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ARKANSAS. Competitive Event Changes 2007-2008 Students may not compete in a chapter event AND in an individual or team event American Enterprise Community.

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Presentation on theme: "ARKANSAS. Competitive Event Changes 2007-2008 Students may not compete in a chapter event AND in an individual or team event American Enterprise Community."— Presentation transcript:


2 Competitive Event Changes 2007-2008 Students may not compete in a chapter event AND in an individual or team event American Enterprise Community Service Local Chapter Annual Business Report Partnership with Business

3 Event Changes Continued New Events Client Service Computer Problem Solving Desktop Application Design Programming Help Desk Internet Application Design Programming Personal Finance Management Information Systems

4 Event Changes Continued If Chapters are participating in more than one event utilizing equipment, they must provide enough equipment for all events C++, Java, and Visual Basic have been retired and replaced Multimedia Presentation has been renamed Business Presentation

5 Event Changes Continued Banking and Financial Systems is now an individual or team event Digital Video Production and Network Design performance time has been reduced to seven minutes Penalty points will be given for all chapter events if guidelines are not followed, reports will not be disqualified. Multimedia Presentation renamed Business Presentation – no pre judged media.

6 How does this change Arkansas? Banking and Financial Systems – District will test only – Presentation at state conference with top 5 individuals on state testing. Business Presentation – formerly Multimedia Presentation – No prejudged media score will be from presentation only.

7 Arkansas Continued Client Service – State only event on district. Students may not enter any other event at district or state. Top 5 on state testing will perform – no national test. Help Desk - State only event on district. Students may not enter any other event at district or state. Top 5 on state testing will perform – no national test.

8 Arkansas Continued Desktop Application Design Programming - State only event on district. Students may not enter any other event at district or state. Top 5 on state testing will perform – no national test. Internet Application Design Programming - State only event on district. Students may not enter any other event at district or state. Top 5 on state testing will perform – no national test.

9 Arkansas Continued Entrepreneurship – Performance time 7 minutes Global Business – Performance time 7 minutes Management Decision Making – Performance time 7 minutes Network Design – Performance time 7 minutes.

10 Management Information Systems - State only event on district. Students may not enter any other event at district or state. Top 5 on state testing will perform

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