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COOPERaTE Control and Optimization of Energy Positive Neighbourhoods Energy Management and Sharing The COOPERaTE Experience COOPERaTE ICT Approach Keith.

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Presentation on theme: "COOPERaTE Control and Optimization of Energy Positive Neighbourhoods Energy Management and Sharing The COOPERaTE Experience COOPERaTE ICT Approach Keith."— Presentation transcript:

1 COOPERaTE Control and Optimization of Energy Positive Neighbourhoods Energy Management and Sharing The COOPERaTE Experience COOPERaTE ICT Approach Keith Ellis Intel 22/09/2015 Created at UTRC-I. Contains no technical data 1 This project is funded by the European Union‘s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 600063

2 “For every complex problem there is a simple solution that is wrong” George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950)

3 “Utilize the power and flexibility of cloud computing to integrate diverse local monitoring and control systems to achieve energy services at a neighborhood scale.”

4 Simple?

5 Source: March 2015 All simple?

6 Too simple?

7 1 2 3 SoS

8 enables symbolic links enables hierarchies The NIM


10 Prototype NDF Plugin System Concrete- NIMAdapter Concrete- ServiceAdapte r Concrete NIM Transformation Concrete Service Transformation Generic Persistency Interface Model Management NDF Upload Interface Transformation Generator Adapter Generator generates, compiles and deploys at runtime as webservices from the concrete to the generic meta model and vice versa Description of the neighbourhood and the services upload us e Neighbourhood and services accessing data at runtime

11 NIM Service E2E Platform NRT monitoring Parchment Actuation / Actions NRT monitoring LeisureWorld Actuation / Actions NICORE Platform NRT monitoring NIMBUS Actuation / Actions Bishopstown Optimization Service NIM enabled interoperability

12 Challenger

13 UrbanPower

14 Consumption forecast versus real consumption Battery planning management

15 Electricity Price for Day-Ahead market

16 Bishopstown

17 NICORE Platform

18 E2E Platform

19 Occupancy Power Energy Temp Humidity Measurement & actuation in near-real-time Occupancy Detection Prediction At the edge Multiple data measurement types displayed Measurements displayed near-real-time [Power] Measurements displayed near-real-time [Door & Motion status] Example services

20 Individual application data -By room/zone -By category -Comfort -Usage -Security -Other Event triggered sensing & actuation Data - Comfort, security, Usage (power) & Other On-board data logging or real-time streaming based on user privacy Example services

21 The goal: utilize the power & flexibility of cloud computing to integrate diverse local monitoring & control systems to achieve energy services at a neighborhood scale The Premise: “by allowing for interoperability at the data level & by leveraging existing cloud solutions via common communication, one can produce a loosely coupled integrated solution that is more likely to be adopted”. The approach: defined as a System-of- Systems (SoS) approach, allows systems to act independently or to interoperate based on the COOPERATE Neighbourhood Information Model (NIM). Summary

22 “All models are wrong but some are useful” George E.P Box (1978)

23 Thank you for your attention Want to know more? Come see us at our booths

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