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God Speaks to Us. Natural The process by which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world. Historical conditions and the consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "God Speaks to Us. Natural The process by which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world. Historical conditions and the consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 God Speaks to Us

2 Natural The process by which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world. Historical conditions and the consequences of original sin often hinder our ability to fully know God’s truth through natural revelation alone. Divine God’s self communication through which h makes known the mystery of his divine plan. This is accomplished through the words and actions of salvation history. It is fully realized in the paschal mystery, the passion, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus the Christ

3 Apostolic Succession Deposit of faith Magisterium Sacred Tradition Sacred Scripture Theophany Salvation history Doctrine Dogma Patriarch Prophet Natural Revelation Divine Revelation Vocation Fathers of the Church Doctors of the Church Incarnation Salvation

4 Natural Revelation Reason Created world Experiences of Love Sacred Mystery Hindered by the human condition and our weakness to sin Divine Revelation Sacred Scripture Bible Sacred Tradition Magisterium The teaching office of the Church that consists of the Pope and the Bishops. They receive their authority from the Apostles whose authority came directly from Jesus.

5 The Bible The written word of God in which he reveals himself gradually through words and actions recorded by human writers guided by the Holy Spirit(divine inspiration). The message of truth revealed to us by God has no error(inerrancy) Old Testament God’s self-communication through the relationship with his chosen people, the Israelites New Testament God’s complete self revelation through his Incarnation, Jesus, the Christ

6 Handing down the “Good News” (development of gospels) Experience of Jesus himself Oral tradition(apostles preaching and teaching Jesus’ message) Written accounts Apostolic Succession Process of passing the authority given directly to the Apostles by Jesus to the bishops through the “laying on of hands” in the Sacrament of Holy Orders Deposit of Faith Along with the scriptures, the teachings of the apostles and their successors. Entrusted to the Magisterium Doctrine Dogma

7 Scripture Tradition Divine Revelation The written word of God The teachings of the Church based on scripture and the tradition s of the church

8 The pattern of specific events in human history in which God reveals his presence and saving actions. It culminates through Jesus the Christ who accomplishes it once and for all. God gradually reveals himself by communicating the mystery of his plan, in deeds and words. From the revelation of his name to our ancestors in the theophany of the burning bush, to the heralding of Jesus’ name. God shows himself in a visible form to improve human understanding of him

9 Begins with first humans, when they turn away from God, he remained faithful and promised salvation and offered his covenant Noah Salvation of the righteous Patriarchs God begins his plan Moses/ Exodus God as liberator Greatest saving event of the Old Testament Prophets When the people break the covenant, God sends messengers to put them back on track Wisdom Books How to live in right relationship with God

10 Jesus is the fullness of all revelation The only son of the Father God’s Word made flesh (Incarnation) All of Scripture speaks of one single Word, a transforming Word The Word that created the universe In Jesus’ life we see the glory of God who chose to reveal himself by becoming human The gospels use many images to convey who Jesus is: Shepherd, friend, savior, bread, water, light, vine, etc.

11 Divine Revelation Define Scripture Tradition Development of Gospels Magisterium Deposit of faith Doctrine/Dogma Transmission Salvation History Sequence of events Theophany Incarnation Central saving events OT NT

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