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 Title  Introduction  Feeding relationship  Food chain/food web  Symbiosis  Summary.

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3  Title  Introduction  Feeding relationship  Food chain/food web  Symbiosis  Summary

4  Is the study of organisms and the environment  Ecology is also the scientific study of the way living organisms interact with their environment  Ecology is essential for the survival of the human species.

5  All animals need to be able to have access to food. If a animals do not eat, they will die. In an intertidal environment, food is not available to all creatures all of the time.  Nutrient absorbers: these are the energy and nutrient absorbing algae. These are the Primary Producers.Nutrient absorbers


7  different biological species  defined it as "the living together of unlike organisms  Some symbiotic relationships are obligate, meaning that both symbiosis entirely depend on each other for survival.

8  Ecology is the study of how living things and their environment interact with one another. The food chain is the transfer of energy from green plants through a series of organisms with repeated stages of eating and being eaten. Symbiosis is basely different biological species.

9   

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