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5 th Period Team 1: Jonathan R., Rosetta, Jerrard, Denika Team 2: Jonathan C., John, Jaana, Antonio Team 3: Kadijah, Taurean, Jeffrey, Daniela Team 4:

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Presentation on theme: "5 th Period Team 1: Jonathan R., Rosetta, Jerrard, Denika Team 2: Jonathan C., John, Jaana, Antonio Team 3: Kadijah, Taurean, Jeffrey, Daniela Team 4:"— Presentation transcript:

1 5 th Period Team 1: Jonathan R., Rosetta, Jerrard, Denika Team 2: Jonathan C., John, Jaana, Antonio Team 3: Kadijah, Taurean, Jeffrey, Daniela Team 4: Tyrrion, Daniel, Cinnamon, Nicholas Team 5: Grace, Henok, Anthony, Naomi Team 6: Chanavia, Isaiah, Melissa, Torrey Team 7: Tatyana, Devin, Jasmine, Seyoum Dajohn,

2 Ecology Jeopardy Ms. Klinkhachorn Biology October 27, 2010

3 Rules of the Game 1.A question will appear on the screen. Quietly write down the answer on your board. 2.Work with your team only. No notes. 3.You must raise your board when time is called if you want credit for your answer. Do not erase your board until told to do so. 4.Points will be awarded to any team that with the correct answer. 5.There will be point deductions for the following: Shouting, screaming, arguing, and bad sportsmanship Writing on your board that isn’t relevant Talking when somebody is explaining the answer

4 The Prizes 1 st and 2 nd place teams will receive bonus points towards their test 1 st place team will also receive an additional bathroom pass

5 What word means the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment?

6 Ecology

7 What is the general term for copying another organism?

8 mimicry

9 What kind of symbiosis is represented by the picture below?

10 Parasitism (+/-)

11 Several species living in the same area make up what level of the ecological hierarchy?

12 Community

13 How should you draw the arrows in a food web/chain?

14 Towards the organism that is gaining the energy

15 What is a hierarchy?

16 Ordered Levels

17 What kind of symbiosis is represented by the picture below?

18 Commensalism (+/0)

19 What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors?

20 Abiotic = nonliving, Biotic = living

21 What is another word for a producer?

22 Autotroph

23 What trophic level does the wolf spider belong to ?

24 Tertiary Consumer (3 rd )

25 What kind of symbiosis can be described using the symbols +/+?

26 Mutualism

27 In nature, this is the animal that is doing the hunting.

28 Predator

29 Cryptic coloration, aposomatic coloration, batesian mimicry, or mullerian mimicry?

30 Aposomatic coloration

31 What kind of symbiosis is represented by the picture below?

32 Mutualism (+/+)

33 Give the definitions: Auto Hetero Troph

34 Auto = self Hetero = other, different Troph = food, nourishment

35 What is the only difference between the community and the ecosystem in the hierarchy.

36 Ecosystems consider abiotic factors

37 What kind of symbiosis can be described using the symbols +/-?

38 Parasitism

39 Cryptic coloration, aposomatic coloration, batesian mimicry, or mullerian mimicry? All are poisonous.

40 Mullerian mimicry

41 Which organism(s) eat the caterpillar?

42 Blue jay and lizard

43 What’s another word for cryptic coloration?

44 Camouflage

45 Which organisms are second a ry consumers?

46 Beetle larva, ground beetle

47 What kind of symbiosis can be described using the symbols +/0?

48 Commensalism

49 Cryptic coloration, aposomatic coloration, batesian mimicry, or mullerian mimicry?

50 Aposomatic coloration

51 Cryptic coloration, aposomatic coloration, batesian mimicry, or mullerian mimicry?

52 Cryptic coloration

53 Cryptic coloration, aposomatic coloration, batesian mimicry, or mullerian mimicry? Harmless Harmful

54 Batesian Mimicry

55 What is another word for a consumer?

56 Heterotroph

57 What kind of organism is needed to control the amount of waste on the planet?

58 Decomposer / Detrivore

59 Name 2 examples of decomposers.

60 Bacteria, fungus, maggots, earthworms

61 How many heterotrophs are shown in this food web ?

62 7 (and just 1 autotroph shown)

63 Which organism(s) does the blue jay eat?

64 Caterpillar, snail, plant

65 A long-term, close interaction with another species.

66 Symbiosis

67 List the levels, in order, of the ecological hierarchy.

68 Organism, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biosphere

69 Give the definitions: Sym A (as in abiotic) Eco Ology

70 Give the definitions: Sym = together A (as in abiotic) = not, non Eco = home Ology = study of

71 What is a group of individual organisms belonging to the same species and living in the same area called?

72 population

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