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Directed Inquiry Objective You will describe the motion of various objects (for example, forward, circular, wave). Complete Directed Inquiry Activity.

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2 Directed Inquiry Objective You will describe the motion of various objects (for example, forward, circular, wave). Complete Directed Inquiry Activity

3 How To Read Science Objective You will use a variety of strategies to monitor reading in (for example, rereading, self-correcting, summarizing, checking other sources, class and group discussions, reading on, trying alternative pronunciations, asking questions). Summarizing Suppose you just saw a movie your friend did not see. How would you tell your friend what the movie is about? Read, “How to Read Science”

4 How to Read Science

5 Objective You will describe the motion of various objects (for example, forward, circular, wave). Quick Activity Game Purpose You are going to read to understand speed and direction of an object's motion. Summary An object is in motion when it changes position.

6 Questions How can you describe circular motion? Can you think of something that moves in a circular motion? How might you make an object move up as well as forward?

7 Objectives You will be able to list ways to view objects in relation to other objects. You will describe ways to view the motion of objects in relation to each other and the background. Summary An object's position depends on, or is relative to, the position of other objects around it. Maps model the position of places or objects relative to each other. Change in the direction of motion of one object changes the relative position of other objects.

8 Activity Draw a map of the classroom Put yourself on the map and draw the classroom around you If an object is in front of you, what are two ways you could change your position to put the object behind you?

9 Questions After you pass by an object, what is its position relative to you? What do the position, direction, and movement of an object depend on? After you get to the lunch room, how could you describe a journey from the lunch room back to your starting position?

10 Objective You will know that an object may move in a straight line at a constant speed, speed up, slow down, or change direction dependent on net force acting on the object Summary Speed is the rate at which an object moves, or changes position. Speed can be fast or slow, constant or variable. Objects that continue to move at the same rate are at constant speed; those whose rate changes as they move are at variable speed. Activity As we read you are going to write a summary of each section

11 Questions What do we call the rate at which an object changes its position? What does it mean when you say that an object moves at a constant speed? How does the motion of two bumper cars change when they bump into each other?

12 Objective You will know that the more massive an object is, the less effect a given force has. Quick Activity Why do you think one ball traveled farther than the other? What would you have to do to get the other ball to move as far? Purpose The purpose for reading is to understand what causes objects to change position and speed.

13 Summary A force is a push or pull. It changes the position, direction of motion, or speed of an object. Change in position and speed depends on the amount of force and the mass of the object. Friction opposes the motion of an object.

14 Questions What two factors affect how much an object moves? Why does it take more force to push a full shopping cart than it does an empty cart? If you roll a ball, would it move farther before stopping on a tile floor or a parking lot? Why?

15 Objectives You will know that the motion of an object is determined by the overall effect of all the forces acting on the object. Summary Forces in the same direction can combine to have a greater effect on an object. Opposing forces can combine to affect the motion of an object.

16 Questions During a tug-of-war, when will the rope not move? What would happen in a tug-of-war if someone on one side let go of the rope? How does the force of friction change if the ground under both tug-of-war teams becomes wet and slippery?

17 Objective You will describe kinds of forces that can cause motion. lated lated Summary Gravity is a non-contact force that pulls all objects toward each other. Mass and distance affect the amount of attraction, or pull, of gravity. Weight is the amount that gravity pulls on the mass of an object. Magnetism is a non-contact force. A magnet attracts objects that contain iron.

18 Questions What is weight? The Moon has less mass than the Earth. How would your weight be affected if you were on the Moon? Why are gravity and magnetism considered non-contact forces?

19 Objectives You will explain how forces can be harnessed to perform work. Purpose You will read to understand what work is and how it can be made easier. Summary Work is applying a force to move an object over a distance. Work is done when an object's position changes; if an object does not move, no work is done.

20 Questions What two things do you need to know in order to determine the amount of work you do? When does a magnet do work? What could the children pictured in the snow on page 338 do to move the large snowball?

21 Objective You will know the six types of simple machines (screw, inclined plane, wedge, pulley, lever, and wheel and axle). Summary Simple machines help make work easier. Four kinds of simple machines are the inclined plane, the wedge, the screw, and the lever.

22 Questions What simple machine is an inclined plane wrapped around a center post? How does an inclined plane help you do work? How are a wedge and a screw related to an inclined plane?

23 Summary A wheel and axle makes work easier when the wheel is turned. A wheel and axle makes objects on the wheel move great distances with short turns of the axle. Much force must be supplied to turn the axle. A pulley is a wheel with a rope passed over it. It changes the direction of motion when a force is applied.

24 Questions Where is the axle attached to a wheel? Why is the distance around a wheel greater than the distance around its axle? How does a pulley work to pull an object up when you are pulling down?

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