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The Invention of Writing Ann Macheca Dr. Gerald Knezek University of North Texas.

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1 The Invention of Writing Ann Macheca Dr. Gerald Knezek University of North Texas

2 Overview of the history of writing, students will learn the purposes behind written language, how language was recorded and who used the written language Overview of the history of writing, students will learn the purposes behind written language, how language was recorded and who used the written language The student will be introduced to one of the earliest pieces of literature, Giglamesh The student will be introduced to one of the earliest pieces of literature, Giglamesh The student will learn strategies to increase reading comprehension The student will learn strategies to increase reading comprehension

3 Learning Activities StrategyFocusDescriptionApplication Creative DramaticsGeneralOriginal responses to literature Learners plan and present a play Character MappingComprehensionSee how the characters relate to each other Students work together to see how the characters are interrelated Literature Response Log ReadingA journal for recording reactions to literature Used to stimulate group discussions and will respond in writing to a question, impression, or reaction Literature ExtensionReadingActivity to extend and enhance understanding and enjoyment of literature in the classroom. Rewrite or retell epic Write original dialogue between 2 characters Make a big book of pictures Make a poster to advertise the epic

4 6.8 Reading/variety of texts. The student reads widely for different purposes in varied sources. 6.8 Reading/variety of texts. The student reads widely for different purposes in varied sources. 6.7 Reading/fluency. The student reads with fluency and understanding in texts at appropriate difficulty levels. 6.7 Reading/fluency. The student reads with fluency and understanding in texts at appropriate difficulty levels. 6.12 Reading/text structures/literary concepts. The student analyzes the characteristics of various types of texts (genres). 6.12 Reading/text structures/literary concepts. The student analyzes the characteristics of various types of texts (genres). 6.14 Reading/Culture. The student reads to increase knowledge of his/her own culture, the culture of others, and the common elements of cultures. 6.14 Reading/Culture. The student reads to increase knowledge of his/her own culture, the culture of others, and the common elements of cultures. 6.10 Reading/comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies. 6.10 Reading/comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies.

5 Norton Anthology of World Literature volume A Norton Anthology of World Literature volume A

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