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Created by: Scott Kelly 2010. The Payson Ducks! Menus Map Search Places (from Search) Or Layers Uploaded Google Data Layers Zoom Spatial Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by: Scott Kelly 2010. The Payson Ducks! Menus Map Search Places (from Search) Or Layers Uploaded Google Data Layers Zoom Spatial Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by: Scott Kelly 2010

2 The Payson Ducks!

3 Menus Map Search Places (from Search) Or Layers Uploaded Google Data Layers Zoom Spatial Orientation Pan Drafting Tools Coordinates & Elevation Additional Tools Altitude Imagery Source View Tools

4 The lake in Green Valley Park Click on these icons for pictures people have posted These are the coordinates of where ever your cursor is on the map

5 First week, Third group. Not weekly congruent. 1A Marking the first duck sighting on our map image Group | Dis To Nx | Quack | 1A 50 Feet Yes

6 Save each spreadsheet as a.csv comma delimited. If you have Google Earth open DNR will know it Change each file extension to.txt Keep the Excel file(s)





11 The sample USA project The Shape2Earth and CSV to Shapefile Converter menus show up after you activate the plug-ins Drops down with the available plug-ins

12 The shapefiles will show up as three different layers on your map. If you highlight one and press the attribute table editor you can see all our data fields are in the shapefile.

13 Projections tell the computer where in the world those dots are Click here to convert the shapfile to KML

14 Click here to turn off the side bar for a better presentation

15 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ The work flow of the app

16 Move these to here to make them permanent The app result


18 Appendix Graphics, Presentation, GIS, and Remote Sensing Software

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