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Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research IAI Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research IAI.

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Presentation on theme: "Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research IAI Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research IAI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research IAI Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research IAI

2 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Presin(2).ppt 2 IAI & Joint research (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela) IAI & Joint research (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)

3 INTER-AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH (Signatory & Ratifying Countries) (Agreement entered into force: March 11, 1994) 1. Argentina 16. Peru 2. Bolivia17. United States of America 3. Brazil 18. Uruguay 4. Canada 19. Venezuela 5. Chile 6. Colombia 7. Costa Rica 8. Cuba 9. Dominican Republic 10. Ecuador 11. Guatemala 12. Jamaica 13. Mexico 14. Panama 15. Paraguay

4 IAI’s MISSION “IAI’s Mission is to Develop the Capacity to Understand the Integrated Impacts of Present and Future Global Changes on Regional and Continental Environments in the Americas and to Promote Collaborative Research and Informed Action at all Levels.” (SAC, 1997)

5 1.Understanding Climate Variability in the Americas: 2.Comparative Studies of Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Land Use and Water Resources in the Americas IAI SCIENCE AGENDA (current)...

6 3.Changes in the Composition of the Atmosphere, Oceans and Fresh Water : 4.Integrated Assessments, Human Dimensions and Applications (since 1999) IAI SCIENCE AGENDA

7 IAI, DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTINATIONAL NETWORK OF RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS Scientific Advisory Committee IAI Directorate A CD B Research Institutes Research Theme of the Scientific Agenda A…N N

8 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Presin(2).ppt 8 PRESENT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS FOR IAI National Scientific Programs National and International Funding Agencies and Programs International Scientific Programs START, IGBP, IHDP, WCRP, APN, ENRICH, IRI, UN agencies (WMO, UNDP) IAI INPE NOAA NASA UNAM NSF CONICYT’s GEF CICESE U. of Miami U. of Indiana CNPq NSERC ANPCyT

9 Strategy for IAI Programmatic Development Assembling scientific teams and planning research. Promoting initial scientific activities. Start-up Grant Program (SG) 1996-1997 Initial Science Program (ISP): - Round I: 1996-1999 - Round II: 1997-2000 - Round III: 1998-2001 Developing research networks. Collaborative Research Network Program (CRN) 1999-2003 Expanding Scientific Capacity in the Americas. PESCA 2000-2001 US$ 300,000 11 projects – 2 countries PESCA 2000-2001 US$ 300,000 11 projects – 2 countries

10 Evolution of IAI Research & Training Activities Overtime

11 One-time Awards to Encourage Investigators of IAI Member Countries to Plan Collaborative Long-term Research Projects that will Make up the Core of the Future IAI Research Network. Start-up Grants (SG) 1996-1997 37 groups of scientists US$ 1,700,000 50 planning meetings

12 One-time up to 3-year Awards to Initiate or to Augment On-going Scientific Activities in Research, Training and Education, Data Collection and Information, and Modeling for all the Themes of the Science Agenda. Initial Science Program (ISP) 1996-2001 40 research projects US$ 3,850,000 min. of 2-3 countries p/ project

13 Collaborative Research Networks (CRN)  Another Step towards the Integration of Scientists and Countries on Research Organized Around the 4 Themes of the IAI Science Agenda;  5 Year Awards to Conduct Scientific Research with the Participation of Institutions of at least 4 IAI Member Countries;  The Opportunity for `Planning Proposals` Prepared under the SG Program to be Transformed into Actual Research Projects or Programs. 1999-2003 14 research projects US$ 11,000,000 min. of 4 countries p/ project

14 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Presin(2).ppt 14 Involvement CountryProjectsFundsPIsCo-PIs Bolivia7~235K0 4 Brazil28~2000K655 Colombia 17 ~857K015 Ecuador17~644K222 Peru22~910K520 Venezuela12~700K211

15 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Presin(2).ppt 15 ISP I:  Hydrological Budgets for Amazonia, T.N, Krishnamurti; USA, Brazil  Rainfall Studies in the Amazon Basin and central South America; Henry Diaz; USA, Brazil, Argentina ISP III:  Training and Education in the context of the LBA Experiment; Carlos Nobre; Brazil, Bolívia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru  Natural and anthropogenic control on the hydrology and biogeochemistry of a Meso-Scale Andean Amazon River Catchment: Integrating Andean Systems into Basinwide Investigation; Carlos Llerena; Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru PESCA:  Mercury in Andean Amazon RiverCatchments MAARC; CRN Mike McClain; Ecuador, Canada  Downscaling Activities and their applications to studies of climate variability and change in South America; ISP III Carlos Nobre; Venezuela IAI Projects related to Amazonia/LBA

16 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Presin(2).ppt 16 CRN:  Cattle Ranching, Land Use and Deforestation in Brazil, Peru and Ecuador; Charles Wood, USA, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Peru  The Andean Amazon Rivers Analysis and Monitoring (AARAM) Project; Mike McClain; USA, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru  Diagnostics and Prediction of Climate Variability and Human Health Impacts in the Tropical Americas; Ulisses Confalonieri; Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, Mexico, USA, Venezuela Summer School:  Land Cover-Land Use Change in the Amazonian Region: Patterns, Processes and [Plausible] Scenarios (October 13-24, 2003, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil). IAI Projects related to Amazonia/LBA

17 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Presin(2).ppt 17  Utilization of IAI Network, Database, expertise, administration of projects  Call for Small Grant Program II (June 2003?) one-year, 3 countries, US$30K, categories: research, workshop, technical report, total approx. 20 projects  Call for another round of CRNs (late 2004?) Opportunities with IAI

18 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Presin(2).ppt 18 IAI Visions & Strategy (SAC) ¤ Six major strategies proposed: ¤ 1. Consolidations and enlarging of the CRNs by encouraging integration, by increasing funding through external sources or in-kind support and by fostering links and interactions with other regional and international projects ¤ 2. Regular renewal for project requests and the definition of a new science agenda giving priority to projects clearly focusing on integrating global change research with sustainable development ¤ 3. Targeting scientifically `weaker` member countries for more sustained capacity building efforts ¤ 4. Facilitation of studies synthesizing and assessing the state of knowledge of issues vital to the region an dto understudied subregions

19 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Presin(2).ppt 19 IAI Visions & Strategy (SAC) ¤ Six major strategies proposed (cont.): ¤ 5. Improvement of IAI`s capabilities to disseminate research results - through more publications and media ensuring their regional availability to decision makers and the public ¤ 6. Increase of IAI profile by expansion of its activities to include offering of expertise, information contacts to other institutions in the region and offering to administer appropriate projects for outside agencies and organizations

20 Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research Presin(2).ppt 20 Carlos Llerena - AARAM German Poveda - Human Health

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