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Advanced GIS Workshop April 28-29, 2012 Antioch University New England Chris Brehme, PhD, Keene State College Apollinaire William, Antioch University New.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced GIS Workshop April 28-29, 2012 Antioch University New England Chris Brehme, PhD, Keene State College Apollinaire William, Antioch University New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced GIS Workshop April 28-29, 2012 Antioch University New England Chris Brehme, PhD, Keene State College Apollinaire William, Antioch University New England

2 Habitat Modeling/Mapping To translate a species’ requirements to geographic locations on the Earth’s surface Involves interpretation, quantification, combination and representation

3 Typical Steps of Habitat Modeling Prepare GIS Data Layers Analyze GIS Data Produce Final Map Background Research Sketch out key steps of analysis Conceptual StageImplementation Stage

4 Matching Descriptions to Data Research species’ habitat requirements Identify available data that relates to these requirements

5 Input, Modify and Analyze GIS Data Input data to GIS Modify data Overlay

6 Habitat Modeling Example American Lobster requires cobble substrates, and seasonal depth ranges (shallow in summer, deep in winter) Quantify ‘cobble’: boulders and rocks with spaces large enough for lobsters – known as gravel on geology maps. Quantify depths: 100’ in winter Get data on seafloor geology Get bathymetry data ‘Gravel’ substrates digitized as a new GIS layer In GIS, calculate size of geology polygons, eliminate polygons where area < minimum required Overlay with depth ranges Create final map of habitats

7 Habitat Modeling Resources Scientific Literature GIS Data resources (State, Federal, NGO, Private) Metadata! GIS Tools Good Map Examples

8 GIS Tools for Modifying and Overlaying Clip/Extract Reclassify Add Fields, Calculate New Field Values Buffer Select (by Attribute, by Rectangle, by Location) Vector Overlay: Intersect or Union Raster Overlay: Map Algebra Terrain: Slope, Aspect

9 Conceptual Model: Lobster Habitat Seafloor Geology Seafloor Depth Select TYPE LIKE ‘Gravel’ Reclassify 0-100 = 1 101 – 200 = 2 > 200 -= 3 Gravel Areas Depth Classes Select Value = 1 Select Value = 2 Summer Depths Winter Depths Convert to Polygon Summer Depths Winter Depths Intersect Summer Habitats Winter Habitats

10 Exercise: Create a Conceptual Model Characterize the species’ requirements Quantify qualitative descriptions Identify potential GIS data Identify GIS tools and steps for prepping and analyzing the data Create a diagram of the process

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