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6. 3 Logarithmic Functions Objectives: Write equivalent forms for exponential and logarithmic equations. Use the definitions of exponential and logarithmic.

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Presentation on theme: "6. 3 Logarithmic Functions Objectives: Write equivalent forms for exponential and logarithmic equations. Use the definitions of exponential and logarithmic."— Presentation transcript:

1 6. 3 Logarithmic Functions Objectives: Write equivalent forms for exponential and logarithmic equations. Use the definitions of exponential and logarithmic functions to solve equations. Standard: 2.8.11.S. Analyze properties and relationships of functions. Lesson 6.3: Logarithmic Functions

2 Warm Up:

3 Logarithms are used to find unknown exponents in exponential models. Logarithmic Functions define many measurement scales in the sciences, including the pH, decibel, and Richter scales.

4 With logarithms, you can write an exponential equation in an equivalent logarithmic form.



7 You can evaluate logarithms that have a base of 10 by using the key on a calculator. log

8 p. 374 #4 – 7

9 The inverse of the exponential function y = 10 x is x = 10 y. To rewrite x = 10 y in terms of y, use the equivalent logarithmic form, y = log 10 x.

10 The logarithmic function y = log x with base b, or x = b y, is the inverse of the exponential function y = b x, where b ≠ 1 and b > 0. One-to-one Property of Exponents If b x = b y, then x = y.

11 “TRY THIS” top 373 a. v = 3 b. v = 5 c. v = 729


13 The function is used in chemistry to measure pH levels. The pH of a solution describes its acidity. Substances that are more acidic have a lower pH, while substances that are less acidic, or basic, have a higher pH. The pH of a substance is defined as pH = -log 10 [H + ], where [H + ] is the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution in moles per liter.


15 Try These: p. 374 #8 - 11

16 Homework: Practice 6.3 Quiz on Lessons 6.1 – 6.4 This Friday

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