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Abinit Workshop Sornthep Vannarat.

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1 Abinit Workshop Sornthep Vannarat

2 Lesson 1 Hydrogen Molecule

3 Lesson 1 cd ~abinit/Tutorial mkdir work copy ../t1x.files .
edit t1x.files copy ../ . ../../abinis < t1x.files > log ../ t1x.out t1xi t1xo t1x ../../Psps_for_tests/01h.pspgth t11.out t1xi t1xo t1x ../../Psps_for_tests/01h.pspgth

4 Lesson 1: Starting abinit
Program name: abinis.exe Input files: and t1xi* Output files: t11.out and t1xo* Temporary files: t1x* Pseudo potential files ../../Psps_for_tests/01h.pspgth

5 Lesson 1: Input parameters
Input file: acell # Cell size is 10**3 ntypat # One type of atom znucl # Atomic number is one natom # There are two atoms typat # They both are of type 1 xcart # Location of the atoms # atom 1, in Bohr # atom 2, in Bohr ecut # Cut-off energy, in Hartree nkpt # One k point nstep # Maximal number of SCF cycles toldfe 1.0d # Threshold diemac # Preconditioner diemix # Using standard preconditioner # for molecules in a big box

6 Lesson 1: Output Abinit version Input/output files
Values of input parameters Data Set and Pseudo potential file Number of plan waves Iterations Stress tensor Eigen values Max/Min Electronic density Total energy Values of input parameters (after calculation) Log file: interactive input, more details of iterations

7 Lesson 1: Inter-atomic distance (1)
3 approaches: compute total energy E(d) or force F(d) Use relaxation Multiple datasets ndtset, xcart, xcart+, getwfk, nband Edit t1x.files and run Look at t12.out Data sets: symmetry and number of plane waves Data sets: coordinates xangst, xcart, xred Data sets: Number of iterations etotal and fcart Plot data

8 Lesson 1: Inter-atomic distance (2)
Use relaxation: ionmove, ntime, tolmxf, toldff Multiple datasets Edit t1x.files and run Look at t13.out BROYDEN STEP value of coordinates after relaxation xangst, xcart, xred

9 Lesson 1: Charge density
prtden = 1, move atoms to middle of box cut3d convert to OpenDX

10 Lesson 1: Atomization energy
Eatomization = (2EHatom – EH2molecule)  per molecule Caution: Calculations with the same setting Spin: nsppol, spinat Degeneracy: HOMO and LUMO (see lesson_4) Ground-state charge density NON-spherical, automatic determination of symmetries should be disabled (nsym) For Hydrogen, ground state is spherical (1s orbital) HOMO and LUMO have a different spin define occupation of each spin, occopt and occ Output file: Eigen values, Max/Min spin Atomization energy =?

11 Lesson 1: Summary System Method Results
H2 molecule in a big box 10x10x10 Bohr^3 Method Using cut-off energy 10 Ha LDA (LSDA for atom) with ixc=1 (default) Pseudopotential from Goedecker-Hutter-Teter table Results Bond length Bohr (1.401 Bohr) Atomisation energy Ha = eV (4.747 eV)

12 Lesson 2 Convergence Study

13 Lesson 2: Combined calculation ndtset 2 acell ecut 10 #First dataset natom1 2 ionmov1 3 # BD algorithm ntime1 10 tolmxf1 5.0d-4 xcart toldff1 5.0d-5 nband1 1 #Second dataset natom2 1 nsppol2 2 # LSDA occopt2 2 nband # Spin up, down occ toldfe2 1.0d-6 xcart spinat2 # Init spin

14 Lesson 2: Convergence Calculation parameters: ecut acell
number of k-points convergence of SCF cycle: toldfe, toldff convergence of geometry optimization: tolmxf

15 Lesson 2: ecut ndtset 12 udtset 6 2 acell 10 10 10
ecut:? ecut+? 5 #First dataset: bond length natom?1 2 ionmov?1 3 ntime?1 10 tolmxf?1 5.0d-4 xcart? toldff?1 5.0d-5 nband?1 1 #Second dataset: H-atom natom?2 1 nsppol?2 2 occopt?2 2 nband?2 1 1 occ? toldfe?2 1.0d-6 xcart? spinat?

16 Lesson 2: ecut What determines ecut? What if H is changed to Cl?

17 Lesson 2: acell ndtset 12 udtset 6 2 acell:? 8 8 8
ecut 10 #First dataset: bond length natom?1 2 ionmov?1 3 ntime?1 10 tolmxf?1 5.0d-4 xcart? toldff?1 5.0d-5 nband?1 1 #Second dataset: H-atom natom?2 1 nsppol?2 2 occopt?2 2 nband?2 1 1 occ? toldfe?2 1.0d-6 xcart? spinat?

18 Lesson 2: acell What determines acell? What if H is changed to Cl?

19 Lesson 2: Optimum parameters and GGA calculation
Use the optimum ecut and acell to determine H2 bond length and atomization energy. Switch to GGA calculation by changing ixc No need to change pseudo-potential for H (small core) No need to change ecut No need to change acell Compare results

20 Lesson 3 Crystalline Silicon

21 Lesson 3: Introduction Crystalline silicon (Diamond structure, 2 FCC)
the total energy the lattice parameter the band structure (actually, the Kohn-Sham band structure) Parameters: k-points, smearing of cut-off

22 Lesson 3: Introduction Parameters: rprim: premitive vectors
xred: reduced coordinates K-point sampling kptopt: 0 read from input, 1,2,3 generates, negative for band calculation ngkpt: numbers of k-points in 3 directions nshiftk shiftk kptrlatt alternatively use kptrlen Larger cell  smaller Brillouin zone

23 Lesson 3: Sample k-points generation
ngkpt = 2,2,2 First mesh has 8 points, (0,0,0), (0,0,½), (0,½,0), (0,½,½), (½,0,0), (½,0,½), (½,½,0), (½,½,½) nshiftk = 4, shiftk = (½,½,½), (½,0,0), (0,½,0), (0,0,½) First shift with (½,½,½), 8 k-points become (¼,¼,¼), (¼,¼,¾), (¼,¾,¼), (¼,¾,¾), (¾,¼,¼), (¾,¼,¾), (¾,¾,¼), (¾,¾,¾) Second shift with (½,0,0), 8 k-points become (¼,0,0), (¼,0,½), (¼,½,0), ... Third shift with (0,½,0), 8 k-points become (0,¼,0), (0,¼,½), (0,¾,0), ... Forth shift with (0,0,½), 8 k-points become (0,0,¼), (0,0, ¾), (0,½,¼), ... Value ki larger than ½ can be translated to ki-1 e.g. ¾  -¼ Totally 32 points obtained by shifting first mesh, but can be reduced by symmetry

24 Lesson 3: Silicon crystal
Look at input file, meaning of acell, rprim, xred, kptopt, ngkpt, nshiftk, shiftk, diemac Try running and check the result Try changing kptopt to 3 ngkpt to 3,2,2 etc. nshiftk, shiftk using kptrlen instead, with prtkpt = 1,0

25 Lesson 3: Silicon k-point convergence
Look at and try running it Why problem occurs? Change to correct the problem and to perform a series of calculations to test convergence against number of k-points ndtset 4 ngkpt ngkpt ngkpt ngkpt Note number of k-points and energy convergence Convergence of wavefunction and charge density can also be verified

26 Lesson 3: Silicon k-point convergence
Test k-point, when begin the study new material Test (at least) three efficient k-point sets CPU time is proportional to number of k-points Symmetry reduce number of k-points, but need to be weighted (wtk) Reference: Monkhorst and Pack paper, Phys. Rev. B 13, 5188 (1976)

27 Lesson 3: Silicon Lattice Parameter
Parameters ( optcell 1 ionmov 3 ntime 10 dilatmx 1.05 ecutsm 0.5 Experimental value: Angstrom at 25 degree Celsius, see R.W.G. Wyckoff, Crystal structures Ed. Wiley and sons, New-York (1963) Calculated value =? Using LDA with the 14si.pspnc pseudopotential What are 2 data sets?

28 Lesson 3: Silicon Band Structure
Two steps SCF calculation of charge density Non-SCF calculation of eigen values (bands) Use L-Gamma-X-Gamma circuit In eight-atom cell coordinates: (1/2 1/2 1/2)-(0 0 0)-(1 0 0)-(1 1 1) In two-atom cell coordinates: (1/2 0 0)- (0 0 0)- (0 1/2 1/2)-(1 1 1) Parameters ( prtden, iscf, getden, nband, kptopt, ndivk, enunit, tolwfr kptbounds to # L point # Gamma point # X point # Gamma point in another cell. Results: kpt#

29 Crystalline Aluminum and Surface Energy
Lesson 4 Crystalline Aluminum and Surface Energy

30 Lesson 4: Introduction Aluminum, the bulk and the surface.
the total energy the lattice parameter the relaxation of surface atoms the surface energy Smearing of the Brillouin zone integration Preconditioning the SCF cycle

31 Lesson 4: Smearing occopt = 4,5,6,7 tsmear
Use Fermi-Dirac when trying to mimic physical electronic temperature. It is less convenient to use due to "long-tailed“, need more bands. In general Gaussian-like smearings are preferable. If you are interested only in the total energies, you can just use a Gaussian smearing - but need to extract corrected energy by taking the semisum of the energy and the free energy. Methfessel-Paxton and Marzari-Vanderbilt do this automatically for you, and also provide forces, stresses, and whatever else corrected for the leading term in the temperature. tsmear

32 Lesson 4: Smearing delta functions

33 Lesson 4: Bulk Al Look at ecut 6 Ha, compare to previous cases
H needed 30 Ha Si needed 8 Ha Run Look at output and note 2 points Components of energy Occupation of each band Test ecut convergence

34 Lesson 4: k-point convergence
How to check k-point convergence? Look at Run Look at the result Total energy acell Try with a different tsmear

35 Lesson 4: tsmear and k-point covergence
Aluminum: Total energy (E) and Lattice parameters (A) calculated using tsmear = 0.05, 0.10 as functions of k-point grid Larger tsmear converges faster, but ... Try

36 Lesson 4: Al (001) surface energy
Slab calculation: Al layer + vacuum layer Thicknesses of Al and Vacuum layers Reference energy: Bulk calculation with equivalent parameters, i.e. cell shape, k-point grid, ecut Esurface = (Eslab/nslab – Ebulk/nbulk)/(2 Asurface) Look at and, what do they represent? Difficulties: surface reconstruction and different top-buttom surfaces

37 Lesson 4: Al surface energy
Vacuum layer thickness Defining atomic positions in Cartesian coordinates is more convenient Preconditioner (dielng) for metal+vacuum case How many layers of vacuum are needed?

38 Lesson 4: Al surface energy
Al layer thickness Preconditioner (dielng) for metal+vacuum case Use an effective dielectric constant of about 3 or 5 With a rather small mixing coefficient ~0.2 Alternatively, Use an estimation of the dielectric matrix governed by iprcel=45 Repeat the 3 aluminum layer case for comparison See t47_STATUS to check status of long calculation How many Al layers are needed?

39 Dynamical Matrix, Dielectric Tensor and Effective Charge
Lesson 5 Dynamical Matrix, Dielectric Tensor and Effective Charge

40 Lesson 5: Response functions
Response functions are the second derivatives of total energy (2DTE) with respect to different perturbations, e.g. phonons (Dynamical metrix) static homogeneous electric field (Dielectric tensor, Born effective charges) strain (Elastic constants, internal strain, piezoelectricity) ABINIT computes FIRST-order derivatives of the wavefunctions (1WF) 2DTE is calculated from 1WF References: X. Gonze, Phys. Rev. B55, (1997) X. Gonze and C. Lee, Phys. Rev. B55, (1997).

41 Lesson 5: Response functions
ABINIT gives phonon frequencies electronic dielectric tensor effective charges Derivative DataBase (DDB) Contains all 2DTEs and 3DTEs MRGDDB Anaddb

42 Lesson 5: Perturbations
Phonon displacement of one atom (ipert) along one of the axis (idir) of the unit cell, by a unit of length (in reduced coordinates characterized by two integer numbers and one wavevector rfatpol defines the set of atoms to be moved rfdir defines the set of directions to be considered nqpt, qpt, and qptnrm define the wavevectors to be considered Electric field DDK: dH/dk, auxiliary for RF-EF (ipert=natom+1) Homogeneous electric field (q=0), only (ipert=natom+2), idir = direction Homogeneous Strain Uniaxial strain: ipert = natom+3, idir = 1,2,3 for xx,yy,zz Shear strain ipert = natom+4, idir = 1,2,3 for yz, zx, xy No internal coordinate relaxation

43 Lesson 5: Ground State of AlAs, trf1_x.files (2 potentials) Note: tolvrs 1.0d-18 Run Is tolvrs reached? (18) What is the total energy? (15 digits)

44 Lesson 5: Frozen-phonon E’’ Read in previous wavefunction file (irdwfk = 1) Al is moved (xred) Need to rename tr1_xo_WFK to tr1_xi_WFK Edit tr1_x.files to run Run Compare tr1_1.out and tr1_2.out Symmetry, K-points Cartesian forces RMS dE/dt Estimate E’’ from E(x) = E0+xdE + x2d2E / x = change in Al position from its equilibrium

45 Lesson 5: Response-Function E’’
d2E/dx2; x = change in Al position from its equilibrium Read in previous wavefunction file (irdwfk = 1) kptopt = 2 Atomic positions not changed (xred) Phonon perturbation (rfphon) Perturbation on Al atom (rfatpol) Direction (rfdir) and wave-vector (nqpt, qpt) Run Output files: *.out (2DEtotal), 1WF, DDB,

46 Lesson 5: RF Full Dynamical Matrix
At Gamma [q=(0,0,0)] Perturbation J(m,n): m = Atom number (rfatpol 1 natom) n = Direction (Reduced) (rfdir 1 1 1) Dynamical matrix M[j1,j2] Run Output files: *.out, 1WF, 1WF4, DDB, Perturbation of each atom is applied in each direction in turns idir 2,3 is symmetric with previous calculation ipert 1,2,4 (electric field) Note the symmetry M[i,j] = M[j,i]? Rerun with tolvrs = 10-18 Phonon Energies

47 Lesson 5: Recipe: K-Points
Input k-point set for RF should NOT have been decreased by using spatial symmetries, prior to the loop over perturbations ABINIT will automatically reduce k-points kptopt=1 for the ground state kptopt=2 for response functions at q=0 kptopt=3 for response functions at non-zero q

48 Lesson 5: Recipe: Steps Atomic displacement with q=0,
SC GS IBZ (with kptopt=1) SC RF Phonon Half Set (with kptopt=2) Atomic displacement with q=k1-k2 (k1,k2 are special k-points), SC RF Phonon Full Set (with kptopt=3) Atomic displacement for a general q point, NSC GS k+q (might be reduced due to symmetries, with kptopt=1) Electric Field (with q=0), NSC RF DDK Half Set (with kptopt=2, and iscf=-3) SC RF EF Half Set (with kptopt=2)

49 Lesson 5: Recipe: Combinations
Full dynamical matrix, Dielectric tensor and Born effective charges SC GS IBZ (with kptopt=1) Three NSC RF DDK (one for each direction) Half Set (with kptopt=2, and iscf=-3) SC RF Phonon+EF Half Set (with kptopt=2) Phonon at q=0 and general q points Perturbations at different q wavevectors cannot be mixed. NSC GS k+q points (might be reduced due to symmetries, with kptopt=1) SC RF Phonon q0 Full Set (with kptopt=3)

50 Lesson 5: Full RF calculation of AlAs
Three Data Sets SC GS IBZ NSC RF DDK Half k-point set SC RF Phonon+EF Half k-point set New parameters rfelfd, getwfk, getddk Run Output Dynamical matrix Dielectric tensor Effective charge Phonon energies

51 Lesson 5: Multiple q Phonon
When qk1-k2, NSC GS with nqpt=1, qpt, getwfk, getden, kptopt=3, tolwfr, iscf4=-2 SC RF Phonon with rfphon=1, rfatpol, rfdir, nqpt=1, qpt, getwfk=1, getwfq=4, kptopt=3, tolvrs, iscf Notice: splitting between TO and LO

52 Interatomic Force Constants, Phonon and Thermodynamic Properties
Lesson 6 Interatomic Force Constants, Phonon and Thermodynamic Properties

53 Lesson 6: DDB File DDB contains dE with respect to 3 perturbations : phonons, electric field and stresses Header: DDB version number, natom, nkpt, nsppol, nsym, ntypat, occopt, and nband or array nband (nkpt* nsppol) if occopt=2, acell, amu, ecut, iscf,... Data: Number of data blocks For each block: Type of the block, Number of Elements, List of Elements In most cases, each element consists of 4 integer and 2 real numbers [idir1, ipert1, idir2, ipert2, Re(2DTE), Im(2DTE)] Symmetries may reduce number of elements DDB files can be merged by Mrgddb

54 Lesson 6: Build DDB has 10 Data Sets
1st SC GS IBZ 2nd NSC RF DDK Half Set 3rd SC RF Phonon+EF Half Set (q=0) 4th-10th SC RF Phonon Full Set (q=Δk) Note: need to overwrite default parameters in some Data Sets Data Sets 4-10 use selected K-Points which may be generated by Run See trf2_1o_DS*_DDB

55 Lesson 6: Merging DDB Files
Steps to use Mrgddb name output description number of DDB files file name list Run Look at trf2_3.ddb.out How many datasets?

56 Lesson 6: ANADDB ANADDB analyses DDB for properties e.g. phonon spectrum, frequency-dependent dielectric tensor, thermal properties Files: input, output, DDB, other files To run anaddb < anaddb.files > log & Common parameters: dieflag, elaflag, elphflag, ifcflag, instrflag, nlflag, piezoflag, polflag, thmflag

57 Lesson 6: Interatomic Force Constants
Dynamical Matrix and Interatomic Force Constants are Fourier Transforms of each other Calculated Dynamical Matrix on a grid of wavevectors  IFC; IFC vanishes rapidly with interatomic distance ifcflag=1; (ifcflag=0 is for checking, or when there is not enough information in DDB) Q-point grid: brav, nqgpt, nqshft, q1shft Energy conservation and charge neutrality: asr, chneut Others: dipdip, ifcana, ifcout, natifc, atifc Run ..\..\anaddb < trf2_4.files > trf2_4.log

58 Lesson 6: IFC Results On site term of Al trace = 0.28080
First NN = 4 As atoms at 4.6 trace = Second NN = 12 Al atoms at 7.5 trace = Third NN = 12 As atoms at 8.8 trace = Fourth NN = 6 Al atoms at 10.6 trace = Fifth NN = 12 As atoms at 11.6 trace = Sixth NN Al atoms at 13.0 trace = Applications: Phonon dispersion curve Elastic constants MD (Harmonic approximation)

59 Lesson 6: Phonon Band Structure
ifcflag=1 Q-point grid: brav, nqgpt, nqshft, q1shft Energy conservation and charge neutrality: asr, chneut Others: dipdip Band: eivec, nph1l, qph1l, nph2l, qph2l Run ..\..\anaddb < trf2_5.files > trf2_5.log trf2_5_band2eps.freq .dspl are obtained Run ..\..\band2eps < trf2_6.files > trf2_6.log trf2_6.out.eps is obtained view with ghostview; note discontinuity of Optical Phonon at Gamma point Edit trf2_5_band2eps.freq, lines 1 and 31, correct LO freq. (trf2_5.out) Run band2eps again

60 Lesson 6: Thermodynamic Properties
Normalized phonon DOS Phonon internal energy, free energy, entropy, constant volume heat capacity as a function of the temperature Debye-Waller factors (tensors) for each atom, as a function of the temperature (DISABLED, SORRY) Parameters: thmflag, ng2qpt, ngrids, q2shft, nchan, nwchan, thmtol, ntemper, temperinc, tempermin ..\..\anaddb < trf2_7.files > trf2_7.log At T F(J/mol-c) E(J/mol-c) S(J/(mol-c.K)) C(J/(mol-c.K)) (A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is, the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell) E E E E+00 E E E E+00 E E E E+01 E E E E+01 E E E E+01 E E E E+01 E E E E+01 E E E E+01 E E E E+01 E E E E+01

61 Other Response-Function Tutorials
Optic: Frequency-dependent linear and second order nonlinear optical response Frequency dependent linear dielectric tensor Frequency dependent second order nonlinear susceptibility tensor Electron-Phonon interaction and superconducting properties of Al. Phonon linewidths (lifetimes) due to the electron-phonon interaction Eliashberg spectral function Coupling strength McMillan critical temperature Elastic and piezoelectric properties. Rigid-atom elastic tensor Rigid-atom piezoelectric tensor (insulators only) Internal strain tensor Atomic relaxation corrections to the elastic and piezoelectric tensor Static non-linear properties Born effective charges Dielectric constant Proper piezoelectric tensor (clamped and relaxed ions) Non-linear optical susceptibilities Raman tensor of TO and LO modes Electro-optic coefficients

62 Quasi Particle Band Structure
Lesson 7 Quasi Particle Band Structure

63 Lesson 7: Introduction System Approach
Nucleus + Electrons Approach Electron wave function Electron density  DFT Quasiparticles Quasiparticle = Bare particle + Decorations Modify Equation of motion Energy, Mass Life time

64 Lesson 7: GW Approximation
In the quasiparticle (QP) formalism, the energies and wavefunctions are obtained by the Dyson equation: QP equation S self-energy (a non-local and energy dependent operator) is the difference between the energies of bare particle and quasiparticle. Within the GW approximation,S is given by: GW Self-Energy Green Function Dynamical Screened Interaction

65 Lesson 7: Green function
Green function G corresponding to QP equation is Green function G may be approximated by the independent particle G(0): The basic ingredient of G(0) is the Kohn-Sham electronic structure:

66 Lesson 7: Dynamical Screened Interaction
W is approximated by RPA: Dynamical Screened Interaction Dielectric Matrix Coulomb Interaction RPA approximation Independent Particle Polarizability Adler-Wiser expression ingredients: KS wavefunctions and KS energies

67 Lesson 7: GWA correction to LDA
QP equation KS equation Difference = Vxc is replaced by S. Thus GWA correction to the DFT KS eigenvalues by 1st order PT: 0-order wavefunctions 0-order Non Self-Consistent G0WRPA, Plasmon Pole model

68 Lesson 7: GWA Performance
LDA, GWA, and experimental energy gaps for semiconductors and insulators. GWA corrects most of the LDA band gap underestimation. The discrepancy for LiO2 results from the neglect of excitonic effects. The experimental value for BAS is tentative.

69 Lesson 7: Discrepancy of LDA
In Kohn-Sham theory, eigenvalues εi are Lagrange multipliers to ensure the orthogonality of KS orbitals So both KS eigenvalues and orbitals are not physical εi are not energy levels; εN (highest level) is chemical potential for metal or negative ionization energy for semiconductor and insulator In absence of quasiparticle calculations. LDA energy are routinely used to interpreted experimental spectra LDA energy dispersions are often in fair agreement with experiment; LDA band gaps are sometimes empirically adjusted to fit experimental values LDA VXC approximate self-energy (neglecting non-local, energy dependent and life-time effects) LDA generally provides a qualitative understanding.

70 Lesson 7: GWA Calculation Steps
SC GS (fixed lattice parameters and atomic positions) self-consistent density, potential and Kohn-Sham eigenvalues and eigenfunctions at relevant k-points and on a regular grid of k-points Compute susceptibility matrix chi0 and chi, on a regular grid of q-points, for at least two frequencies (zero and a pure imaginary frequency ~ a dozen of eV) Dielectric matrix epsilon and 1/epsilon Self-energy sigma at the given k-point, and derive the GW eigenvalues for the target states at this k-point

71 Lesson 7: Generation of KSS File, 3 Data Sets First nbandkss1 -1 # Number of bands in KSS file -1 is full diagonalization, see out file for number of plane waves and number of bands nband # Number of bands to be computed istwfk *1 #Do not use time reversal symmetry for storing wavefunction npwkss 0: for same as ecut kssform 1: for full diag; 3: for conjugated gradient symmorphi 0: symmorphic symmetry operations, only

72 Lesson 7: Generation of SCR File
Second optdriver # Screening calculation getkss # Obtain KSS file from previous dataset nband # Bands to be used in the screening calculation ecutwfn # Cut-off energy of the planewave set to represent the wavefunctions ecuteps # Cut-off energy of the planewave set to represent the dielectric matrix ppmfrq eV # Imaginary frequency where to calculate the screening

73 Lesson 7: Calculation of Sigma
Third optdriver # Self-Energy calculation getkss # Obtain KSS file from dataset 1 getscr # Obtain SCR file from previous dataset nband # Bands for Self-Energy calculation ecutwfn # Planewaves to represents wavefunctions ecutsigx # Dimension of the G sum in Sigma_x Dimension of Sigma_c = size of screening matrix (SCR file) or size of Sigma_x, whichever is smaller nkptgw # num of k-point for GW correction kptgw # k-points, which must present in KSS file bdgw # calculate GW corrections for bands zcut for avoiding divergence in integration

74 Lesson 7: GWA Output File
Data Set 1 Kohn-Sham electronic Structure file Note number of plane waves, number of bands Check: Test on the normalization of the wavefunctions Data Set 2 Check: test on the normalization of the wavefunctions Is it the same as Data Set 1? Effect of ecutwfk total number of electrons per unit cell Electron density and plasma frequency calculating at frequencies omega [eV]: dielectric constant Data Set 3 Band energy “E0 <vxclda>”

75 Lesson 7: Convergence Study
Simplify: Gamma Point, only Generate KSS and SCR files Check Data Sets, KSS is separated from GS Note values of ecut* Run, Check normalization, number of electrons, dielectric constant

76 Lesson 7: Sigma ecutwfn convergence ndtset 5, ecutwfn: 3.0, ecutwfn+ 1.0 Note input KSS and SCR file names Rename tgw_2o_DS2_KSS to tgw_3o_DS1_KSS tgw_2o_DS3_SCR to tgw_3o_DS1_SCR Run Output Num. plane-waves for wave function in Sigma and Epsilon calculations Number of electrons per unit cell Normalization (grep sum_g) Band energies (grep –A 2 –i “E0 <vxclda”) If ecutwfn 5.0 is used, what is the error in band energy?

77 Lesson 7: ecutsigmax convergence ndtset 7, ecutsigmax: 3.0, ecutwfn+ 1.0 Note input KSS and SCR file names Rename tgw_3o_DS1_KSS to tgw_4o_DS1_KSS tgw_3o_DS1_SCR to tgw_4o_DS1_SCR Run Output Num. plane-waves for Sigma_x calculations Number of electrons per unit cell Normalization (grep sum_g) Band energies (grep –A 2 –i “E0 <vxclda”) What is the appropriate ecutsigmax and the associated error in band energy?

78 Lesson 7: Sigma nband convergence ndtset 5, nband: 50, nband+ 50 Note input KSS and SCR file names Rename tgw_4o_DS1_KSS to tgw_5o_DS1_KSS tgw_4o_DS1_SCR to tgw_5o_DS1_SCR Run Output Num. plane-waves are fixed now Numbers of bands for KSS, Sigma and Epsilon Number of electrons per unit cell Normalization (grep sum_g) Band energies (grep –A 2 –i “E0 <vxclda”) What is the appropriate nband and the associated error in band energy?

79 Lesson 7: 1/ε ecutwfn convergence ndtset 10, udtset 5 2 Two steps Data Set ?1: calculate screening (1/ε) Data Set *2: calculate GW correction (Sigma) How to prepare KSS and SCR files? Run Output Num. plane-waves for wave function in Sigma and Epsilon calculations Dielectric constant Normalization (grep sum_g) Band energies (grep –A 2 –i “E0 <vxclda”) If ecutwfn 4.0 is used, what is the error in band energy?

80 Lesson 7: 1/ε nband convergence ndtset 10, udtset 5 2 Two steps Data Set ?1: calculate screening (1/ε) Data Set *2: calculate GW correction (Sigma) How to prepare KSS and SCR files? Run Output Num. plane-waves for wave function in Sigma and Epsilon calculations Dielectric constant Normalization (grep sum_g) Band energies (grep –A 2 –i “E0 <vxclda”) To achieve band energy error < 0.01 eV, how many bands must be used?

81 Lesson 7: ecuteps convergence ndtset 10, udtset 5 2 Two steps Data Set ?1: calculate screening (1/ε) Data Set *2: calculate GW correction (Sigma) How to prepare KSS and SCR files? Run Output Num. plane-waves for wave function in Sigma and Epsilon calculations Dimension of epsilon Dielectric constant Normalization (grep sum_g) Band energies (grep –A 2 –i “E0 <vxclda”) To achieve band energy error < 0.01 eV, how large ecuteps must be used?

82 Lesson 7: (direct) Egap of Silicon
Data Set 1: SC GS print out the density 10 k-points in IBZ = 4x4x4 FCC grid (Shifted, no Gamma point) Data Set 2: NSC GS Kohn-Sham structure, 19 k-points in IBZ but not shifted, Gamma point included Data Set 3: Calculate Screening Very time-consuming ecutwfn = 3.6 nband = 25 [CPU time  nband (Conduction)] Accuracy of GW energy ~ 0.2 eV Accuracy of energy difference ~ 0.02 eV There is no zero of energy defined for bulk system Data Set 4: Self-energy matrix at Gamma

83 Lesson 7: (direct) Egap of Silicon 2
What are direct Egap of Silicon by LDA and GWA? Choice of pseudopotential can contribute to Egap variation: Egap GWA accuracy ~ 0.1 eV Full band calculation is possible, by shifting the k-point Simplification: GW corrections are quite linear with the energy

84 Thank you

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