A.What are the genotypes of the parent blahblah birds in the original cross? B.What is/are the genotype(s) of the silver offspring? C.What would be the phenotypic ratios of offspring produced by two silver blahblah birds?

5  There are more than _2_alleles for a trait  Blood type in humans  Blood Types?  Type A, Type B, Type AB, Type O  Blood Alleles?  A, B, O (in book – I A, I B, i)

6  A and B are codominant  AA = Type A  BB = Type B  AB = Type AB  A and B are dominant over O  AO = type A  BO = type B  OO = type O

7  TYPE _A_  Allele = I A  Blood cells have small antigens on the surface.

8  TYPE _B_  Allele = I B  Cells coated with type B antigens

9  TYPE _AB_  genotype = I A I B  Blood cells contain both types of antigens  Known as universal recipient

10  TYPE _O  Allele = i  No antigens on the surface of the blood cells  Known as universal donor

11 Table 14.2 Multiple alleles ABO blood groups There are _3_ different alleles, I A, I B, and i Allele I A makes a cell surface antigen, symbolized with a triangle I B makes a different antigen, symbolized as a circle i makes no antigen

12 Blood Typing 14. Use the results shown to determine the blood type for each sample. - = No Clumps + = Clump A B Rh Blood Type: ___ To determine a person’s blood type, we add three different serums to blood samples and see if clumps form. Clumps = Positive (+) No Clumps = Negative (-) What would the blood type be for this sample? #13

13 The Human ABO Blood Group System Multiple alleles ABO blood groups

14 A B Rh Blood Type: ___ A B Rh Blood Type: ___ A B Rh Blood Type: ___ A B Rh Blood Type: ___ A B Rh Blood Type: ___ Blood Typing Use the results shown to determine the blood type for each sample. - = absent + = present


16  Show the cross between a mother who has type O blood and a father who has type AB blood. - AO (2) BO (2) - ratio 1:1 - type A (2); type B (2) - ratio 1:1 GENOTYPES: PHENOTYPES: O O ABAB AO BO AO BO

17  Show the cross between a mother who is heterozygous for type B blood and a father who is heterozygous for type A blood. -AB (1); BO (1); AO (1); OO (1) - ratio 1:1:1:1 -type AB (1); type B (1) type A (1); type O (1) - ratio 1:1:1:1 GENOTYPES: PHENOTYPES: A O BOBO AB OO BO AO

18  Traits controlled by two or more _genes_.  Examples:  Human height, eye and skin color


20  The greatest difference between individual members of the same species is their sex.


22  In humans, females have two “X” chromosomes in the 23rd pair.

23  In humans, males have an “X” and a “Y” chromosome on the 23rd pair.

24  If females have the XX combination, then all eggs will contain an X chromosome. XX X X

25  If males contain the XY combination then the sperm can contain either the X or the Y chromosome. XY X Y

26  The male always determines the sex of the offspring--if he passes the X chromosome the result is a female offspring.  If he passes the Y chromosome the result is a male offspring.


28  The study of the fruit fly by Thomas Hunt Morgan led to the discovery of sex determination and sex linkage.


30  Most flies had red eyes.  Morgan noticed a male with white eyes.  He performed an experimental cross.

31 RED EYED FEMALE WHITE EYED MALE P1P1 ?????????????????


33  A red eyed female crossed with a red eyed male?

34  75% had red eyes, 25% had white eyes.  50% were male, 50% were female  All of the white eyed flies were MALE.

35  A trait that is carried on the X chromosome.  Almost always expressed in males.

36  Hemophilia  Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy  Red/Green Color Blindness


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