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Published byAmberlynn Williamson Modified over 9 years ago
Page 1 Ocean PEATE Fred Patt NPP SDS Peer MOR Building 8 Auditorium August 27, 2008
Page 2 Ocean PEATE Agenda Ocean PEATE Overview Implementation Status Documentation Support Staff EDR Assessment Issues/Concerns Land SD3E PSOE Ocean Atmosphere Ozone Sounder I&TSE NICSE
Page 3 Ocean PEATE Overview ● The NPP Ocean PEATE will be implemented within the framework and facilities of the current NASA Ocean Data Processing System (ODPS) ● This system has been successfully supporting operational, satellite-based remote-sensing missions since 1996, and its capabilities continue to evolve and expand to meet the demands and challenges of future missions.
Page 4 Ocean PEATE Functions Acquire VIIRS RDRs, SDRs, and Ocean EDRs from the SD3E and ADS/CLASS Assess the quality of the NPP Ocean EDRs for accomplishing NASA’s climate research requirements Provide suggested algorithm improvements to the IDPS via the Project Science Office Element (PSOE) Process selected data subsets in support of Evaluation and Validation activities
Page 5 Ocean PEATE Interface Diagram PSOESD3EI&TSENICSE VOSTCLASS (ADS) Ancillary Data Providers Ocean Science Community Casa- NOSA xDRs, IPs, Ancillary Data Alternate Ancillary Data Management Direction Calibration Updates and Evaluations Interaction xDR Eval. Results, Algorithm Updates Pre-flight Algorithms, Data, Info Software, Data In Situ Data Ocean PEATE Algorithm Updates, Test Requests & Results xDRs, IPs, Ancillary Data (if unavailable from SD3E) Analysis Results, Proposed Algorithm Updates RSMASSeaBASS In Situ Data Matchups
Page 6 Ocean PEATE External Interfaces (1 of 2) SDS Science Data Distribution and Depository Element (SD3E) –Provides NRT access to raw data –Primary source of RDRs –Provides selected SDRs and EDRs SDS Integration and Test System Element (I&TSE) –Build and test updates to operational code in mini-IDPS –Run tests on selected data per request of PEATE Archive Distribution Segment (ADS) –Primary source for archived data xDRs, IPs, Ancillary Data, Operational Algorithm/Source Code and Calibration Products Ancillary Data Providers (ADP) –Provides alternate ancillary data sets (e.g., ozone, meteorological data sets) CasaNOSA –Serves as the NPP pre-flight repository of Government held data for distribution to Government user teams –Place to acquire pre-launch NPP algorithms and supported data files
Page 7 Ocean PEATE External Interfaces (2 of 2) NASA VIIRS Ocean Science Team (VOST) –Coordinate activities with PEATEs and PSOE on xDR and recommended algorithm improvements. Supports Independent Calibration Validation Activities NPP Instrument Calibration Support Element (NICSE) –Provides alternative calibration LUTs and recommended improvements to calibration algorithms –PEATE provides results of LUT and algorithm tests Project Science Office Element (PSOE) –Provides management direction –Accepts algorithm update recommendations SeaBASS/ODPS –Provides Ocean Color in situ data RSMAS/U. Miami –Provides SST in situ locations –PEATE provides SST EDR matchups Ocean Science Community –Relies on Ocean PEATE to provide evaluation products and results
Page 8 Roles & Responsibilities of Science Team / PEATE PEATEScience Team Acquire, catalog, and distribute xDRs Perform automated matchups with SeaBASS data Subscribe, browse, download xDRs Evaluate Ocean EDRs using matchups Generate Level-3 products from Ocean EDRs Compare VIIRS Ocean Level-3 files with heritage sensors Acquire test LUTS from NICSEEvaluate VIIRS calibration using test LUTS Deliver/install recommended software updates at I&TSE Generate recommended algorithm changes Upload RDRs to I&TSE, input test run requests and download SDRs and/or EDRs Develop algorithm test cases and scenarios and evaluates test products Interface with SDS, I&TSE, ADS, …Provide feedback to Project Scientist
Page 9 Ocean PEATE Agenda Land SD3E PSOE Ocean Atmosphere Ozone Sounder I&TSE NICSE Ocean PEATE Overview Implementation Status Documentation Support Staff EDR Assessment Issues/Concerns
Page 10 ODPS Design Overview Fully automated, distributed data system for acquiring, processing, archiving, and distributing scientific data Highly scalable Easily adaptable to support multiple concurrent missions Graphical user interfaces for controlling and monitoring system functions and activity Non-platform specific
Page 11 ODPS COTS and Freeware Linux OS (CentOS 4.x) Solaris OS Sybase RDBMS Subversion (source code management) Pro-active DBA Interactive Data Language (IDL) Generic Mapping Tool (GMT) Netpbm (graphic image toolkit) HDF5 Library Languages: C, PERL, SQL
Page 12 ODPS Architecture: Hardware Processing Servers Intel-based dual Xeon / AMD-based dual Opteron 8 GB RAM Five 72 GB SCSI drives Storage Servers Intel-based P4 / AMD-based single Opteron 1 GB / 2 GB RAM 1.5 TB IDE RAID 5 (3ware) / 9.6 TB SATA RAID 6 (Areca) 2 hot spare drives per RAID5 Database Server Sun V880 8-16 GB RAM 6-12 70 GB SCSI HDD
Page 13 ODPS Current Components Processing Cluster 45 processing nodes 12.4 TB Ingest Servers 2 SeaSpace ground stations 2 processing nodes 5.6 TB Distribution Servers (FTP) 1 processing node 6 storage nodes 48 TB Distribution Servers (web) 1 large server 8 processing nodes 68 storage nodes 599 TB Network Support Systems Database Server 2 servers 18 TB Backup Servers 2 storage nodes 18 TB Critical data mirrored Extreme Networks Black Diamond 6816 Gigabit Ethernet switch Development Servers 1 processing node 2 storage nodes 2.4 TB User Desktops Cal/Val & QC Systems Mission Operations Systems
Page 14 Building 28 Room W220 Computing Facility
Page 15 Reliability and Redundancy Critical components (database server, network systems) have full maintenance contracts to ensure rapid response to problems Multiple-server components (ingest, processing, storage, distribution) have substantial redundancy to maintain full capability; spares maintained for rapid replacement. Testing nodes are separated from mainstream production components.
Page 16 Technology Refresh Hardware technology advances (CPU, storage) are continuously monitored to select new components for evaluation. –Typical upgrade threshold is a doubling in capacity (~18 months). –Two generations of hardware are generally in use. Candidate components are procured, installed in testing cluster and rigorously evaluated in a production-like environment. Following successful evaluation, multiple copies are procured, installed, tested and swapped in for older components. –ODPS design allows new components to be rapidly added to resource tables without interrupting system operations. Performance of new components is closely evaluated following installation in operations environment. Critical components are run in parallel with existing system to ensure reliability under production loading.
Page 17 Existing Software Reuse ODPS Components –Database –VDC/Scheduler –Data Acquisition and Ingest –Level-3 Scheduler –File migration and management –Archive Device Manager –Data distribution Level-2 multi-mission software (vicarious calibration) Level-3 multi-mission software (long-term trends and comparisons Level-2 to Level-3 comparison software (residual sensor errors) SeaBASS (in situ data management) Matchup/extraction software
Page 18 Ocean PEATE New Capabilities (1 of 2) Acquire, ingest and catalog NPP VIIRS data products: RDRs, SDRs and Ocean EDRs (Data Acquisition & Ingest, Device Manager and File Migration and Management). –Status: Initial interface test run with SD3E. Process selected Ocean EDRs (SST and OCC) to Level-3 to support data product and algorithm evaluations (Level-3 Scheduler, VDC and Level-3 binner). –Status: Prototype Level-3 processing has been demonstrated using sample IDPS Build 1.4 OCC and SST EDRs. Perform VIIRS OCC EDR matchups with SeaBASS Ocean Color in situ data (extract code). –Status: Pending re-test of acquisition and ingest capabilities with latest IDPS build.
Page 19 Ocean PEATE New Capabilities (2 of 2) Incorporate VIIRS SDR processing for vicarious calibration analysis. –Status: Pending re-test of acquisition and ingest capabilities with latest IDPS build. Produce VIIRS proxy data using VOST-developed software (VDC/Scheduler). –Status: Under development Acquire SST in situ data from RSMAS and perform matchups with SST EDRs –Status: SST acquisition in place for MODIS; matchups pending re- test of acquisition and ingest capabilities with latest IDPS build. Support browse and distribution of data products for team members (Data Distribution). –Status: Pending re-test of acquisition and ingest capabilities with latest IDPS build.
Page 20 Ocean PEATE Data Storage Estimate Data TypeDaily 1 Year5 Years RDR150 GB53.5 TB268 TB SDR (M-band)242 GB (2) 8.6 TB (1,2) 43 TB (1,2) OCC EDR84 GB3 TB (1) 15 TB (1) SST EDR19 GB0.7 TB (1) 3.4 TB (1) Inter. Products~70 GBN/A Ancillary Data0.1 GB.04 TB.2 TB Total565 GB66 TB330 TB Assumptions: (1)Long-term storage is sized for 100% of RDRs and 10% of SDRs and EDRs (2)SDR volume includes geolocation
Page 21 New Hardware for the Ocean PEATE 7 Storage Servers @ 9.6 TB – first-year VIIRS data storage Additional servers acquired post-launch to handle years 2 – 5 No new processing or network capacity required; technology refresh cycle to be continued within the ODPS as described.
Page 22 Ocean PEATE Build Schedule Build 1 (L-18 months) All interfaces fully implemented and tested Verify initial versions of operational code ported and running in I&TSE L-3 product code developed and tested Prelaunch VIIRS test data storage and SDS interface testing support with existing ODPS storage capacity Initial test products generated for review by VIIRS Ocean Science Team Build 2 (L-12 months) Routine exercise of interfaces to acquire proxy, surrogate (Aqua?) and/or simulated data Verify pre-launch version of operational code running in I&TSE Browse and distribution capability developed and tested Test products routinely acquired as available and posted for access by VIIRS Ocean Science Team Data storage for one year
Page 23 Ocean PEATE Testing Status (1 of 6) Req. #RequirementSupportVerificationStatus xDR Ingest from the SD3ENew Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test X IP Ingest from the SD3ENew Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test PEATEs Official Ancillary Data Ingest from the SD3E New Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test PEATEs Calibration Product Ingest from the SD3E New Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test Request ListingsNew Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test X PEATEs Product Subscriptions from the ADS PEATE PersonnelInterface Test Ad-hoc Requests to the ADSPEATE PersonnelInterface Test xDR Ingest from the ADSNew Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test PEATEs Official Ancillary Data Ingest from ADS New Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test PEATEs Calibration Product Ingest from ADS New Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test
Page 24 Ocean PEATE Testing Status (2 of 6) Req. #RequirementSupportVerificationStatus IP Ingest from the ADSNew Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test PEATEs ADS Query and Request Status Ingest PEATE PersonnelInterface Test PEATEs Alternate Ancillary Data Ingest Existing ODPS CapabilityInspectionX Pre-launch Data IngestExisting ODPS CapabilityInspectionX Engineering Service IngestPEATE PersonnelInterface Test DataNew Data Management I&TSEFunctional TestX Software ConfigurationExisting Subversion RepositoryInspectionX Operational Algorithms Ingest from the SD3E I&TSEFunctional Test PEATEs Management Direction Ingest PEATE PersonnelInterface Test PEATEs Instrument Service Report Ingest PEATE PersonnelInterface Test
Page 25 Ocean PEATE Testing Status (3 of 6) Req. #RequirementSupportVerificationStatus NICSE Cal LUT IngestI&TSEInterface Test I&TSE Algorithm StatusPEATE PersonnelInterface Test AssessmentNew PEATE Tool DevelopmentFunctional Test Implementation AssessmentI&TSEFunctional Test AlgorithmsI&TSEFunctional Test and EDR Testing EnvironmentI&TSEFunctional Test Tools DevelopmentExisting ODPS CapabilityInspectionX against Other DataNew Level-3 ProcessingFunctional Test against Other ProductsNew Level-3 ProcessingFunctional Test Analyzing Algorithm Improvement/ Enhancement I&TSE/Ingest Interface/ Functional Test
Page 26 Ocean PEATE Testing Status (4 of 6) Req. #RequirementSupportVerificationStatus SDRI&TSEFunctional Test EDRI&TSEFunctional Test Data VOST Simulation Software / ODPS New Data Processing Design Developing SDR Algorithm Improvement/Enhancement I&TSEFunctional Test Developing EDR Algorithm Improvements/Enhancements I&TSEFunctional Test AlgorithmI&TSE/Acquisition and Ingest Functional/ Interface Test Web SiteInspectionX Management ReportPEATE PersonnelInterface Test Instrument Service RequestPEATE PersonnelInterface Test Quality Control ResponseI&TSEFunctional Test
Page 27 Ocean PEATE Testing Status (5 of 6) Req. #RequirementSupportVerificationStatus xDR Ingest from the SD3ENew Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test Science Data ExportNew Product DistributionInterface Test Data CompressionExisting ODPS CapabilityInspectionX Product Assessment New and Existing ODPS Capabilities Functional Test EDR Evaluation New and Existing ODPS Capabilities Functional Test 3.7.1Mission SupportAll New Capabilities Aggregate of All Testing 3.7.3AvailabilityExisting ODPS CapabiltyInspectionX 3.7.4System FailureExisting ODPS CapabiltyInspectionX 3.7.5Operational Duty CycleExisting ODPS CapabiltyInspectionX 3.7.6Design LifeNew Data Product StorageInspection
Page 28 Ocean PEATE Testing Status (6 of 6) Req. #RequirementSupportVerificationStatus 3.7.7MaintainabilityExisting ODPS CapabilityInspectionX Security RestrictionExisting ODPS FacilityInspectionX Complying with NASA Security of Information. Technology1 Code 600 Security PlanInspectionX Access and PrivilegeExisting ODPS CapabilityInspectionX Data VerificationNew Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test 3.7.9Data IntegrityNew Data Acquisition and IngestInterface Test
Page 29 Ocean PEATE Requirements Implementation 98% of requirements (55) implemented by Build 2; add additional storage capacity before launch
Page 30 Sustaining Operations and Maintenance ODPS runs 24x7 with on-site support 8x5. Support is shared across all projects. Staffing needs are covered by existing OBPG support personnel.
Page 31 Ocean PEATE Agenda Land SD3E PSOE Ocean Atmosphere Ozone Sounder I&TSE NICSE Ocean PEATE Overview Implementation Status Documentation Support Staff EDR Assessment Issues/Concerns
Page 32 Documentation Ocean PEATE Level 4 Requirements and Operations Concept ICDs –SD3D to PEATEs MOU with RSMAS ODPS Project Data Management Plan (review) ODPS Software Management Plan Network IT Security Plan
Page 33 Ocean PEATE Agenda Land SD3E PSOE Ocean Atmosphere Ozone Sounder I&TSE NICSE Ocean PEATE Overview Implementation Status Documentation Support Staff EDR Assessment Issues/Concerns
Page 34 Ocean PEATE Team Ocean PEATE Management –Gene Feldman –Fred Patt Validation Support –Sean Bailey –Jeremy Werdell Software Support –Bryan Franz –Joel Gales Data System –John Wilding –Dan Knowles –Muriel Taylor Systems Management –Paul Smith –Joe McSorley –Chris Moellers
Page 35 Ocean PEATE Staffing Levels All staffing needs will be met with existing OBPG staff Increases will be accommodated as other projects (e.g., MODIS Aqua) wind down.
Page 36 Ocean PEATE Agenda Land SD3E PSOE Ocean Atmosphere Ozone Sounder I&TSE NICSE Ocean PEATE Overview Implementation Status Documentation Support Staff EDR Assessment Issues/Concerns
Page 37 VIIRS Ocean Products for Evaluation All VIIRS Ocean products to be evaluated will be acquired from the IDPS, ADS/CLASS, or the I&TSE. Testing and evaluation of algorithm changes will require regenerating product time series in the I&TSE, to be downloaded to the Ocean PEATE. The Ocean PEATE will design changes to the code in the I&TSE for the purpose of algorithm improvement or problem resolution, develop appropriate test cases and request runs to verify and evaluate the changes.
Page 38 VIIRS RDR Previous VIIRS Gridded Products NAAPS TOD MODIS Land/Water Mask NCEP Geopotential Height Ancillary Files DEM NDT Ancillary Files Previous VIIRS Gridded Products Processing Module VIIRS Product Dynamic Ancillary Data Static Ancillary Data IDPS VIIRS Ocean EDR Data Flow
Page 39 IDPS VIIRS Ocean EDR Data Flow VIIRS_SDR_01 RDR Decompression VIIRS_GEO_01 Geolocation VIIRS_SDR.IM 375m SDR VIIRS_SDR.MOD 750m SDR VIIRS RDR Previous VIIRS Gridded Products NAAPS TOD MODIS Land/Water Mask NCEP Geopotential Height Ancillary Files DEM NDT Ancillary Files Previous VIIRS Gridded Products VIIRS SDR VIIRS SDR VIIRS Geolocation Processing Module VIIRS Product Dynamic Ancillary Data Static Ancillary Data
Page 40 IDPS VIIRS Ocean EDR Data Flow VIIRS_GD_28 Surface Pressure Adjustment VIIRS_GD_08 750m Granulation VIIRS_GD_25 NAAPS Granulation VIIRS_GD_27 L/W Mask Granulation VIIRS_GD_09 GFS Granulation VIIRS_GD_12 Bathymetry Granulation VIIRS_GD_13 Temperature Granulation ALL_GD_01 Time Interpolation VIIRS_SDR_01 RDR Decompression VIIRS_GEO_01 Geolocation VIIRS_SDR.IM 375m SDR VIIRS_SDR.MOD 750m SDR VIIRS RDR Previous VIIRS Gridded Products NAAPS TOD MODIS Land/Water Mask NCEP Geopotential Height Ancillary Files DEM NDT Ancillary Files Previous VIIRS Gridded Products VIIRS_GD_11 Ancillary Profile VIIRS SDR VIIRS SDR VIIRS Geolocation Processing Module VIIRS Product Dynamic Ancillary Data Static Ancillary Data
Page 41 IDPS VIIRS Ocean EDR Data Flow VIIRS_LN_06 Active Fires VIIRS_CM_01 Cloud Mask VIIRS_GD_11 Ancillary Profile VIIRS_GD_28 Surface Pressure Adjustment VIIRS_GD_08 750m Granulation VIIRS_GD_25 NAAPS Granulation VIIRS_GD_27 L/W Mask Granulation VIIRS_GD_09 GFS Granulation VIIRS_GD_12 Bathymetry Granulation VIIRS_GD_13 Temperature Granulation ALL_GD_01 Time Interpolation VIIRS_SDR_01 RDR Decompression VIIRS_GEO_01 Geolocation VIIRS_SDR.IM 375m SDR VIIRS_SDR.MOD 750m SDR VIIRS RDR Previous VIIRS Gridded Products NAAPS TOD MODIS Land/Water Mask NCEP Geopotential Height Ancillary Files DEM NDT Ancillary Files Previous VIIRS Gridded Products VIIRS SDR VIIRS SDR VIIRS Geolocation Processing Module VIIRS Product Dynamic Ancillary Data Static Ancillary Data
Page 42 VIIRS_OC_01 Ocean Color / Chlorophyll VIIRS_ST_02 Surface Temp VIIRS_SN_03 Ice Concentration VIIRS_ST_01 Sea Surface Temperature VIIRS_AR_01 Aerosol Type VIIRS_SN_02 Ice Quality VIIRS_LN_06 Active Fires VIIRS_CL_01 Cloud Optical Properties VIIRS_CM_01 Cloud Mask VIIRS_GD_11 Ancillary Profile VIIRS_GD_28 Surface Pressure Adjustment VIIRS_GD_08 750m Granulation VIIRS_GD_25 NAAPS Granulation VIIRS_GD_27 L/W Mask Granulation VIIRS_GD_09 GFS Granulation VIIRS_GD_12 Bathymetry Granulation VIIRS_GD_13 Temperature Granulation ALL_GD_01 Time Interpolation VIIRS_SDR_01 RDR Decompression VIIRS_GEO_01 Geolocation VIIRS_SDR.IM 375m SDR VIIRS_SDR.MOD 750m SDR SST EDR OCC EDR VIIRS RDR Previous VIIRS Gridded Products NAAPS TOD MODIS Land/Water Mask NCEP Geopotential Height Ancillary Files DEM NDT Ancillary Files Previous VIIRS Gridded Products Processing Module VIIRS Product Dynamic Ancillary Data Static Ancillary Data VIIRS SDR VIIRS SDR VIIRS Geolocation IDPS VIIRS Ocean EDR Data Flow
Page 43 ODPS MODIS Ocean Product Data Flow Processing Module MODIS Product Dynamic Ancillary Data Static Ancillary Data MOD_PR01 Level-0 to 1A MOD_PR03 Geolocation MSl12 Level-1B to 2 MOD_PR02 Level-1A to 1B MODIS Level-0 Land/Water Mask Platform ATTEPH Data Ozone Ancillary Files MET Ancillary Data MODIS 1 km Level-1B MODIS Geolocation MODIS Level-1A MODIS SST MODIS Ocean Color
Page 44 Ocean Team Algorithm Change Process ST member identifies algorithm change ST analyzes products and test results ST member develops evaluation strategy ST member and PEATE staff develop code change PEATE staff request ITSE granule-level test PEATE retrieves test products ST provides algorithm change recommendation to PSOE PEATE and ITSE staff install and build code change ITSE performs test run ST member verifies test products PEATE staff upload test input data and request evaluation test run Expected results? Products improved? NY ITSE performs test run PEATE retrieves test products ST member evaluates test products N Y PEATE and ST member check code change Code correct? N Y
Page 45 Evaluation vs. Product Level Granule-based Evaluations Level-1 (SDR) Evaluations –Onboard calibration analyses –Vicarious calibration Level-2 (EDR) Evaluations –Matchup analyses –Flag analyses Time Series Evaluations Level-2 (EDR) Evaluations –Residual detector (striping) and scan (RVS) dependence Level-3 Product Evaluations –Sensor and algorithm comparisons –Temporal anomaly evaluations
Page 46 Vicarious Calibration Vicarious calibration using surface measurements (e.g., MOBY) gives constant gain correction to TOA radiances over the mission Analyses of calibration results provide insight into temporal and geometric sources of variation.
Page 47 Vicarious Calibration Strengths: –Fine-tuning of sensor absolute radiometric response; allows for correction of prelaunch radiometric calibration Limitations: –“System-level” calibration that incorporates atmospheric correction into measurements, convolving algorithm and sensor effects. –One-time gain correction per band for the entire sensor lifetime; assumes sensor stability has already been established through other means; not a substitute for lack of instrument characterization. –Observation limitations and rigorous data quality control severely restrict the number of useful measurements (typically 1 or 2 per month per site). –Specific to ocean algorithms, not applicable to other surface types. –Availability of MOBY or equivalent is unknown for VIIRS.
Page 48 Matchup Analysis Ocean data granules in ODPS catalog are automatically matched with in situ data SeaWiFS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS) stores and manages in situ holdings from field programs and supported investigators. Ocean staff acquire, QC and analyze new data samples. Over 60,000 in situ profiles stored covering SeaWiFS/ MODIS time frame.
Page 49 Matchup Process Flow Chart
Page 50 Matchup Analysis Strengths: –The only truly independent validation of the science data products using ground truth measurements. Limitations: –Quality of in situ data is highly variable and difficult to assess. –Coverage for OC in situ data is limited, both geographically and temporally. –Assumes that highly localized (~meters) measurements are representative of pixel (km) area. –In situ measurements require discipline expertise to analyze and compare with satellite values –Generally useful only for assessing static biases in final products. –Availability of in situ data in VIIRS timeframe is unknown.
Page 51 Flag Analyses 50-meter depth Sensor zenith Determine loss of coverage resulting from each flag Verify effectiveness of flags at removing invalid or questionable data
Page 52 Residual Detector Dependence Level-3 multi-day products (same or different sensor) are resampled to generate values at Level-2 resolution. Comparisons are performed by detector and mirror side to evaluate residual detector response errors
Page 53 Residual Scan Dependence Level-3 multi-day products (same or different sensor) are resampled to generate values at Level-2 resolution. Comparisons are performed by pixel number and mirror side to evaluate residual response-vs-scan (RVS) errors
Page 54 Residual Detector/Scan Dependence Strengths: –Provides evaluation of response vs. detector, scan angle and mirror side independent of onboard calibration. –Can also be used to evaluate errors in other sensor characteristics Limitations: –Works well mainly in temporally stable areas. –Noise levels may be large compared with residual errors.
Page 55 Level-3 Product Generation Sensor, algorithm and interannual comparisons require Level-3 binned (equal-area) products. The Ocean PEATE is implementing software to process VIIRS EDRs to Level 3 binned products in current ODPS (SeaWiFS-like) format. –Use current binning code with new input functions to read EDRs This will automatically provide the additional capabilities to produce multi-temporal composites, standard mapped image (SMI) products and Level-3 browse files. Time-series analyses of recommended algorithm changes will require reprocessing EDRs in the I&TSE.
Page 56 Sensor and Algorithm Comparisons Level-3 parameters (e.g., nLw) compared for common spectral bands Common bins extracted and compared over the period of overlap between the sensors Comparisons are performed globally (deep water, oligotrophic, mesotrophic, eutrophic), zonally and for specified regions.
Page 57 Zonal Cross-Comparisons
Page 58 Chlorophyll Image Comparisons SeaWiFS Deep-Water Chlorophyll 2002 193 SeaWiFS Deep-Water Chlorophyll 2006 365 MODIS Deep-Water Chlorophyll 2002 193 MODIS Deep-Water Chlorophyll 2006 365
Page 59 Level-3 Comparisons Strengths: –Sensitive to small differences in products from different sensors or algorithms. –Excellent coverage available, both temporal and geographic. –Can assess continuity among data sets (Climate Data Records) Limitations: –No obvious truth in comparisons. –Sensitive to band-pass differences. –May be affected by time-of-observation differences. –Availability of other sensors for comparison (SeaWiFS or MODIS) is unknown; climatology is available as an alternative
Page 60 Temporal Anomaly Evaluations Level-3 global averages for the entire mission are fit to a periodic function to remove natural annual variability. The differences between the global averages and the annual cycle are then plotted over the mission. The results show both geophysical variations and any unexpected changes due to uncharacterized instrument effects or algorithm artifacts.
Page 61 Temporal Anomaly Example
Page 62 Temporal Anomaly Evaluations Strengths: –Very sensitive to small changes in sensor performance Limitations: –Difficult to distinguish sensor from real geophysical changes. –Can be affected by sampling variations.
Page 63 Issues/Challenges/Concerns Issue/Challenge/ConcernAction/Mitigation Limits of available test data Ability to adequately test data flows across interfaces Verification of EDR evaluation processes VIIRS Ocean Science Team will develop an independent simulation of the VIIRS ocean bands Extent of prelaunch end-to-end (observatory & ground system) data flows Develop/maintain system readiness for testing opportunities ADS to PEATE interface and test planningCommunication initiated, TIM planned Complexity of IDPS internal processes and data flows impacts ability to diagnose software and algorithm problems in the I&TSE Exercise in the I&TSE as possible Version synchronization of operational products with IDPS software in the I&TSE Coordinate software updates with I&TSE support staff SD3E to Ocean PEATE data transfersPerformance improvements being worked on both sides IDPS file naming conventionAttempt to get patch for I&TSE; develop workarounds for testing with SD3E
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