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TIME FREEZE 2014 Time Freeze! 2014 This project is an opportunity to actually “time-freeze” a portion of your life experiences. By the end of this project,

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Presentation on theme: "TIME FREEZE 2014 Time Freeze! 2014 This project is an opportunity to actually “time-freeze” a portion of your life experiences. By the end of this project,"— Presentation transcript:



3 Time Freeze! 2014 This project is an opportunity to actually “time-freeze” a portion of your life experiences. By the end of this project, you will have a memory book full of your insight, opinions and reflections at this stage in your life. Be honest and true to yourself and let your future self know about who you are right now.

4 Let’s begin at the beginning! 1. What is your full name? Ask where your name came from. 2. What happened on your birthday? (news, family story, on the way to the hospital…) 3. Who did you look like? Do you still? 4. In what ways are you like other members of your family? (traits, habits, likes, dislikes etc)

5 Time Lines 5. Ask your family members to help you to construct a GENERAL time line that shows some of your milestones. Plot a time line (First year to 5). 6. What are some major events of your life? Plot a time line. Be creative with the shape of your time line.

6 Family stories about you! 7. Ask family members to recall some stories about you when you were young. Write them out or have the family members write them out for you.

7 Some family questions 8. When I was learning to talk, did I have any cute sayings or mispronunciations? 9. What were some of my favorite toys / items when I was little? 10. Did I have a favorite storybook? 11. What were my favorite foods? 12. What foods didn’t I like? 13. Who were some of my first friends? Did I have any imaginary friends? 14. What are some of your fondest memories of me when I was little? 15. OTHER

8 FREEZE ME! This section is all about you and your thoughts on a wide variety of questions.

9 Favorites Wherever possible, attempt to explain why you think or feel the way you do when answering the questions.  What is your favorite… 1. Color? 2. Movie? 3. Book / storybook? 4. Coke or Pepsi? 5. Restaurant? 6. Sport to watch on t.v.? 7. Sport to play in gym? 8. Subject? 9. Movie star? 10. Season? 11. T.V. show? 12. Music/group/singer? 13. Cartoon? 14. Ice cream? 15. Phrase/word? 16. Food? 17. Dessert? 18. Sesame Street character? 19. Athlete? 20. Chocolate bar? 21. Toy? 22. Game? 23. Clothes? 24. Gum? 25. Smell? 26. Other?

10 Think About It! 1. Who do you admire? Why? 2. What is one of your fondest memories at school? 3. What is one of your fondest memories about your family? 4. What is something that you are proud of having done/accomplished? Why? 5. What is something that you have done that you are not too proud of? Why? 6. What profession would you like to have? 7. If you could solve one problem in this world, what would it be? Why?

11 Think About It! 8. If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? 9. If you were given a million dollars to give to charities, how would you divide it up? 10. What makes you happy? 11. What makes you sad? 12. What makes you angry? 13. When you first meet someone, what do you notice? 14. What is a “good person”? 15. What is a “bad person”? 16. What are you?

12 Think About It! 17. Do you ever see yourself getting married? If so, what does your spouse look like? 18. Can you see yourself with any children? If so, how many? 19. How would others describe you? 20. How would you describe yourself? 21. Who has been a positive influence on you? 22. Who do you respect and why? 23. What is something that you could do everyday that would be helpful to another? 24. What are your top five things that you would like to do at some point in your lifetime? 25. What is something that you treasure? Why?

13 Stick It Together!  Make a collage with various images that represent who you are and what you are all about.  You may include magazine cutouts as well as various other images from clip-art to photos. If you would like, show some of your artistic talents.

14 Box Set CD of Me  Let us assume that your have put together a CD. Include titles that represent you as a person. They do not have to be actual songs and you are encouraged to make up your own titles.  Include the following: a CD cover image, a CD title, your name or group (featuring yourself), and a special thank you section.

15 Time Capsule  Put together an ensemble of items that represent you and your junior high experience.  Items included may be pictures, CDs’, letters, school work, magazines, cards, gum wrappers, etc.  Make sure that all items are non- perishable and stored in a safe place (plastic box, shoe box, Ziploc bag, etc.)

16  Now it is your turn to add anything that truly represents you!  Include any pictures, poems, songs, clippings that show who you are.  Have some fun with it!

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