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R. Z. Wenkstern, T. Steel, G. Leask MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 1.

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Presentation on theme: "R. Z. Wenkstern, T. Steel, G. Leask MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 R. Z. Wenkstern, T. Steel, G. Leask MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 1

2  Introduction  Overview of Soteria  Micro Level Components  Macro-Level Components MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 2  MATISSE  MATISSE’s High Level Architecture  MATISSE’s agent architecture  MATISSE’s cell controller architecture  Conclusion

3  Soteria: a multi-layered, integrated traffic infrastructure for safety enhancement and congestion reduction  Developed by a team of researchers at UTD 3 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas Contributors P. Boyraz J. Hansen A. Fumagalli M. Tacca O. Daescu K. Trumper R. Z. Wenkstern Electrical Engineering Telecom Engineering Computer Science AI Computational Geometry Software Engineering

4  Introduction  Overview of Soteria  Micro Level Components  Macro-Level Components MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 4  MATISSE  MATISSE’s High Level Architecture  MATISSE’s agent architecture  MATISSE’s cell controller architecture  Conclusion

5  Premises  Traffic model consists of micro- and macro-level components  Traffic is a bottom up phenomenon  Traffic management is a top-down activity MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 5

6 6  Micro-level components  Vehicles  Traffic lights  Relays  Data collection devices  Macro-level components  Cell controllers  Cell Controller Infrastructure  Vehicle Infrastructure  Traffic Flow Infrastructure Our goal Enforce communication, interaction and collaboration between all stakeholders both at the micro and macro levels

7  Introduction  Overview of Soteria  Micro Level Components  Macro-Level Components MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 7  MATISSE  MATISSE’s High Level Architecture  MATISSE’s agent architecture  MATISSE’s cell controller architecture  Conclusion

8 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 8 Impact Mitigation System  Takes all actions necessary to prevent major injury Context-Aware Intelligent Vehicles Environment Monitoring System  Collects and stores information about the environment Advanced Traveler Information System  Adaptive navigation system Driver Monitoring System  Collects information about driver’s condition Temporary Collision Avoidance System  Assists the driver into directing the car to the closest safe area

9 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 9 Traffic Lights Data Collection Devices Relay Units Autonomous Adaptive System  Determine best course of action when unexpected events occur Traffic Information Collection System  Collects and manages traffic information on highways  Pass on information when physical distance is too great.

10  Introduction  Overview of Soteria  Micro Level Components  Macro-Level Components MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 10  MATISSE  MATISSE’s High Level Architecture  MATISSE’s agent architecture  MATISSE’s cell controller architecture  Conclusion

11 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 11 CA-IVS Infrastructure Traffic Flow Infrastructure Interaction/Data Exchange

12 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 12

13 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 13 CAI Vehicle Infrastructure Cell Controller Infrastructure Traffic Flow Infrastructure

14  Introduction  Overview of Soteria  Micro Level Components  Macro-Level Components MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 14  MATISSE  MATISSE’s High Level Architecture  MATISSE’s agent architecture  MATISSE’s cell controller architecture  Conclusion

15  Multi-Agent based TraffIc Safety Simulation systEm  Simulation framework designed to specify and execute scenarios for Soteria  Vehicles, traffic lights, relays, data collection devices, and cell controllers are modeled as agents MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 15

16 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 16 CAI Vehicle agent Management Component Vehicle1Vehicle n Vehicle–Vehicle Message Transport Service … CAI Vehicle Platform Traffic Device agent Management Component Traffic Light Collection Device Device –Device Message Transport Service … Traffic Device Platform Controller-Traffic Device Message Transport Service Controller-Vehicle Message Transport Service Vehicle-Traffic Device Message Transport Service MATISSE Agent-Environment System Message Transport Service Data Management System Visualization Framework 2D Visualization System 3D Visualization System Environment Platform … Environment Management Component Controller 1Controller n Controller –Controller Message Transport Service Env. Data Managmt System

17 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 17 Planning and Control Module Environment Communication Module Task 1 Task n Agent Interaction Management Module Task Management Module Agent Communication Module … Information Management Module Self Model Cell Model Acquaintance Model Constraint Model

18 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 18 Planning and Control Module Environment Communication Module Task 1 Task n Cell Controller Interaction Management Task Management Agent Communication Module … Information Management Synchronizer Agent Model Linked Cell Model Graph Model Self Model

19  Introduction  Overview of Soteria  Micro Level Components  Macro-Level Components MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 19  MATISSE  MATISSE’s High Level Architecture  MATISSE’s agent architecture  MATISSE’s cell controller architecture  Conclusion

20  Soteria: novel traffic organizational structure  MATISSE: simulation system tailor-made for Soteria  Hybrid Systems  Implement both macroscopic and microscopic models  Use a top-down/bottom-up strategy MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 20

21 MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 21 CAI Vehicle Infrastructure Cell Controller Infrastructure Traffic Flow Infrastructure Micro-level: each autonomous agent influences and adapts to changes while interacting, cooperating and coordinating actions with other agents Macro-level: cell controllers monitor and guide the global system behavior in a decentralized fashion,

22 Thank you MAVs Lab, University of Texas at Dallas 22

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