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Welcome to Physics 101! Lecture 01: Introduction to Forces

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Physics 101! Lecture 01: Introduction to Forces"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Physics 101! Lecture 01: Introduction to Forces
“I must take this course to fulfill my Pre-med prereqs, and everyone I know has opted to take this course outside of the U of I. ” “I am not happy; and from the way the prelecture was going, I don't have very high hopes for this semester.” “so I'm thinking that this class won't be as terrible as I was thinking it might be.” My biggest fear is that, while braving the steep stairs of the Loomis lecture hall, gravity will get the better of me and I will tumble 30 feet, landing in an embarrassed heap. Tim Stelzer 05

2 Meet the Lecturer Tim Stelzer
Subject: Physics 101 Office Hours Monday 3-4 Research High Energy Particle Theory Physics Education P at UIUC are my favorite! 06 05

3 Course Format (Spiral Learning)
Lecture Preflights Lecture Participation clickers 25 Homework Lab Discussion quizzes; drop lowest 1 Hour Exams (3 x 100) Final Exam Key to doing well is talking about the course. At bars? Show examples of the Lab/Text and Discussion books “I'm excited that people have told me this class won't be extremely difficult, and my biggest fear is that they are all dirty rotten liars. :)” 1000 07

4 Grading Scale 950-1000 A+ 920-949 A 900-919 A- 880-899 B+ 860-879 B
<610 F I'm worried because it is a five hour course and can so greatly affect your GPA. 8

5 Reading & Lecture Preflight
I am concerned because I did not check and receive my until late last night and just finished the pre-lecture and tried to do the preflight and it was closed buy I did not know it had to be done by 6am this morning otherwise I would have done it earlier. Is there anything I can go to get those points because I do not want to start the course out by missing points? Need to complete PreLecture for Preflight Answer preflights 25/1000 points Due 6:00 am day of lecture. 1 points for honest attempt at preflight. No EX, 28 Lectures can miss three and still get all 25 points. Everyone gets 1 points for today! 11

6 P101 Lectures Participation is key! Not everything you need for exams!
“However, I am very excited to meet new people and explore new concepts”. Participation is key! Come to lecture prepared! 1 point for each lecture using iclicker No EX, 28 Lectures can miss three and still get all 25 points. Available at bookstore---register in gradebook Not everything you need for exams! Concepts, Connections, Motivation Comprehensive Text Calculations Homework + Discussion Hands-On Lab Taking Notes Lecture notes available for lecture. Some key pieces for you to fill in. Comment that lecture can’t do everything. Key is participation! 13

7 P101 Homework All web based, immediate feedback
100% if done before 6:00 am deadline 90% credit until following Tuesday 0% after that Always keep 5 significant figures! First one is due Tuesday Jan 30th ! Second one is due Tuesday Jan 30th ! 15

8 P101 Labs Director: Professor Alexey Bezryadin First is Monday!
“I am most excited for labs and working with experiments.” Director: Professor Alexey Bezryadin First is Monday! No “dropped” labs….. Don’t miss one! 18

9 Discussion Sections Director: Professor Peter Abbamonte Start: Tuesday
“I went to discussion today and was completely lost and then going through the prelecture i was also completely lost. ” Director: Professor Peter Abbamonte Start: Tuesday Quiz during last 20 minutes of section 10 minutes late  21

10 Physics Philosophy Problem: You are too smart! Physics is DIFFERENT
“i fear that since i have heard from others that it is an easy class, i might become complacent.” Problem: You are too smart! Physics is DIFFERENT Describe large number of “complicated” observations with a few simple ideas Exams don’t have same problems, but do have same IDEAS 23

11 Newton’s Laws of Motion
If the sum of all external forces on an object is zero, then its speed and direction will not change. Inertia If a nonzero net force is applied to an object its motion will change F= ma In an interaction between two objects, the forces that each exerts on the other are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Lets do all demos here. Table cloth, Fred and cart, Equal and Opposite forces 30

12 Forces in P101 Non-Contact ---- Gravity (F = G m M /r2 )
G = 6.7x10-11 m3 / (kg s2) Earth: Mass = 6x1024 kg, radius = 6.4 x106 m. Contact (fundamentally E+M) Normal: Perpendicular to surface Friction: Parallel to surface Anything touching the object Rope: Tension Spring F = -kx 31

13 Example Weight of Object
Calculate the gravitational force on a 3 kg book held 1 meter above the surface of the earth. F = G M m / r2 = (6.7x10-11 m3 / (kg s2)) (6x1024 kg) (3 kg)/ (6.4x )2 m2 = kg m/s2 33

14 Gravitational ACT If the book is raised 10 meters above the surface of the earth, the gravitational force on the book will A) times stronger B) 10 times stronger C) Same D) 10 times weaker E) 100 times weaker F = G M m / r2 = (6.7x10-11 m3 / (kg s2)) (6x1024 kg) (3 kg)/ (6.4x )2 m2 = kg m/s2 Near surface of earth r = 6.4x106 m F = m (G M /r2) = m (9.8 m/s2) 37

15 Contact Forces: Friction
Magnitude of frictional force (parallel to surfaces) is proportional to the normal force. fkinetic = mk N mk coefficient of Kinetic friction fstatic <= ms N ms coefficient of Static friction Be Careful! Static friction <=, can be any value up to msN Direction always opposes motion 42

16 Free Body Diagrams Choose Object (book) Label coordinate axis
Identify All Forces Hand (to right) Gravity (down) Normal (table, up) Friction (table, left) y x Physics 48

17 Summary Newton’s Laws of Motion Forces: Free Body Diagrams
Inertia F=ma Pairs Forces: Non-Contact: Gravity Contact: Friction and Normal Free Body Diagrams Each direction is independent Friction opposes motion, parallel to surface Kinetic f = mk N Static f <= ms N

18 To Do Discussions and Labs start next week!
Do lecture preflight before 6:00 am Monday Have a GREAT WEEKEND! 50

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