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 The typical Job Corps student: ◦ Has not completed high school ◦ Reads slightly below the eighth-grade level ◦ Has never had a full-time job ◦ Is between.

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Presentation on theme: " The typical Job Corps student: ◦ Has not completed high school ◦ Reads slightly below the eighth-grade level ◦ Has never had a full-time job ◦ Is between."— Presentation transcript:


2  The typical Job Corps student: ◦ Has not completed high school ◦ Reads slightly below the eighth-grade level ◦ Has never had a full-time job ◦ Is between 17 and 19 years old and from an economically disadvantaged family 2 Average stay for all students 8.0 months Average stay for graduates 11.6 months

3 National Office  Carol Abnathy, MSW, MPH National Health and Wellness Manager  Johnetta Davis, MPH Health and Wellness Program Analyst Regional Offices  Regional Offices award contracts and provide oversight, monitoring, and technical assistance  Six Regional Offices, headed by a Regional Director (Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, San Francisco)  Project Manager (PM)—the DOL representative and liaison who works closely with your center 3

4 Principal Mental Health Consultant Valerie R. Cherry, Ph.D. Principal TEAP Consultant Pat Jackson, RN Regional Health Consultants (RHCs) Every Regional Office has a:  Regional Nurse Consultant  Regional Medical Consultant  Regional Mental Health Consultant (also provides regional TEAP assistance)  Regional Dental Consultant  Regional Disability Coordinators 4

5 Regional Health Consultants:  Provide technical assistance to center health staff  Conduct center assessments  Provide training to regional and center staff  Available to answer your questions  Can help you understand policies  Provide up-to-date information that will assist you in your efforts to meet program requirements 5

6  Policy and Requirements Handbook (PRH)—The PRH contains the rules by which all centers operate ◦ Chapter 6 (Sections 6.10-6.12)  Program Assessment Guide (PAG)—The PAG is a companion to the PRH  Technical Assistance Guides (TAGs)—How-to guides that offer many suggestions but no additional program requirements ◦ TAG-D Mental Health and Wellness Program ◦ TAG-G Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder 6

7  PRH Change Notice—Contains new or revised policy with instructions to delete, replace, or add pages  Program Instruction—One-time announcement requiring a specific response or action (e.g., survey)  Information Notice—One-time announcement not requiring a specific action (e.g., meeting or training announcement) 7

8  Basic medical services are provided to students as defined in PRH Chapter 6, Exhibit 6-4  The PRH requires that each center director provide qualified personnel to implement ◦ Routine mental health services/intervention for all students ◦ 24-hour emergency mental health care ◦ Ongoing staff development 8

9  Prevention  Early detection  Identification of mental health problems  Short-term counseling for manageable conditions  Crisis intervention  Focuses on helping students live a healthy lifestyle emotionally, physically, and mentally 9

10  Administrative activities  Direct service to students  Special programs  Interaction with other center staff  Interaction with community contacts  Training  TAG D–Mental Health and Wellness Program 10

11  Work as part of a multidisciplinary team  Direct care and education to students  Consultation to staff  Assist with decisions on student placement and programming on center  Address mental health and wellness issues with a focus on employability and help students overcome obstacles to employability  Support the CDSS system 11

12 Case Management  Integrated case management approach ◦ Involves interacting with TEAP specialist, counselors, residential living staff, and physician regarding student behavior, compliance, medication side effects, and treatment progress  Document case management plan and notes in student health record  Success Management Plan 12

13 Charting Procedures  Your assessment, treatment, and case management notes must be legible and included in the student health record  Intake notes should indicate reason for referral, presenting problem, history of presenting problem, mental status exam, diagnostic impression, and clear treatment plan ◦ Intake Form  Progress notes should indicate assessment, progress, and treatment plan ◦ SOAP Format 13

14 Conferences and Teleconferences  Regional  National  Teleconferences in your region 14

15 Medical Separations  You may need to assess a student with a psychiatric disorder that clearly impairs his/her ability to complete or take part in the training program and recommend a medical separation  Describe specific behaviors and symptoms that can be clearly related to the student’s inability to effectively participate in the Job Corps training program  Medical separations are necessary so that students can receive the higher level of care they need 15

16 Medical Separations (continued) There are two types of medical separations:  Medical separation with reinstatement (MSWR)—used when a student has a problem that can be resolved in less than six months with appropriate treatment  Medical separation (also known as a straight separation)— requires the student to reapply to Job Corps after at least one year has elapsed; the application must be evaluated by the Regional Office 16

17 Referral and Feedback System  PRH requires a written referral and feedback system for mental health treatment  You will need to develop a two-part form that can be used by other disciplines on center  HIPAA ◦ Referral Source ◦ General Information 17

18 Center Operating Procedures Suicide Assessments/Hospitalization  CMHC should draft a Center Operating Procedure (COP) for suicide assessment, prevention, and debriefing as well as procedures for hospitalization ◦ Suicidal students should be evaluated as soon as possible ◦ Students who are a danger to self or others must be supervised continuously until the disposition of their case is resolved  You must draft procedures for other emergency psychiatric situations (e.g., psychotic episodes, urgent referrals)  Include a process for 24-hour on-call services 18

19 Applicant File Review and IDT  File Review Process ◦ To evaluate the information contained in the folder and make a clinical recommendation about the stability of the applicant’s mental health disorder as it relates to safety (direct threat assessments) and Job Corps’ ability to provide care management  IDT ◦ All applicants with disabilities are entitled to a reasonable accommodation process ◦ Your role is to participate on the Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) to assist in evaluating the student’s or applicant’s request for reasonable accommodations 19

20  Employee Assistance — treatment is short-term and problem- focused with community referrals for long-term treatment  HIV Management — work with the center physician and nursing staff to communicate the results and provide short-term intervention as well as appropriate referrals for further support  Introduction to Center Life — teach the mental health portion and indicate how mental health issues (e.g., depression, anger management) affect student employability in the workforce 20

21  Mental Health and Wellness Services—The CMHC is contracted to provide: ◦ short-term clinical services ◦ diagnosis and evaluation ◦ management planning ◦ crisis intervention ◦ brief therapy (approximately five to six sessions) Your time will be divided into three areas: direct clinical care, trainee employee assistance program consultation, and staff training. 21

22  Multidisciplinary Meetings  Psychotropic Medication Management  Sexual Assault Prevention Groups 22

23 Centers with open communication between disciplines usually function with better morale and efficiency and incorporate the health and wellness model to a much greater degree. Center Director Meetings  CMHC is required to meet with the CD on a monthly basis Information Exchange  Weekly meetings with the HWM, TEAP specialist, counselors, and residential living staff are essential to implementing a team approach 23

24 Marketing Mental Health and Wellness  Include posters in the dorms, cafeteria, classrooms, and hallways advertising mental health and wellness services  Include pamphlets and flyers in your office and in the health and wellness center waiting area Student Contact  Attend student orientation and make a personal presentation regarding the mental health program  Be present in the health and wellness center during the new input process and make yourself available to students  Be visible 24

25  Department of Vocational Rehabilitation  Extern/Intern Program  Crisis Response Organizations  Psychiatric Facilities  Specialized Referrals ◦ Depending on the ethnic makeup of the center, specialized off-center referrals can provide more treatment for different ethnicities or lifestyles and at the same time support diversity 25

26  Training and Staff Development [PRH 5: 5.3; R2(a)]—50 percent of your time is for training staff on topics such as avoiding physical confrontations, stress management, recognizing depression, anger management, and suicide assessment  Counseling Staff—Provide training and conduct weekly meetings with counseling staff who will help manage students who need mental health support on center  SafetyNet 26

27 Region 1David Kraft, MD, Maria Acevedo, Region 2Amber West, Region 3Suzanne Martin, Region 4Peter Oropeza, Andrew Berger, Region 5Steve Corey, Region 6Andrew Berger, Vicki Boyd,

28  Job Corps Health & Wellness:, click on JC Community, then Health and Wellness. Provides information on Job Corps health and wellness issues, announcements of conferences and other events, health-related directives and technical assistance guides, and regional health information  Job Corps Disability:, click on JC Community, then Disability. Provides a tutorial and information on the Job Corps disability initiative including legislation, common disabilities, and reasonable accommodation issues  is a free service that provides information on job accommodations and the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 28

29 29 Questions & Answers

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