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Surface Treatment of Countyline Road Alachua County Board of County Commissioners September 23, 2008.

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1 Surface Treatment of Countyline Road Alachua County Board of County Commissioners September 23, 2008

2 AC maintained GC maintained

3 History of Discussion Gilchrist County requests that Alachua County surface treat SW 298 th Street (Countyline Road) using Alachua County crews, materials and equipment August 12 th BoCC Meeting –Staff return to BoCC with recommended funding source for cost of half of Countyline Road Gilchrist County BoCC –Budgeted half of cost of SW 298 th Street (SR 26 to S Countyline – 4.5 miles), about $117,170

4 Project Cost Materials (per mile)* Base Stabilization – Limerock (3 in lift, 18 ft width) 440 cubic yards x $5.00 /cu. yd $ 2,200.00 Chip Seal Surface Treatment (18 ft width) 10,560 sq. yards x $4.05 /sq. yd $ 42,790.00 Total Materials $ 44,990.00 per mile Equipment & Labor (per mile)* Dump Trucks 63 loads at $51.00 per load (1 hr roundtrip) $ 3,210.00 Motor Grader 10 hours at $69.00 per hour $ 690.00 Steel Wheel Roller 18 hours at $38.00 per hour $ 680.00 Reclaimer/Excavator 15 hours at $65.00 per hour $ 975.00 Gradall Excavator 5 hours at $64.00 per hour $ 320.00 Asphalt Emulsion/ Tack Truck 6 hours at $55.00 per hour $ 330.00 Aggregate Spreader 6 hours at $55.00 per hour $ 330.00 Inspection 30 hours at $25.00 per hour $ 750.00 Total Equipment & Labor $ 7,285.00 per mile * Prices as of March 2007 (quoted to Gilchrist County Commission) P ER - MILE C ONSTRUCTION C OST * $ 52,075.00 F ULL P ROJECT C ONSTRUCTION C OST * SR 26 to S Countyline (4.5 miles) $ 234,340.00

5 Funding Options Alachua County’s portion: $117,170 –Transportation Trust Fund Fund balance: $ 1,559,000* Staff recommended funding source –Gas tax reserves Current balance: $ 712,832* Used for emergencies * Amounts current as of September 8, 2008

6 Staff Recommendation Direct staff to negotiate two interlocal agreements with Gilchrist County 1.Surface treatment of SW 298 th Street Alachua County will surface treat SW 298 th Street (Countyline Road) using Alachua County crews, materials and equipment Alachua and Gilchrist Counties will share the cost 2.Formalize on-going maintenance responsibilities Direct staff to fund Alachua County’s share of cost from Transportation Trust Fund

7 Surface Treatment of Countyline Road Alachua County Board of County Commissioners September 23, 2008

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