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1 Special Development Plan - Objectives, Features & Implementation Issues M.A.Basith Sr. Director, Planning Dept.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Special Development Plan - Objectives, Features & Implementation Issues M.A.Basith Sr. Director, Planning Dept."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Special Development Plan - Objectives, Features & Implementation Issues M.A.Basith Sr. Director, Planning Dept.

2 2 Background  Government appointed High Power Committee for Redressal of Regional Imbalances (HPCRRI) under Dr. D.M. Nanjundappa in October 2000  HPCRRI was asked to study regional disparities existing in the State & to advise the Govt. & recommend appropriate strategies for development to minimise inter-district & inter- regional disparities  HPCRRI was also asked to suggest an appropriate institutional mechanism for implementing the strategy for moving towards balanced development

3 3 Report of HPCRRI  The Committee presented the Report in June 2002  The methodology adopted by the HPCRRI to measure disparity comprises a two fold approach o (a) to determine overall level of backwardness of taluk by evolving Comprehensive Composite Development Index (CCDI) using 35 indicators Most Backward, More Backward and Backward Taluks o (b) to consider taluks which are classified as Most Backward, More Backward and Backward Taluks  The 35 indicators spread over sectors like Agriculture & Allied; Industry, Trade & Finance; Economic Infrastructure; Social Infrastructure & Population Characteristics

4 4 Indicators – Agriculture & Allied  A1. % of Total cropped area to net area sown  A2. % Area under food grains  A3. % of Area under Horticultural crops to total Cropped Area  A4. % Area under Commercial crops to total Cropped Area  A5. % net area irrigated to net area sown  A6. Fertiliser(NPK) Consumption in Kilogram per Hectare  A7. No. of Tractors per 000 hectares  A8. Live Stock Units per lakh rural population  A9. Bank Credit to Agriculture in Rupees(000)

5 5 Indicators – Industry, Trade & Finance  I1. No. of Industrial units per lakh population  I2. % Industrial Workers to Total Main Workers  I3. Bank Advances per lakh population  I4. No. of Bank Branches per lakh population  I5. No. of Enterprises engaged in trade,hotels & transport

6 6 Indicators – Economic Infrastructure  E1. No. of Post Offices per lakh population  E2. No. of Telephones per lakh population  E3. Road length in Kms per 100 Sq.Kms  E4. No. of Villages having access to all weather Roads  E5. Railway line in Kms per 1000 Sq. Kms  E6. No. of Motor Vehicles per lakh population  E7. No. of Co-operative credit Societies per lakh population  E8. Proportion of electrified villages including Hamlets  E9. Regulated Markets & Sub Markets per lakh population

7 7 Indicators – Social Infrastructure  S1. No. of Doctors per 10000 population  S2. No. of Beds per 10000 population  S3. Literacy Rate  S4. Pupil-Teacher Rate (I to X std)  S5. Children Out of School in the 6-14 age group  S6. No. of Students enrolled in Aided & Degree Colleges  S7. No. of Habitations having drinking water facility of 40 or more LPCD

8 8 Indicators – Population Characteristics  P1. Sex Ratio  P2. Urban Population to total Population  P3. SC & ST Population  P4. No. of Non Agricultural Workers  P5. Agricultural labourers to Total Main Workers

9 9 Computation of CCDI  Actual Data of Indicators was collected  Data was Normalised with respect to State Average  Weights at two levels are then used to arrive at CCDI for the taluk  In the first level, the Normalised values are multiplied by the weight assigned to each indicator within the Sector and added  In the 2 nd level, these sector specific values so arrived are multiplied by weights given to the sector to arrive at CCDI

10 10 Classification of Taluks  The taluks were classified based on the values of CCDI as follows:  Madikeri Taluk in Kodagu District has the highest index(1.96) & Devadurga taluk in Raichur District has the lowest index (0.53)  Top 10 taluks as per CCDI have only one taluk from North; whereas all the bottom 10 taluks are from North

11 11 Backward Taluks – Division-wise

12 12 Resource Allocation  The Cumulative Deprivation Index(CDI), which is one minus CCDI, is calculated and added to arrive at allocation of resources, division-wise  North and South Karnataka roughly get resource allocation in the ratio of 60:40

13 13 Recommended Outlays for 8 Years Rs. Crores Recommended Outlays for 8 Years Rs. Crores  Agriculture & Allied Sectors 2340  Rural Development 7100  Irrigation 8000  Power 3000  Transport(incl.Railways,Airports) 1650  Social Services 8025  Others 610 Total 30725 Total 30725

14 14 Objectives of Special Dev. Plan  A total of Rs. 30725 cr. from 2007-08, to be invested over a period of 8 years – 50 % from Normal Plan and 50 % through additional outlay  Accelerate growth in backward taluks through additional investment in various sectors/areas  Building infrastructure to make good the identified backlog in the backward taluks  Establishing the needed institutions/organisations  Providing location specific sectoral schemes in backward taluks


16 16 Features of Special Dev. Plan  It is proposed to allocate funds in the ratio of 10%, 20%, 15%, 15%, 15%, 10%, 10% and 5% respectively in the next eight years  In the 2 nd and subsequent years, the allocations have been enhanced by 5% annual inflation  The SDP does not take into account the recommendations already implemented and investment already made during the period June 2002 to March 2007  The current years provision is Rs. 1571.5 crores  Within the allocated amount to the sector, the amount is to be distributed among the Most Backward, More Backward and Backward Taluks in the ratio of 50:30:20  A special cell to be created in Planning Dept

17 Year-wise Outlays to be Provided (Rs Crores)

18 18 Preparation of 8-year SDP by Departments  The implementing departments to prepare sectoral Perspective Plans for eight year period 2007-08 to 2014-15  Implementing departments to list out achievements already made as per HPCRRI Report  Target Outcomes as per HPCRRI Report o Measures to control Population growth in North Karnataka; o No village without school o Consider AP model of one medical college per district o Sub-market to deal exclusively with potato, chilli etc. o 20000 hectares of land under fodder cultivation o Promotion of inland fisheries in Raichur & Shimoga districts o All district HQs to be linked to Bangalore by air o IT investments to be attracted to Hyderabad-Karnataka o Thrust on girls’ hostels o All tourist places to be developed in phased manner

19 19 Coverage of SDP  The sectoral development plan should cover Normal Plan Outlay plus net additional outlays provided under SDP  The departments should provide equal or more amount under Normal outlays as compared to provision under SDP  The Normal outlays include : EAP, IEBR, NABARD & HUDCO assistance, ACA and also State component under CSS

20 20 Preparation of Annual Action Plan  Each department to prepare Action Plans considering the schemes/projects as recommended in the HPCRRI Report  Project profile should be prepared by departments for the additional outlays taking specific deficiencies and also the specific locations identified by the HPCRRI  The departments to submit Annual Action Plans(AAPs) to Planning Dept. for approval

21 21 Review of SDP  Planning Dept to approve AAPs and ensure their implementation as per guidelines  A High Power Committee to be constituted under the chairmanship of Deputy Chairman, SPB. The Committee to conduct periodical review of implementation of SDP  The implementation of SDP is to be monitored in KDP as a separate subject

22 22 Appraisal & Evaluation  To enable each taluk to carryout a fresh appraisal of their needs and prepare taluk level plan, Planning department has created Taluk level Planning Units in 59 taluks.  CEOs to ensure furnishing of taluk level data for 35 indicators for revision of CCDI  In order to know the impact of investment made under SDP, the Planning department will ensure computation of taluk-wise CCDI in 2008-09, 2011-12 and 2014-15  Based on the changes noted in CCDI, Planning department will take corrective measures for resource allocation  The Planning Department will carry out evaluation as required

23 23 Implementation Issues...   PD would approve AAPs for the year 2008-09 and subsequent years contingent to the departments providing the required allocation for backward regions out of their Normal allocations. PD is preparing Templates for the departments to furnish information   Some departments are provided more outlays and some depts. are provided less outlays in 2007-08 than what was required as per SDP o o Examples: Roads have a provision of Rs. 125 crores against Rs. 50 crores to be provided; Rural Water Supply has provision of Rs. 90 crores as against Rs. 225 crores to be provided; Urban Water Supply & Slum Improvement has no provision against Rs. 150 crores to be provided o o Adjustments to be made in the departments outlays in 2008-09 onwards by taking into account the provision and expenditure in the previous year/years. However, departments to ensure total provision for eight years as per SDP

24 24... Implementation Issues   On appraisal of AAPs of some department, it was noted that departments like Horticulture, Infrastructure, Water Resources & Tourism have proposed projects where resources do not flow in the ratio of 50:30:20 as the investment is either location specific or indivisible  suitable mechanism is required to ensure  A suitable mechanism is required to ensure Region-wise expenditure to achieve 40% achievement for Gulbarga Region   Earmarked Outlays as approved by PD in the AAPs are not to be diverted  Monitoring mechanism is to be formulated to Monitor the works undertaken in SDP in each Sector level at taluk and Division level.

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