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“Methods of ground-based safety nets improvement” NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY Institute of Airnavigation Airnavigation Systems Department Graduate work.

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Presentation on theme: "“Methods of ground-based safety nets improvement” NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY Institute of Airnavigation Airnavigation Systems Department Graduate work."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Methods of ground-based safety nets improvement” NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY Institute of Airnavigation Airnavigation Systems Department Graduate work MASTER’S DEGREE THESIS 1 “Методи вдосконалення наземних мереж безпеки” PERFORMER: I.I. BULEZA SUPERVISOR: G.F. ARGUNOV

2 Purpose: to offer enhancements for ground- based safety nets. To research particularities of ground-based safety nets operation To compare different approaches to visual representation of traffic collision alerts in different automated ATSs To search for the drawbacks of existing approach to visual representation of short term collision alert To provide countermeasures that can eliminate aforementioned drawbacks Tasks: 2

3 Topicality Nowadays, considerable progress has been made in matters of flight safety. However, taking into consideration vast increase of air traffic volumes, additional improvements are needed and can be achieved. It is well known that majority of aviation accidents happen due to system errors associated with human factor. Therefore, any improvement connected with this field would potentially increase overall safety of the whole aviation system. 3

4 Ground-based safety nets 4

5 Existing approach to visual representation of the conflict AUTOMATED ATS “INDRA” 5

6 6 STCA decision advisory algorithm

7 Decision advisory for STCA ACT111ACT222ACT333 Heading190270 Altitude5000 5300 7

8 Decision advisory for STCA ACT111ACT222ACT333 Heading190270 Altitude5000 5300 ACT111ACT222ACT333ACT444ACT555 Course190270 Altitude5000 530047005900 8

9 Implementation benefits of STCA resolution advisory Decreased reaction time toward conflict resolution Reduced number of separation infringements Elimination of human factor related errors Improvement of air traffic flows 9

10 Conclusions Taking into consideration that one of the main goals of all processes in aviation system is to reach proper level of flight's safety, while keeping positive income rate, cheap solutions to improve existing services are very attractive. New functional can be added to the existing short term collision avoidance system without changing core principles of its operation. Considering the rate of traffic volumes increase, this upgrade is expected to have a positive effect on safety of flights. 10

11 Recommendations To perform research of STCA warnings and their resolution for different portions of existing airspace Where necessary, upgrade automated air traffic systems with resolution advisory for short term collision alert component 11

12 Thank you for your attention. 12

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