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RMIT Research - an Overview – May 2008 Neil Furlong SET Portfolio, May 6 th, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "RMIT Research - an Overview – May 2008 Neil Furlong SET Portfolio, May 6 th, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 RMIT Research - an Overview – May 2008 Neil Furlong SET Portfolio, May 6 th, 2008

2 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 2 RMIT and Research Our objectives/aspirations What we look like now Where RMIT ‘ranks’ The external research environment What we are doing achieve our goals HDR students ?

3 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 3 RMIT at a Glance Total number of students : ca 60,000 total Students off-shore : ca 13,000 (inc RMIT Vietnam) Research student profile : ca 1600 (2/3 PhD, ca 40% PT) Research mix by area : broad (but no medical faculty) Research mix by funding : ca equal ARC/Govt/Industry Relative position in Australia : 2 nd tier in Scale

4 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 4 Research and Research Training at RMIT ….. a focus on substantial research questions of relevance to industry and community, with the intent to produce high quality research outcomes….. RMIT Research and Innovation Strategy : 2005/2010

5 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 5 ….. aiming for a sustainable future within the top 15 of Australian research universities ….. Research at RMIT RMIT Strategic Plan - 2005/2010

6 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 6 Where Do We Currently Sit ? By What Measures ? Forthcoming national assessment framework (ERA) will give us a most accepted ‘measure’ (from 2009/10) In the meantime current metrics show -Total Research Income19 th -Category 1 Research Income23th (8 th in Linkage Grants) -Research Student Completions9 th -Total Weighted Publications12 th -International Rankings* (eg THE, Shanghai JT) ca 15 th

7 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 7 What Is Our Research Profile ?

8 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 8 Research in (38) Australian Universities Research Intensive* Group of 8 (Melbourne, Monash, UNSW, UWA, Adelaide, UQ, Sydney, ANU) Research Focussed * Australian Technology Network (RMIT, Curtin, UTS, QUT, UniSA) * Innovative Research Universities (Flinders, Macquarie, Newcastle, Griffiths, Murdoch, James Cook) Research Niche/Aspirational

9 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 9 Research Metrics – Relative Scale (as % of Australian university totals) ATN (5)IRU(6)Go8 (5+2+1) Research Income - Total - % Av Growth Rate (2000 – 2004) 8 2.3 11 2.3 68 12.0 HDR students15 49 Weighted Pubs121453

10 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 10 Research Income Mix % Source : DEST Data

11 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 11 Mix of Higher Degree by Research Students % Source : DEST Data

12 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 12 Mix of Unweighted Publications (2005 data – from 2006 DEST/HE Data Collection) % Source : DEST Data

13 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 13 Academic Staff with Doctorate ( = research active ?) Average %Spread ATN/RMIT44/5332 to 55 IRU5743 to 66 Go8 Big 5 Small 3 54 65 37 to 71 56 to 76 Source : DEST Higher Ed Staff Statistics 2007

14 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 14 Total Number SpreadAv % Academic Staff Spread ATN962105 to 23217.712.1 to 23.6 IRU1257498 to 122425.216.5 to 35.8 Go8 - Big 5 - Small 2 - ANU 8521 5588 1227 1706 911 to 1274 612 to 615 1706 39.6 50.2 113.7 !! 27.1 to 52.9 46.8 to 53.5 Research-only Staff ( = research producers ?) Source : DEST Higher Ed Staff Statistics 2007

15 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 15 The External Research Environment ?

16 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 16 Challenges for Australian University Research Research Assessment/Rankings - ERA = metrics ? National Innovation Review – integration/co-ordination ! Review of Co-operative Research Centres – the public good dimension ? The overall funding ‘bind’ - further concentration – the horror budget ? Research Training – declining opportunities ? The Higher Education Endowment Fund – a real opportunity ? ………………………..

17 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 17 For RMIT there is the need to develop SCALE alongside QUALITY and RELEVANCE Why ? Research globally is increasingly competitive – in some areas we need to strive to be amongst the best

18 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 18 Research : the Hierarchy of Scale Alongside Excellence Research Institutes University-wide expertise Outward sector focus Signature areas National/international standing Leverage of major external funds to underpin sustainability Broad funding mix Focussed university investment – recruitment and infrastructure Researchers from other ‘clusters’ aligned via Projects/Programs Research Centres School/Portfolio based Discipline focus Focus for workforce planning Planning support Funding responding to success Tenure-track Research Fellows ? Research Groups School based Built around lead researcher (s) Building of new capabilities Mentoring of emerging researchers University small Grants ? Lone Researcher School based Successful in winning Grants Drive institutional public profile Supported in developing national and international networks Research Alliances Usually involving Centres and Groups Teaming with complementary skills in other Institutions Responding to external initiatives (eg CRCs, ARC Centres, …….) Scale within RMIT

19 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 19 What Are We Doing/Focussing on : University-wide ?

20 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 20 Foci for RMIT – Drive for Enhanced Performance Operationalise 4 new Research Institutes Target more ARC grants – particularly Discovery Enhanced focus on ‘quality dissemination’ of research Evidence based assessment - enhanced incentives Recruit very carefully Broaden research student funding base Continue focus on better support systems – eg financial, HR, promotion ….

21 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 21 Research Institutes across RMIT –– est 2007 Nationally leading excellence and scale Substantial and relevant research questions Accessing capability from across the university Demonstrate RMIT distinctiveness (engagement !) 1)Global Cities 2)Design 3)Platform Technologies 4)Sustainable Health and Well Being

22 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 22 Research Centres within RMIT Generally more locally and discipline focussed Excellence a given – scale on a case by case basis Cover spectrum from discovery to demonstration 1)Applied Social Research 2)Globalisation 3)Environmental Design 4)Aerospace 5)Materials Rheology 6)Microelectronics 7)Global Logistics 8)Drug Design and Development

23 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 23 Research at RMIT – External Consortia Co-Operative Research Centres Partnerships with Govts, various universities/industry Cover ‘industry driven’ through public good Funded by Governments and universities/industry Can be long term : 14 years + * Automotive* Advanced Manufacturing * Polymers* Smart Internet/Services * Water Quality and Treatment* Construction Innovation * Interaction Design* Bushfires * Poultry* Advanced Composites * Housing/Urban* Financial Systems

24 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 24 RMIT – International Research Alliances For Example RMIT Industry Experience and Research Program (RIERP) Research students undertaking internships within international Companies Vietnam : with University partners and MOET - Researcher exchanges/Collaborative projects (targeted areas) - Joint research students/partner capacity building (scholarships) - Nodes for RMIT Research Institutes China : with ISTA members -Emerging Researcher Network – Nanotechnology India : with IIT(Roorkee), IICT, Tata Chemicals - Environmental S&T - Joint PhD students

25 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 25 RMIT-Wide Researcher Support Initiatives ? * Research Investment Fund * RMIT PhD Scholarships/APA Top-Ups * Innovation Professors/Tenure Track Post Docs * Emerging Research Grants* Research Leave Program * Career Interruption Fellowships* PhD Finishing Grants * Grant ‘Readers/Mentors’ Program * International Scholarship opportunities - China, India

26 G5 Visit, April 2008Slide 26 What About Our HDR Students ? they are actually our core research business over recent years much has been done to improve their experience at RMIT (eg supervisor development, resourcing, co-ordination of candidature management, information flow (eg induction) ……) and it shows – eg via the PREQ and Completion data from 2007 we have begun to get serious about the strategic allocation of HDR places/support – and this will step up from 2008

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