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ENGLISH 10 August 20 th, 2013 Research for Excellence Essay.

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1 ENGLISH 10 August 20 th, 2013 Research for Excellence Essay

2 Vocabulary: First 10 approbation expostulate jaded provincial assuage hackneyed lurid simulate coalition hiatus  Draw a picture for each word  Be prepared to share, redraw pictures on the board.

3 A Week in Vocab Monday TuesdayWed/ThursFriday Copy the part of speech and definition. Look over sentence, synonyms, and antonyms for comprehension. Draw a picture for each word. Use and underline all ten words in a writing prompt. Formative Test over this weeks Vocab. The summative test will be after 30 words/3 weeks

4 STUCO MEETING Cafeteria Afterschool. Today!

5 EXCELLENCE ESSAY & PRESENTATION How would you define the word “excellence,” and how does it apply to your own life? In this assignment, you will do a few things to answer these questions. 1. Define the term “excellence.” 2. Integrate research. 3. Identify your three areas to work on. 4. Create an action plan. 5. Write a 2-4 page paper synthesizing above steps. 6. Condense into a one to two minute speech. We will have class discussions around the idea of excellence. Your fellow students might define it differently than you do, and that’s okay. Subjectivity is welcome here. We will have some in-class readings, and you will also be required to locate your own sources. These sources could be over the idea of excellence or about figures who do (or do not) exemplify it. Due Dates: The Excellence Essay w/Research is Due Friday August 23 rd. The Condensed Speech in One to Two Minutes is Due Monday August 26 th.

6 Excellence Essay & Presentation Monday (T)Tuesday (T)Wed/Thurs (A/B)Friday (T) No SchoolIntroductions Syllabus Discussion about High School Define Excellence in one sentence. Share Sentence Freewrite on excellence. Long Reading Group: How does the concept of excellence apply to this reading? Recap Reading: “A Different World” Partner: How does Excellence apply to this reading? Research Excellence (as an idea and/or people who exemplify, or don’t, excellence) Write rough draft of essay, formatted correctly with research. Peer Workshop Revise Excellence Essay Essay Finish and Turn-in Begin condensing speech into bulleted notecard. Excellence Speeches Time Schedule First 3 Weeks of School Shown

7 Write Rough Draft Two Parts: I. Excellence II. Action Plan Incorporate Your Research Somewhere in Your Paper

8 Research Find websites about excellence, stories of excellent, or excellent people.

9 Credible Sites  Do not use group sites with undetermined authors (wiki, ehow, etc.)  DO use newspaper sites.  If you use a blog, make sure that the author is credible for your purpose. For example, if you are talking about Excellence, does the head football coach of a university team seem more credible than a guy that sells hot dogs outside the stadium? Make this clear when you introduce the writing.

10 Using the source in your paper  Direct quote:  Franklin D Roosevelt said, “The only thing to fear is fear itself.”  During a momentous speech the crowd was told that “The only thing to fear is fear itself.”  Paraphrase:  Put it all in your own words and change sentence structure.  Franklin D Roosevelt gave a speech during WWII telling people not to be afraid. He suggested that will power can overcome a craven aspect of an individual and make a stronger nation.

11 Citing  Best website guide: OWL Purdue (

12 Vocabulary: Review First 10 approbation expostulate jaded provincial assuage hackneyed lurid simulate coalition hiatus  Review words.  Which do you not know?  Single those out for study.

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