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Best Management Practices and the Chesapeake Bay Program Watershed Model Jeff Sweeney University of Maryland Chesapeake Bay Program Office

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Presentation on theme: "Best Management Practices and the Chesapeake Bay Program Watershed Model Jeff Sweeney University of Maryland Chesapeake Bay Program Office"— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Management Practices and the Chesapeake Bay Program Watershed Model Jeff Sweeney University of Maryland Chesapeake Bay Program Office 410-267-9844 Potomac Watershed Forum IV George Mason University - Prince William Campus August 12, 2005

2 Chesapeake Bay Program Current Modeling Structure

3 Purposes of the Chesapeake Bay Program Watershed Model Measure the environmental effects of particular management schemes for planning purposes. oWhat’s the impact of BMP implementation on nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment loads? Results help direct tributary strategy development oWhat yields the biggest bang and the biggest bang for the buck? Load allocations oEquitably account for all load sources. Measure of loading cap maintenance Provide loads to the Estuary ModelProvide loads to the Estuary Model o What’s the impact of BMP implementation on living resources/water quality? o What yields the biggest bang and the biggest bang for the buck? o Remove impairments by 2010 Attainment of water quality standards in the Chesapeake Bay will be determined by tidal water monitoring data, not the models.

4 VA Lower Potomac Load and BMP Data

5 VA Lower Potomac Nitrogen Loads to the Chesapeake Bay 2003 – 2010 Strategy Load Reductions

6 VA Lower Potomac Phosphorus Loads to the Chesapeake Bay 2003 – 2010 Strategy Load Reductions

7 VA Lower Potomac Sediment Loads to the Chesapeake Bay 2003 – 2010 Strategy Load Reductions

8 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Tributary Strategy Agricultural BMPs Approved Agricultural BMPsAgricultural BMPs Requiring Peer Review Riparian Forest BuffersContinuous No-Till Riparian Grass BuffersDairy Precision Feeding /and Forage Management Wetland RestorationSwine Phytase Land RetirementAmmonia Emission Reductions Tree PlantingPrecision Agriculture Conservation-TillagePrecision Grazing Carbon Sequestration/Alternative CropsWater Control Structures Poultry PhytaseStream Restoration Poultry Litter Transport Nutrient Management Enhanced Nutrient Management Conservation Plans/SCWQP Cover Crops (Early- and Late-Planting) Small Grain Enhancement (Early- and Late-Planting) Off-Stream Watering w/ Fencing Off-Stream Watering w/o Fencing Off-Stream Watering w/ Fencing & Rotational Grazing Animal Waste Management Systems: Livestock Barnyard Runoff Control/Loafing Lot Management Animal Waste Management Systems: Poultry * BMPs in red are in VA Lower Potomac Tributary Strategy

9 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Tributary Strategy Urban and Mixed Open BMPs Approved Urban and Mixed Open BMPsBMPs Requiring Peer Review Riparian Forest BuffersRiparian Grass Buffers Wetland RestorationForest Conservation Tree PlantingHorse Pasture Management Urban Growth ReductionAbandoned Mine Reclamation Wet Ponds & WetlandsMixed Open Stream Restoration Dry Detention Ponds & Hydrodynamic StructuresDirt & Gravel Road Erosion & Sediment Control Dry Extended Detention PondsUrban Street Sweeping Urban Infiltration Practices Urban Filtering Practices Urban Stream Restoration Erosion & Sediment Control Urban and Mixed Open Nutrient Management * BMPs in red are in VA Lower Potomac Tributary Strategy

10 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Tributary Strategy Forest, Septic and Shoreline BMPs Approved Forest BMPsBMPs Requiring Peer Review Forest Harvesting PracticesStream Restoration Dirt & Gravel Road Erosion & Sediment Control Approved Septic BMPs Septic Connections Septic Pumping Septic Denitrification Approved Shoreline Erosion BMPs Structural Shoreline Erosion Control Non-Structural Shoreline Erosion Control * BMPs in red are in VA Lower Potomac Tributary Strategy

11 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Opportunities for BMPs Input Data Land Simulation River Simulation Output Opportunities for BMPs

12 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Opportunities for BMPs BMPs involving landuse conversions BMPs with nutrient and sediment reduction efficienciesBMPs with nutrient and sediment reduction efficiencies BMPs with both landuse conversions and reduction efficienciesBMPs with both landuse conversions and reduction efficiencies BMPs that alter nutrient applications to croplandBMPs that alter nutrient applications to cropland o Diet and feed changes o Manure transport o Nutrient management applications

13 BMPs Involving Landuse Conversions Atmosphere Fertilizer Manure Runoff

14 BMPs Involving Landuse Conversions Atmosphere Fertilizer Manure Runoff

15 Agricultural BMPs Involving Landuse Conversions Load reductions attributed to movement to lower-exporting landuses.

16 Urban, Mixed Open and Septic BMPs Involving Landuse and Source Conversions Load reductions attributed to movement to lower-exporting landuses. In the case of septic connections, it’s assumed in the hook-up of septic to sewer, load is now part of tracked point source discharge.

17 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Opportunities for BMPs BMPs involving landuse conversionsBMPs involving landuse conversions BMPs with nutrient and sediment reduction efficiencies BMPs with both landuse conversions and reduction efficienciesBMPs with both landuse conversions and reduction efficiencies BMPs that alter nutrient applications to croplandBMPs that alter nutrient applications to cropland o Diet and feed changes o Manure transport o Nutrient management applications

18 BMPs With Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Efficiencies Atmosphere Fertilizer Manure Runoff

19 BMPs With Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Efficiencies Atmosphere Fertilizer Manure Runoff

20 BMPs With Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Efficiencies How Efficiency BMPs Are Credited In The Model: Reduction = acres treated by BMP * BMP efficiency total segment acres By Landuse and Model Segment

21 BMPs With Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Efficiencies How Efficiency BMPs Are Credited In The Model: BMPs That Cannot Be Applied To Same Landuse: Mutually Exclusive – Additive In Nutrient Reduction Capabilities Examples: Riparian forest and grass buffers Pasture grazing BMPs Urban stormwater BMPs Several BMPs On Same Landuse – Consecutive: One BMP Reduces The Nutrients Available For Subsequent BMPs – Multiplicative In Nutrient Reduction Examples: Conservation Plans Cover Crops

22 Agricultural BMPs With Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Efficiencies BMP efficiencies for removing TN, TP, and SED are collaboration of Bay Program Subcommittee and Workgroup participants (i.e., peer review) after appraisal of literature and/or best professional judgment.

23 Urban and Mixed Open BMPs With Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Efficiencies BMP efficiencies for removing TN, TP, and SED are collaboration of Bay Program Subcommittee and Workgroup participants (i.e., peer review) after appraisal of literature and/or best professional judgment.

24 Urban, Septic and Forestry BMPs With Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Efficiencies BMP efficiencies for removing TN, TP, and SED are collaboration of Bay Program Subcommittee and Workgroup participants (i.e., peer review) after appraisal of literature and/or best professional judgment.

25 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Opportunities for BMPs BMPs involving landuse conversionsBMPs involving landuse conversions BMPs with nutrient and sediment reduction efficienciesBMPs with nutrient and sediment reduction efficiencies BMPs with both landuse conversions and reduction efficiencies BMPs that alter nutrient applications to croplandBMPs that alter nutrient applications to cropland o Diet and feed changes o Manure transport o Nutrient management applications

26 Agricultural BMPs With Both Landuse Conversions and Reduction Efficiencies Riparian buffer and wetland efficiencies vary by hydro-geomorphic region. Wetland restoration is treated the same as riparian forest buffers. Forest and grass buffers are “additive” between each other but “multiplicative” with other BMPs.

27 Urban and Mixed Open BMPs With Both Landuse Conversions and Reduction Efficiencies Riparian buffer and wetland efficiencies for mixed open vary by hydro- geomorphic region. Wetland restoration is treated the same as riparian forest buffers.

28 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Opportunities for BMPs BMPs involving landuse conversionsBMPs involving landuse conversions BMPs with nutrient and sediment reduction efficienciesBMPs with nutrient and sediment reduction efficiencies BMPs with both landuse conversions and reduction efficienciesBMPs with both landuse conversions and reduction efficiencies BMPs that alter nutrient applications to cropland o Diet and feed changes o Manure transport o Nutrient management applications

29 BMPs that Alter Nutrient Applications to Cropland

30 BMPs that Alter Nutrient Applications to Cropland Nutrient Management Applications Phase 4 Watershed Model accounts for both N- and P-based nutrient management. Phase 4 fertilizer application data is from state agricultural agencies.

31 BMPs that Alter Nutrient Applications to Cropland Nutrient Management Applications Phase 4 Watershed Model accounts for both N- and P-based nutrient management. Phase 4 fertilizer application data is from state agricultural agencies.

32 BMPs that Alter Nutrient Applications to Cropland Nutrient Management Applications Atmosphere Fertilizer Manure Runoff

33 BMPs that Alter Nutrient Applications to Cropland Nutrient Management Applications Atmosphere Fertilizer Manure Runoff

34 BMPs that Alter Nutrient Applications to Cropland Nutrient Management Applications

35 Chesapeake Bay Program Phase 5 Watershed Model

36 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Modeled Landuses Phase 4.3 Watershed Model Landuses Agriculture: Conventional-Till Conservation-Tillage Hay Pasture Manure Acres Urban: Pervious Urban Impervious Urban Forest Mixed Open Non-Tidal Water Phase 5 Watershed Model Landuses Agriculture: Composite Crop with Manure Nutrients: Conventional-Till Conservation-Till Composite Crop without Manure Nutrients Hay with and without Manure Nutrients Alfalfa with Manure Nutrients Nursery with Manure Nutrients Pasture with Manure Nutrients Degraded Stream Corridor Animal Feeding Operations Urban: High- and Low-Density Pervious Urban High- and Low-Density Impervious Urban Extractive Construction Forest: Forest and Harvested Forest Natural Grass Inland Water All BMPs applied to Phase 4.3 model landuses must be accurately distributed to Phase 5 landuses

37 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model BMP Spatial Scale BMP implementation levels are known or have been submitted by jurisdictions in the following spatial scales: state state-segment tributary strategy basin TMDL basin county county-basin county-segment point (latitude-longitude) Phase 4 County-Segments

38 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model BMP Spatial Scale Phase 5 Land SegmentsPhase 5 River Segments

39 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Extension for Phase 5 Phase 5 Watershed Model Extention

40 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Calibration Phase 4.3 CalibrationPhase 5 Calibration Calibration sites = 26 Watersheds = 94 Land uses = 9 Simulation Years = 17 CB Watershed Calibration sites = 237 Watersheds = 684 Land uses = 24 Simulation Years = 20 Extended Network Calibration sites = 296 Watersheds = 899

41 Chesapeake Bay Program Models Attainment of water quality standards in the Chesapeake Bay will be determined by tidal water monitoring data, not the models.

42 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Information Resources o Watershed Model Inputs and Outputs o Best Management Practices o Chesapeake Bay Program Technical Reports o Presentations o Cap Setting and Allocation o Chesapeake Bay Models o Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Land Use and Model Linkages to the Airshed and Estuarine Models o Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Applications & Calculation Of Nutrient & Sediment Loadings - Appendix H: Tracking Best Management Practice Nutrient Reductions in the Chesapeake Bay Program o Nutrient Subcommittee o Agricultural Nutrient Reduction Workgroup o Forestry Workgroup o Point Source Workgroup o Sediment Workgroup o Tributary Strategy Workgroup o Urban Stormwater Workgroup  Chesapeake Bay Program Data Submission Information for Urban Storm Water BMP Data  BMP Stream Restoration in Urban Areas Crediting Jurisdictions for Pollutant Load Reductions  BMP Guidance for the States and the District  BMP Pollutant Removal Efficiencies  BMP Definitions

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