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General Weekly Plan Week One: Orientation, Introduction, Pre- test, Plato on Friday Week One: Orientation, Introduction, Pre- test, Plato on Friday.

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Presentation on theme: "General Weekly Plan Week One: Orientation, Introduction, Pre- test, Plato on Friday Week One: Orientation, Introduction, Pre- test, Plato on Friday."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Weekly Plan Week One: Orientation, Introduction, Pre- test, Plato on Friday Week One: Orientation, Introduction, Pre- test, Plato on Friday

2 Week Two & Three: Chap. One---Reading Activelya positive attitude; Previewing before reading Week Two & Three: Chap. One---Reading Activelya positive attitude; Previewing before reading Have your novel– Tuesdays with Morrie, and will start reading it at the beginning of Week Three (about Sept. 13) Have your novel– Tuesdays with Morrie, and will start reading it at the beginning of Week Three (about Sept. 13)

3 Week Four: Chap. Two---Using a Dictionary (online and book form)bring a book dictionary on Monday; A Misspeller Dictionary; Word Mapping Week Four: Chap. Two---Using a Dictionary (online and book form)bring a book dictionary on Monday; A Misspeller Dictionary; Word Mapping Novel assignments and reading continues Novel assignments and reading continues

4 Week Five & Six: Chap. 3– Building Vocabulary including context clues Novel assignments and reading continues Novel assignments and reading continues

5 Week Seven: Chap. 4– Building Vocabulary including Word Parts; Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes Novel assignments and reading continues Novel assignments and reading continues

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