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Prototype Phase SIO Accomplishments

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0 Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Prototype Phase SIO Accomplishments
National Science Foundation May 4, 2009

1 Prototype Phase SIO Accomplishments Distill goals and plan approach, based on community needs Contribute to technical design Provide content

2 R2R Workshop at SIO, Feb 16-19, 2009 NSF, NOAA, UNOLS, SIO, LDEO, WHOI, UH, UW Community building Operators, techs, data managers, computer scientists, researchers, programmers

3 SIO contributions to R2R technical design R2R database design
Selection of cruise level metadata Vessel profiles based on SIO Census of Sensors Approach to automated staging, based on SIOExplorer (1000 cruises) Tools for structured inventory Quality control and provenance Define criteria, events and terms with controlled vocabularies Introduce “Quality Certificate” Dru Clark, SIO

4 SIO contributions to R2R prototype content
Controlled vocabularies for instruments, ports, qc Vessel profiles with current instruments Stage cruise data for testing Melville, Revelle, New Horizon

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